Hey NT, is 25 y/o too old to be living with your parents?

I know most people on here are to young to remember this show, but this thread reminds me of.....

I'm 26 and still living at home. I give my parents money every month for expenses and bills and stuff. I have a good paying job and I'm just savingmoney right now. I payed off all my student loans and I'm living well.

Me and my lady will be getting married in August and we are paying for it on our own because our parents aren't the richest of people. We will also bebuying a home in a couple of months.

Living at home is hard, don't get me wrong, but thats the only way we've been able to save up enough money for a wedding and a down payment on a home.Its going to benefit us in the long run because we are building equity, which I'm totally happy about.

Living at home has allowed me to travel the world, purchase a car cash (cause I didn't want a car payment) and save for my future. If you can live well at18 and pay your own way, hey more power to you. I'm happy with my situation and will be ecstatic when my future wife and I move into our own house soon.Thats when I will know it was all worth the hard work.
I just skimmed through like page 1-9. Some of the comments baffle me.25 is not old at all. Hell, if you want to have a time alone with a lil breezy, just rent a hotel room for the night. It's that simple. Lucky for me, myole girl dosent care if I bring a girl to the crib. Im working and going to school and I give a her a lil cash but I dont make much to begin with. Once Itransfer to a university, and graduate (I started coll. late) I figure I'll be about 25 so that's when I will possibly move along (key word, possibly).It's just me and my moms in the house anyway so everything is copasetic. If I gotta stay till Im like 27, I will. Im in NO hurry to leave.
Originally Posted by Da R Entertainment

Originally Posted by BLADE BR0WN

thank you.

im 25 @ home. I work a fulltime job. I give $200 a month for rent plus my family benefits with free cable and internet cause of my job so they like all those
perks with me being here anyways. while living home i got my car payed off, my car insurance went down cause i turned 25. the only bills i have each month is
my cellphone and college loans. no credit cards cause ive payed cash for all my things. so yea my bank is looking pretty nice right now which was my whole
point being here still. but i am also happy to say that im finally ready to move out in the next month or two.

I'm in almost the same situation...

I just turned 23, graduated in May '08, have a F/T job wit the govt, P/T just for extra $$ whenever...

I give my peoples $$ bi-weekly, and all that...

The thing I'm more concerned with is buying a new truck and getting a down payment for a house. However I only have my student loans and my phone bill in
my name, so I'm considering buyina a car 1st and then my down payment for a house...

I could've moved out a long time ago, but my peoples and I REFUSE to put any sort of $$ into an apartment... I'm not throwing away $$ that could go
into a HOUSE... Apartments are a waste of $$$ IMO unless you have to move into one...

I know people that move out into apartments and townhomes and STRUGGLE within a few months... I'm not tryina go that route, so I'm lookin into that

But like most people are saying... as long as you are productive, you should be good...
The same applies to owning a home as well. I use to think the same thing until I had the opportunity to rent a home from a family member and there is alot that goes along with owning a home. The maintenance is the key along with keeping the taxes paid on the property as well.

a lot of these dudes saying they moved out at 17 and never looked back
good for them i
bet 90% of them are living in the hood and will be there the rest of
their lives, and the other 10% are in so much debt their head is going
to explode.

I thought long and hard about owning a home or condo until I did the math and realized it's not even close to worth it. Property taxes alone are like$5000.00. If you buy a condo that's another $200.00 to $400.00 a month. That's okay, I'm good with renting. And on top of that, everyone who boughta house in the past 2 to 3 years would be on top if they rented by far. There were condos that I was feeling for a while but they were priced at $400,000 acouple years back. Now, they going for less than $300,000.

To answer the question, move out when you can but once you reach 25 it's time to start looking to move. My brother is 27 and still lives with moms. Myfriend is 28 and out of the NAVY for a year and lives with moms. Rediculus.
As I'm sure many have said (not trying to read through all the pages) it all depends on what you're doing in your life. As long as youre working fulltime or going to school full time, there are no worries. In Argentina kids stay with their parents until they get married, but they also have little pay by thehour hotels all over the place lol
Originally Posted by MF Doomer

We're in a depression period. Stay as long as possible.

Job market it crappy nowadays and to not have a college degree and move out is very stupid.

Me, I'm 24 and still in college. I thought about moving out but my job doesn't pay enough for me to move out on my own and I damn sure don't wannaspend my paycheck on bills.

Moving out of your parents house is for people who have their lives established (ie: college degree, a wife & kids... that sorta thing)
Everyone's situation is different and this economy isn't doing to well.

Better to stay home and save up cash than be one of those people that moves out too soon, plies up alot of debt and moves right back in with the folks

I read in here that some dude's father makes him pay $800.00 per month?!?!?!

say it aint so?!

with that price you can get you really nice 1 bedroom apt in my city.
There's plenty of scenarios that justify being 25 years old and still living with the parents.

- Just finished college

- Finished doing a bid

- Parents getting to "that age"

- Parents need help financially, physically, or just feeling alone

Now if a 25-year old finished college a long time ago, never did jailtime, with parents healthy and happily stacked with $$$ anywhere in their 40s - 60s,something is wrong.
Originally Posted by RHYTHMentality

There's plenty of scenarios that justify being 25 years old and still living with the parents.

- Just finished college

- Finished doing a bid

- Parents getting to "that age"

- Parents need help financially, physically, or just feeling alone

Now if a 25-year old finished college a long time ago, never did jailtime, with parents healthy and happily stacked with $$$ anywhere in their 40s - 60s, something is wrong.



