Hey NT, is 25 y/o too old to be living with your parents?

I bounced at 19.... Came back when at 23 , stayed for 9 months and haven't been back.. I know dudes who live at home still... Some do cuz they have to somedo it cuz they are lazy and scared to take on the challenge, which isn't hard at all... Get out the house and start your life
aight so i left at 19 BUT my oldest sis dipped at 26..the difference? when she dipped she BOUGHT a condo and a car. and still had money to vacay to japan. me?i had to live in some1 house. Now im living better now. nice like apt when the mrs. new car. paid off some debt. yea good things come 2 those who wait or whosieze it. u decide.
You know, I think its interesting that in the old days this wasn't even an issue but taken people will bat an eye if you tell them you still do. Idon't think there's anything wrong with it as long as your pulling your weight. But many people feel a need to have a place they can call their own,often when they really cant afford to. They say as things get worse more and more people will start moving back(already happening) in with their parents andthe number of people per household will increase. I think the notion that you need to be out by the time you "X" is silly and a more appropriate wayto gauge this is when can you truly afford it. Unfortunately not everyone is on their feed by 25 y/o nevermind financially stable so I don't see the bigdeal. And hell, if they decide they want to stay with their parents more power to them! Think back to when you were 17-19..hell even right now. Everyone hashad friends who just HAD to get out and they ended up moving right back in soon after when they realized they could afford. So basically what I'm sayingis, there really is no age that is "too old" in my opinion.
I'm 20 and still living at home but I got 40 G's banked, and I will be buying a house in mid/late summer as soon as I bank another 20 G's...thething I hate most is sneaking breazies in the back door, like no @#%%@ you can't meet my mom!
stay in your parents place AS LONG AS YOU CAN ... stack your bread until you feel comfortable moving out and have the means to ...
haha its 2009 there are alot of people still at home, i know a lot of people my age that had to move back in with their parents because they lost their jobs,(i live in new york) also, and we are talking about people age 26-32, a lot of these dudes saying they moved out at 17 and never looked back good for them ibet 90% of them are living in the hood and will be there the rest of their lives, and the other 10% are in so much debt their head is going to explode. Kidscoming out of college these days are in a crap load of debt, and get offered low paying jobs (majority). Some don't have any job coming out of college.Like some stated earlier in this thread it depends on where you live, if your living in New York/Long Island area, its damn near impossible for a 25 year oldto afford rent, student loans, gas, food, car payment/repairs, clothing, etc. Rent is usually 1600-skys the limit, get ready for roman noodles and tuna fishsandwhiches
I would say stack if you can we are in a deep deep recession, and its not going to get better anytime soon.
thank you.

im 25 @ home. I work a fulltime job. I give $200 a month for rent plus my family benefits with free cable and internet cause of my job so they like all those perks with me being here anyways. while living home i got my car payed off, my car insurance went down cause i turned 25. the only bills i have each month is my cellphone and college loans. no credit cards cause ive payed cash for all my things. so yea my bank is looking pretty nice right now which was my whole point being here still. but i am also happy to say that im finally ready to move out in the next month or two.

I'm in almost the same situation...

I just turned 23, graduated in May '08, have a F/T job wit the govt, P/T just for extra $$ whenever...

I give my peoples $$ bi-weekly, and all that...

The thing I'm more concerned with is buying a new truck and getting a down payment for a house. However I only have my student loans and my phone bill inmy name, so I'm considering buyina a car 1st and then my down payment for a house...

I could've moved out a long time ago, but my peoples and I REFUSE to put any sort of $$ into an apartment... I'm not throwing away $$ that could gointo a HOUSE... Apartments are a waste of $$$ IMO unless you have to move into one...

I know people that move out into apartments and townhomes and STRUGGLE within a few months... I'm not tryina go that route, so I'm lookin into thathouse...

But like most people are saying... as long as you are productive, you should be good...
Man u str8 its a recession
just get on the grind and have a plan for what you wanna do for the next five years
It ain't old..but like most said it depends on what you do! If you're sitting your +!$ at home & waiting around than it's foul...But if youpay your share into the crib and hold your own than it's fine! The only problem, you really have to deal with, is the fact the your privacy is minimal butif you can look past that than it's fine! I'm 24 and I live with my sister with her family, we have an equal share of bills paid and it'scomforting because it allows me to save a little bit of extra cash for the time when I have a family of my own...
I'm 22 on my own now luckily because i have a good job. But i can't tell you have many kids get in a hurry to jump out there, knowing they aren'tready, and end up living like $#%# and eventually going back home.
Originally Posted by BLADE BR0WN

thank you.

im 25 @ home. I work a fulltime job. I give $200 a month for rent plus my family benefits with free cable and internet cause of my job so they like all those perks with me being here anyways. while living home i got my car payed off, my car insurance went down cause i turned 25. the only bills i have each month is my cellphone and college loans. no credit cards cause ive payed cash for all my things. so yea my bank is looking pretty nice right now which was my whole point being here still. but i am also happy to say that im finally ready to move out in the next month or two.

