Heroes Season Four Trailer Vol. Redemption


formerly toine2983
Dec 21, 2005
Based on the trailer this season looks interesting. I like the addition of Robert Knepper to cast.

Hopefully, Heroes can return to the
�that was season one.

This looks really, really good.

After season one, the series slipped a bit, but was still enjoyable.

Hopefully this season brings it back to excellence.
can't wait.....last season was a DISASTER!!!!!...hasn't been the same since the writersstrike
Originally Posted by TD The God

can't wait.....last season was a DISASTER!!!!!...hasn't been the same since the writers strike
Co-Sign. I couldn't even watch through last season. This season looks
Originally Posted by datdude87

when does it air?

--Monday September 21st.
--Season 3 wasnt bad. Wansnt great either. Villians was sick. Fugitives was alright. Nothing special.
i loved season 1 then season 2 was uneven but i gave them a pass cuz of the writers strike. then season 3 came and i went. i havent seen an episode since itcame back from its winter hiatus. this show is like a baseball prospect that wins rookie of the year then fades away but shows enough potential that itcontinually teases you. well this is a contract year for the show, it needs to step up
Too many plot holes last season. Probably will be the same with this season. Yet, I still will continue to watch the series.
They need to win me back this season.

I'll still support it til the end, but last season I just shook my head after some episodes and was annoyed I wasted an hour and had ZERO idea what justhappened. First season left me guessing and interested every episode, after that it's just been confusion and annoyance.

Season 2 dragged, Season 3 had good stories but just did too much at times.

Looking forward to a strong 4th.
i hated season 2 but i liked season 3.

honestly, this trailer for season 4 looks lame to me.
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