Originally Posted by 703FlipFiend

Originally Posted by Flaming Hot Cheetos

Originally Posted by 703FlipFiend

I didn't feel like reading all 9 pages, but in the Filipino culture, it's completely normal. Our parents take care of us for a long time, and when they're old, we take care of them. We don't kick them to the curb into an old folks' home. Thankfully, we have a big enough home to house my parents, myself, my two brothers, their wives, and their 3 children total (aged 1 month, 3, and 4 years old). My oldest brother, his wife, and two babies are moving out in April though, but they're moving a few blocks away. I don't know. I guess Filipinos just like to stay tight knit for as long as we possibly can. I guess since life is so hard and money is so hard to come by in the Philippines, the trend and culture of staying in one house and helping one another just carried over to Filipinio families fortunate enough to have been able to migrate to America.
I feel ya Flipfiend .Im from guam and we just like filipinos.taking care of us and we gotta give back.See folks where we come from , were much more family oriented.Everyon helping eachother until we get ahead.But it does have its nicks and nacks.Thats just the way we do....besides , More money to buy kiks
if someone asks, i say, "im in a transition right now" LOL

but if i had a solid job, that i knew i wasnt gonna be laid off, i would move out and grind it out
I'm 26 and I still live at the crib by choice. My mom and I are both in college, and I have a sister still in high school. I told ma dukes a long time ago,I was not about to move, until I was well and ready. She doesn't have a problem with it because all it does is help her out. I basically just sleep andshower there anyways. Help moms with the arrands, bills, etc. I doesn't make sense to pay rent, for a place to visit.

I use to feel bad in a way like I need to move out a.s.a.p. I noticed I had friends move out, sooner or later they move back in, biting off too much, livingbeyond there means. So I don't question my decision. Seems like everyone else lives with a boyfriend or girlfriend. Yeah folks run there mouth aboutI'm too old to be living at home, but at the same time I'm like aren't you too old to be playing house. Live in couples have the worst break ups,especially if there is a lease and a baby involved. It can get pretty ugly.

I don't think it's a major deal, it's just what you choose to do. My brother from a different culture still lives at the crib, he's 34. Dudeloves his childhood home so much, be bought his parent a townhouse, now they're about to moved out. I think it comes down to parents, and familystructures. If my father was around who knows, I might of been out long ago. I've been the man of my house, before I hit puberty.
Originally Posted by 703FlipFiend

Originally Posted by Flaming Hot Cheetos

Originally Posted by 703FlipFiend

I didn't feel like reading all 9 pages, but in the Filipino culture, it's completely normal. Our parents take care of us for a long time, and when they're old, we take care of them. We don't kick them to the curb into an old folks' home. Thankfully, we have a big enough home to house my parents, myself, my two brothers, their wives, and their 3 children total (aged 1 month, 3, and 4 years old). My oldest brother, his wife, and two babies are moving out in April though, but they're moving a few blocks away. I don't know. I guess Filipinos just like to stay tight knit for as long as we possibly can. I guess since life is so hard and money is so hard to come by in the Philippines, the trend and culture of staying in one house and helping one another just carried over to Filipinio families fortunate enough to have been able to migrate to America.
Im not reading 9 pages either. Ima Flip too so I get that the whole family thing, but that's WAY too many people in one house
Hell yeah. I can't wait until they move out. I be getting woken up by them freakin' babies wailing. Got tired of it especially when I have no school.

Exactly. Infact, with a lot of "Eastern" cultures, it is this way. In my culture, you do not move out unless you are married. If you try to, in somefamilies with the parents, it creates rifts and they get really offended if you attempt to move out on your own.

In Western cultures, it is more about individualism rather than communitarianism. I think in some countries, this sense of individualism stems from thecapitalist way of life. It is about living on your own, fending off for yourself . This does not happen all the time, but I think it tends to bring about greedand selfishness since everyone is looking out for their own personal interests. I find that in the Eastern cultures, they tend to have stronger ties to thefamily unit and there is a stronger bond where people are looking out for each other and putting the interests of everyone on the table rather than justlooking out for their own.
Quote:Well i dont live in the hood nor am i in debt...so where does that put me? lets not get crazy im not balling. but i am doing pretty good for myself idlike to think.

What state do you live in? And doing good is all relative. I can be taking home 5 grand a month in NY and I'm lower middle class, I could be making 5 grandin Ohio and live like a king, but there is also a difference in whats available to me. Personally I live in NY, I see people all day living in the smallestcramped apt's paying crazy rent sharing the place with 5 other roommates its ridiculous. Also, if you moved out of your house at 17 what line of work areyou currently in? I know VERY VERY few people that moved out at an early age that went on to become successful homeowners with stable jobs, and family'sunless they cut a few corners if you catch my drift. It all depends what your standard of living is, and what state your living in, if your moving out at ayoung age the odds are against you its just common sense, there are also some people that go off to college after senior year and never come home but that onceagain is usually help from mommy and daddy which doesn't constitute "being on your own."(btw not saying thats you.)
Originally Posted by TimelessFlight

Originally Posted by undefinedinc

I'm 25 living at home as well. I'm in school working on my degrees so I can't work full time to pay rent. It depends what you are doing with your life...
I graduated college about a year and been looking for jobs left and right. Luckly I landed somewhere I like and enjoy working and also the pay is nice. Lately I've been thinking of going back to school to get my MBA.
Everyone works at their own pace so dont sweat it. As long as you have a game plan for your life yourstraight.
Originally Posted by undefinedinc

I'm 25 living at home as well. I'm in school working on my degrees so I can't work full time to pay rent. It depends what you are doing with your life...

co-sign. im 24 and i got recently laid off and was forced to move back home since i cant afford to live on my own. with the shape of the economy and all, lookslike ill be home for awhile as im working on grad school apps and hopefully going into grad school soon. man i miss living on my own.
If you're still in school and helping your parents around the crib then it's cool.

But if you're just being lazy and mooching off of them then it's messed up.
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