I'm in almost the same situation...

I just turned 23, graduated in May '08, have a F/T job wit the govt, P/T just for extra $$ whenever...

I give my peoples $$ bi-weekly, and all that...

The thing I'm more concerned with is buying a new truck and getting a down payment for a house. However I only have my student loans and my phone bill in my name, so I'm considering buyina a car 1st and then my down payment for a house...

I could've moved out a long time ago, but my peoples and I REFUSE to put any sort of $$ into an apartment... I'm not throwing away $$ that could go into a HOUSE... Apartments are a waste of $$$ IMO unless you have to move into one...

I know people that move out into apartments and townhomes and STRUGGLE within a few months... I'm not tryina go that route, so I'm lookin into that house...

But like most people are saying... as long as you are productive, you should be good...

The same applies to owning a home as well. I use to think the same thing until I had the opportunity to rent a home from a family member andthere is alot that goes along with owning a home. The maintenance is the key along with keeping the taxes paid on the property as well.

a lot of these dudes saying they moved out at 17 and never looked back good for them i bet 90% of them are living in the hood and will be there the rest of their lives, and the other 10% are in so much debt their head is going to explode.
If you live in an expensive city like LA or NYC, that's easier said than done. Rent is expensive andhouses are equally expensive so you probably won't be living comfortably unless you have a well paying job.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

stay in your parents place AS LONG AS YOU CAN ... stack your bread until you feel comfortable moving out and have the means to ...

I somewhat agree. There's no need to rush. And dont listen to these NT'ers talking 'bout I moved at 17,18
. If you dont know NT likes toexagerrate and fantasize about things (women and lifestyle in particular).
a lot of these dudes saying they moved out at 17 and never looked back good for them i bet 90% of them are living in the hood and will be there the rest of their lives, and the other 10% are in so much debt their head is going to explode.

Well i dont live in the hood nor am i in debt...so where does that put me? lets not get crazy im not balling. but i am doing pretty good for myself id like tothink.
lol Kids who "moved out" at the age of 17 or so is probably dorming at some university being paid for by their parents. You get your privacy andfreedom but your parents are still providing you with shelter. I consider officially moving out when you're supporting yourself.

Too old? Depends what you're doing in life and your progress. Move at your own pace, as long as you aren't wasting away at home just mooching off them.
it really depends on where youre at...i graduated about a little less than a year ago and im still at home. while saving up i was able to buy a new whip andmaybe another year im lookin to move into a house....i dont want an apartment or a townhouse either...but rather my own home...i could have already left butwork is close by work so its not too much of a problem.
I'm 23 and graduated college about a year ago.

Just saving money at this point so I can move out of New York. The most expensive city in the US is not a good place to go out on your own for the first timeduring a recession.

It's all on when you're able to move out. You'll have a tough time if you try to meet some imaginary standard of when to move out. Move out whenyou can, not when society tells you that you have to.
Originally Posted by Flaming Hot Cheetos

Originally Posted by 703FlipFiend

I didn't feel like reading all 9 pages, but in the Filipino culture, it's completely normal. Our parents take care of us for a long time, and when they're old, we take care of them. We don't kick them to the curb into an old folks' home. Thankfully, we have a big enough home to house my parents, myself, my two brothers, their wives, and their 3 children total (aged 1 month, 3, and 4 years old). My oldest brother, his wife, and two babies are moving out in April though, but they're moving a few blocks away. I don't know. I guess Filipinos just like to stay tight knit for as long as we possibly can. I guess since life is so hard and money is so hard to come by in the Philippines, the trend and culture of staying in one house and helping one another just carried over to Filipinio families fortunate enough to have been able to migrate to America.
Im not reading 9 pages either. Ima Flip too so I get that the whole family thing, but that's WAY too many people in one house
Hell yeah. I can't wait until they move out. I begetting woken up by them freakin' babies wailing. Got tired of it especially when I have no school.
Originally Posted by undefinedinc

I'm 25 living at home as well. I'm in school working on my degrees so I can't work full time to pay rent. It depends what you are doing with your life...

going to school is the only excuse you should have for still living with your parents

at dude that said MOM... MEATLOAF
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