HEROES - 2 Hour Premier Tonight @ 8PM EST

Yo, what the F is the deal with these circus "heroes"? Are they searching for members to replace acts or what?

And the ring leader? Does he have 2 abilities? Moving the earth and creating/altering print images.
They need to knock that Claire @!%+ out. Unless we getting a topless scene this lesbian bs needs to stop. I think the ink has dirt in it or he has 2abilities...The world may never know
I'm over Hiro's antics, and I really hope they kill him off.

I liked his character first season, it was written much better. But the whole storyline with him 2nd season going back in time I just hated. Plus his superherodreams just got old after awhile. It just was no longer compelling for me. And that's what the show seems to do, introduces an interesting concept orstory, and just can't keep up new or creative ways to continue it.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

They need to knock that Claire @!%+ out. Unless we getting a topless scene this lesbian bs needs to stop. I think the ink has dirt in it or he has 2 abilities...The world may never know
but that would contradict everything from overide's post (even though it was just a theory, it seems valid). i believe he puts the ink on the girl's back, and then her power is to make images out of it by looking for certain people and being able to tell why they're important.

and hiro is one of my favorite heroes, but please, just kill him off. i don't know how many episodes i can take of him trying to undo all the wrongs he's done
Only thing that stops that theory of her controlling it is when he starts to strangle Edgar the first episode with the tat hand.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

^ i forgot about that

so i guess he paints the ink on her back, and she tells him every thing he needs to know about the person painted. and i hope there's a tracy/noah romance storyline

and i thought tim kring said there was gonna be 2 companies this season? wth happened to that? and i can't wait to see what angela does when she finds out her old friend milly killed her only chance of having noah back.
I'm waiting for Angela to get got cause she's not need anymore. I'm actually surprised that Peter hasn't gone Superboy-Prime oneveryone after all the %@*% he's been thru

Of all the characters that have been effed over the most,

I feel for Hiro.

First season we catch a glimpse of how much of a bad ssa he is goin' to be in the future. Dude had a sleek look, cold demeanor, and a frakkin' sword!

Unfortunately, they never really took steps towards developing Hiro into FHiro.

Now it seems as if they're goin' with this idea that having the ability to control space and time is inherently detrimental to the person's health,i.e. that old dude in the carnival.


Julius F. Wrek
Originally Posted by Julius Wrek


Of all the characters that have been effed over the most,

I feel for Hiro.

First season we catch a glimpse of how much of a bad ssa he is goin' to be in the future. Dude had a sleek look, cold demeanor, and a frakkin' sword!

Unfortunately, they never really took steps towards developing Hiro into FHiro.

Now it seems as if they're goin' with this idea that having the ability to control space and time is inherently detrimental to the person's health, i.e. that old dude in the carnival.


Julius F. Wrek
He's not FHiro cause Ando is alive. Remember only reason he was cold was because he lost his best friend.

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

he wasn't supposed to fight a dinosaur. he was supposed to go to the museum where the sword was that happened to have the dinosaur in it. that was the significance of the dinosaur in isaac's painting.

Was there a dinosaur in the museum he was at? (after some thought, there is no way my original statement would've come to fruition, the budget wouldn'thave allowed for it i.e. that big battle between Peter and Sylar that they tease you with EVERYseason.

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by Julius Wrek


Of all the characters that have been effed over the most,

I feel for Hiro.

First season we catch a glimpse of how much of a bad ssa he is goin' to be in the future. Dude had a sleek look, cold demeanor, and a frakkin' sword!

Unfortunately, they never really took steps towards developing Hiro into FHiro.

Now it seems as if they're goin' with this idea that having the ability to control space and time is inherently detrimental to the person's health, i.e. that old dude in the carnival.


Julius F. Wrek
He's not FHiro cause Ando is alive. Remember only reason he was cold was because he lost his best friend.


I"m Mad!

FHiro>Comedic Hiro.

...its funny how he was conveniently given a power that would allow a character to travel back in time by running, to retrieve Hiro from the past in which hewas stranded.

The writing with this show has been so atrocious its upsetting.

