HEROES - 2 Hour Premier Tonight @ 8PM EST

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

lol, sylar is only helping so that parkman will feel like he owes him his body back.
Honestly this showcases Sylar's acting ability. Zachary Quinto is a pretty good actor
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

sorry if i offend anyone, but i hope they kill off this deaf chick. either they make her magically speak, or get rid of her. i don't have time for sign language
Her and Peter have some storyline together I believe.Wish denied
just realized where I seen this gretchen girl... Californication...

and yea Heroes has fallen off. this is hard to watch
like i said whe the 1st show played sylar is going to take everything from this man he turnin it own mind aginest him
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

i disagree exec - that little trick sylar just played on parkman made things more interesting
Parkman has done a fine job making himself look crazy/ruining his own lifethroughout this series Sylar torturing him isn't that interesting imo
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by aceofjays

Yo what the F is this deaf chicks ability?

she can see sounds yeah, i know, completely useless
very much so...maybe her powers will evolve into something useful and if they do, they better do it fast or axe the ++#+%
This is a pretty bad episode of Heroes.

The Gretchen chick annoys me. I wanted to sock her in the face ever since that ep on Californication. The Haitian needs to mind wipe her quick, come on HRG.This chick remind me of that flying lame West

T-Bag's story isn't delivering, hope his motives are up to par.

No reason for this deaf chick to be in the story AT ALL. Seems she's being set up to be a sacrifice down the line.

Tonight: House >>>>>>>>> One Tree Hill >>>>>> Heroes
3rd episode was pretty boring...hope they pick it up a notch soon. And Seeing Sounds...waaaaaaaaaaacccccccccccccckk
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

uptempo - i just realised the HP quote in your sig

and i'm just as big a fan of Heroes as anybody, but this episode SUCKEDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean, i was literally asking myself, "What the hell did i just watch?" this wasn't even a filler. it added nothing to the storyline, gave us no new valuable information, and not a clue on what to expect further into the season (except sylar's gonna bug the hell out of parkman).

really, if they're smart, they'll just give sylar his body back or get this t-bag guys plot on and cracking
As much as a Heroes Stan I am....We need to let it died now and in a few years reboot it
you know why heroes is just soo horrible now, they have new characters every episode and they got away from the story of New York blowing up.
Originally Posted by Executive76

this back and forth between Sylar and Parkman has gotten old

For real.

I understand that Sylar is the "star' of the show... but I just think the writers got lazy and over-used him figuring that everyone would be happy tosee him in every other scene.

The Sylar over-kill has come at the expense of other character development.

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

I'm ready for them to off Claire... I'm tired of her. Seriously
I've BEEN saying this. Claire HAS to go. The writers/creators probably assume that Claire is the eye-candy that keeps some of the maleaudience interested.

But honestly, you can bring in damn near ANY pretty face and the male audience will be pleased.

For example:






Pretty faces are a dime a dozen in Hollywood. So they can easily off Claire and bring in some hot new snatch to replace her. IMO.

Claire's character is so got-damn repetitive and annoying. People gave the excuse that she was 16 and that's why she acted like a kid in previousseasons.

Well she's in college now and STILL acting like she did in season 1. That's what I call poor character development.

As for the deaf chick.... Her powers MIGHT be cool if they used it the way they did Dazzler in Marvel comics (minus the roller skates).


But at this point, I have little faith in the writers to make it happen.

I'm gonna stick it out and watch every week though.

The problem with the show right now is too much talking and not enough action.
I know.

But that's the point.

Instead of the writers/creators bringing in new eye-candy and establishing them as permanent characters, they somehow instead find a way to write off the moreinteresting eye-candy and keep wack #%@ Claire around.
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