Julius F. Wrek
Originally Posted by Julius Wrek


Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

he wasn't supposed to fight a dinosaur. he was supposed to go to the museum where the sword was that happened to have the dinosaur in it. that was the significance of the dinosaur in isaac's painting.

Was there a dinosaur in the museum he was at? (after some thought, there is no way my original statement would've come to fruition, the budget wouldn't have allowed for it i.e. that big battle between Peter and Sylar that they tease you with EVERY season.

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by Julius Wrek


Of all the characters that have been effed over the most,

I feel for Hiro.

First season we catch a glimpse of how much of a bad ssa he is goin' to be in the future. Dude had a sleek look, cold demeanor, and a frakkin' sword!

Unfortunately, they never really took steps towards developing Hiro into FHiro.

Now it seems as if they're goin' with this idea that having the ability to control space and time is inherently detrimental to the person's health, i.e. that old dude in the carnival.


Julius F. Wrek
He's not FHiro cause Ando is alive. Remember only reason he was cold was because he lost his best friend.


I"m Mad!

FHiro>Comedic Hiro.

...its funny how he was conveniently given a power that would allow a character to travel back in time by running, to retrieve Hiro from the past in which he was stranded.

The writing with this show has been so atrocious its upsetting.

Julius F. Wrek
yea there was a dinosaur. He stopped and did a cool pose and everything.

I honestly thought they was going to do some thing cool like when the was looking for the comic to find out where Hiro was, He was just going to walk intowhere they was 16 years older and cool as %+!@. That would have been awesome. He would have been Wise Hiro complete with sword and Kung fu grip

Maybe I need to be a Heroes Writer. I have plenty of ideas

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by Julius Wrek


Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

he wasn't supposed to fight a dinosaur. he was supposed to go to the museum where the sword was that happened to have the dinosaur in it. that was the significance of the dinosaur in isaac's painting.

Was there a dinosaur in the museum he was at? (after some thought, there is no way my original statement would've come to fruition, the budget wouldn't have allowed for it i.e. that big battle between Peter and Sylar that they tease you with EVERY season.

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by Julius Wrek


Of all the characters that have been effed over the most,

I feel for Hiro.

First season we catch a glimpse of how much of a bad ssa he is goin' to be in the future. Dude had a sleek look, cold demeanor, and a frakkin' sword!

Unfortunately, they never really took steps towards developing Hiro into FHiro.

Now it seems as if they're goin' with this idea that having the ability to control space and time is inherently detrimental to the person's health, i.e. that old dude in the carnival.


Julius F. Wrek
He's not FHiro cause Ando is alive. Remember only reason he was cold was because he lost his best friend.


I"m Mad!

FHiro>Comedic Hiro.

...its funny how he was conveniently given a power that would allow a character to travel back in time by running, to retrieve Hiro from the past in which he was stranded.

The writing with this show has been so atrocious its upsetting.

Julius F. Wrek
yea there was a dinosaur. He stopped and did a cool pose and everything.

I honestly thought they was going to do some thing cool like when the was looking for the comic to find out where Hiro was, He was just going to walk into where was 16 years older and cool as $%!%. That would have been awesome. He would have been Wise Hiro complete with sword and Kung fu grip


just read the Wiki.

I'll just go scrape this egg off my face now.

p.s. judging by past seasons, anybody could be a Heroes writer.

Julius F. Wrek
LOL yea but I would take it serious. I'd actually think about the whole season instead of episode by episode like they currently do (well it feels likethey do). Like I wouldn't have gave Sylar Claire's ability. I mean they basically negated the whole first season! And I would kill Sylar...only tobring him back 2-3 seasons later. I'd turn Peter evil or pull a DC and create an alternate universe so we can have a Peter vs Peter fight with him finallygetting the scar. Kill all the Petrelli's minus Pete. Bring new powers like a guy who can travel thru dimensions (think like sliders but no remote control)This would have been atleast 2-3 volumes worth. Have Evil Peter stay around killing off the Heroes have him be the big bad for those 2-3 volumes then when allseems lost...Sylar kills EPete and then the ultimate showdown of GPete vs Sylar...DBZ style. 3 straight episodes with them brawling Pete wins show ends.

LOL I'm just throwing +@+@ out my head without even thinking clearly about it

EDIT: And I forgot EPete will have Peter's OG power and GPete would get that back during their first fight
Wait what did I miss about the end of the last ep? I was flipping back to a good show(House) and last thing I remember is Nathan getting stabbed.

@ FHiro never coming to be.
I only missed the part where Sylar emerges from the ground and the part where the hitman does a lil overkill and shoots him a couple times

So what is this Sylar reborn? While his mind is still stuck in Parkman's head?

This aint drawing me back much tho. They really need to hope and pray that 2nd half of this season some LOST writers migrate to their show.
They need to straight up kidnap the LOST writers. Yea Sylar is still going to in Matt's head. He's still going to think he's Nathan...End this @++$ASAP. Let Nathan go...

EDIT: So I just finished reading the Graphic Novel for this week and it appears Lynda (Tattoo Girl) daughter has the powers of Spontaneous Combustion. Shemakes anything just blow up. Prolly won't ever grace the show...like all the other cool characters like The religious sandman. He was cool spitting bibleverses and killing agents during the fugitive stuff
or Sparrow who isa earth mover too. She was helping Micah with Rebel but of course only in the GNs. GNs are better than the show most the time.
What's this talk of S3 being great or amazing? 1st half was good. Shh fell off after Papa Petrelli died.

About the other stuff talked about they shouldn't have killed Adam/Kinsei either.
Definitely was a bad move killing Adam.

Cuz his character actually made sense.

The OG Heroes banished Adam but once he got free, he started looking for revenge by slowly killing the OG's off 1 by 1.

They could have done SOOOOOOO much with Adam being the "first" person with power. So many lost storylines....

It even made sense as to WHY Adam turned evil in the 1st place (thanks to Hiro).

Honestly, if I were a writer, I'd do something like this:

Continue the storyline of Hiro slowly dying everytime he uses his power.... Have him become more serious/in despair over his health.... Have him realize thathis health is so bad that he can probably only use his power one last time... He decides to "fix" everything... Since family is huge to Hiro, inhonor of his father's passing, his mother's death, and his love for his sister & Ando, he dresses in his Future Hiro get-up (complete with sword)and time travels back to season 1 when Peter first met Future Hiro. Obviously the message would be different. But that would be b/c Hiro wants to trigger achange in how things turned out. Basically he wants to create a "clean slate". In a nutshell, he would deliver a message that would cause Peter totrigger the events of S1 to happen (Manhattan explodes/gets destroyed). Or trigger some sort of event where most of the Heroes are wiped out. (Scarlet Witch:No more mutants)


His reason would be b/c people with powers (no matter how good their intentions are) couldn't be trusted to ALWAYS do the right thing. He has seen thedestruction that people like Sylar and his own father have wrought. So his reasoning (Hiro's) would be to wipe out most of these people from the face ofthe earth to prevent any further meddling or altering of what happens going forward.

That way, the writers can bring back certain characters (Issac? Simone? Papa P? Linderman? DL?) or reboot certain storylines (Adam? The Company?) or tweakcertain characters (Claire!! Mohinder? Micah?) so that they are less annoying/more interesting. My episode title or story-arc title would be "TheWhiteboard" or "Clean Slate".

Obviously there would be a few holes in that entire idea... But at least we'd get most of the good characters and ideas back.

They still have 5 more episodes to keep me interested or I'm done with it. This season has been eehh
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Ive already stopped watching it at its original air time.
i give this show one more episode before i delete it from my DVR schedule.
tonite another bad show. at least we see the deaf girl can control the soundwaves.
Heroes has been
since about season 2. Its also getting terrible ratings, I think its averagingonly about 5 million viewers. CBS likes to cancel shows that get below even sub 9million viewers. I'm surprised the show is still on air, guess its luckythat its on NBC.
I don't think that Claire's roommate is a lesbian I think that push girl pushed her towards Claire to move her away more.
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