Hey NT, is 25 y/o too old to be living with your parents?

+!%# it. I'm living at home until I head off to which ever university I choose, which is probably gonna be fall 2010. Unless I stay close to home and hitPSU.
i don't think there is an age appropriate time to move out.

every scenario is different. everyone moves out for different reasons; comfort, privacy, independence, etc.

i moved out at about 6 months ago (23 years old), and i understand both sides, i can see why i stayed so long, and why i should've left years earlier.

no need to leave if you're not ready (as long as you are in a good situation), regardless of your age.
Originally Posted by 703FlipFiend

I didn't feel like reading all 9 pages, but in the Filipino culture, it's completely normal. Our parents take care of us for a long time, and when they're old, we take care of them. We don't kick them to the curb into an old folks' home. Thankfully, we have a big enough home to house my parents, myself, my two brothers, their wives, and their 3 children total (aged 1 month, 3, and 4 years old). My oldest brother, his wife, and two babies are moving out in April though, but they're moving a few blocks away. I don't know. I guess Filipinos just like to stay tight knit for as long as we possibly can. I guess since life is so hard and money is so hard to come by in the Philippines, the trend and culture of staying in one house and helping one another just carried over to Filipinio families fortunate enough to have been able to migrate to America.
Im not reading 9 pages either. Ima Flip too so I get that the whole family thing, but that's WAY too many people in one house
I got to cousins still living at home. One makes 70k a year. Both are saving up to help pay for their younger brothers med school education. Dude is currentlyattending cal. Not to mention they ain't out there spendng money on frivolous things. So yea I guess it's okay depending on the circumstances.
Yo, I bounced at 17...I was ahead of my time. Here in Italy, cats be in their 40's still living with their parents. Don't know what part of the gamethat is....I couldn't do it.
Originally Posted by Prowler 23

Yes it def. is , I moved out at the age of 17 , right after HS. Moved back in at the age of 20 but was out again by 22 and have not looked back. Im currently visiting my mom In NC but almost everyday I remember why I left so quickly , you def. need you NEED privacy @ that age.
Im 21 and counting the days till im out again. I think the only reason im back is cause I moved out to early, w/out saving up enough + losing jobsFTL
Originally Posted by wj4

I'm 23 and still living at home. I give my mom $500 a month just for kicks. I get along with my parents well so I don't have a reason to move out now. The only people I know that are around my age that moved out are living paycheck to paycheck and that's not how I want to live. I'll move out when I either have 20% for a down payment or if I need to relocate for a job.

thank you.

im 25 @ home. I work a fulltime job. I give $200 a month for rent plus my family benefits with free cable and internet cause of my job so they like all thoseperks with me being here anyways. while living home i got my car payed off, my car insurance went down cause i turned 25. the only bills i have each month ismy cellphone and college loans. no credit cards cause ive payed cash for all my things. so yea my bank is looking pretty nice right now which was my wholepoint being here still. but i am also happy to say that im finally ready to move out in the next month or two.
My sister is 25 on her 5 year of college. Im 20 still here, i figure 21 or 22 im gonna step. Maybe even this year.

My boys getting his parent two story 4 bedroom pretty new house cause his parent are moving to maryland. So rents going to be 200 between 3 people, his parentare paying 400 still while we live there.

I think an 05 or 04 house.
I'm 20 and in school was suppose to move out in the fall when I was staying with my pops, but moved back to Atlanta, but plan on getting out when I'm21 or 22 whenever I save enough, but I refuse to stay past 22
of course its not too old.... depends what are doing. If you are a student then of course its okay. If you are just out of college, then again its fine... youare trying to establish yourself.

Now if you are just working at a regular cheesy job (i.e anything not a career job) then you should put a move on it... and get that going.

Dont listen to these people that say you are too old and say they "moved out when they were 17 or 19 ..." you should ask them what they are doingwith their lives though. If you moved out at 17, never went to college or dont have your degree by the time you are 26 (a whole 8 years post high school sothere is NO excuse) then you my friend should have stayed home and went to school. thats just me though, i value education to the MAX.

of course i am talking about those that moved out by choice, just to be "independent"....

i understand not everyone may be priveledged enough to have support. Plenty of my friends were sort of forced to move out because of issues at home, i.e anegative environment at home or just got kicked out at 18. So all in all, i think it depends on your situation.
moved out at 20, but moved back in and i'm 25. my mom retired early, got divorced, and was left to live alone in her crib. now, i'm paying for most ofthe bills and keeping my mom company especially since she was diagnosed with cancer. i love my mom and am proud to live at home at 25.
^ stay strong man..

if anything at 25 you should be able to live by yourself monetarily. i see it as a range of being set than just making a mistake.
im 21 now im jus waiting til i cop all my furniture first before i move out so i dont have to worry bout it later cause its gonna be hard enough jus stayin bymyself and payin all the bills on my own but i can afford it im jus affriad to move out too early and come back thats kind of one of my biggest fears
If I am 25 and still living with my parents, ( I am 20 now living with my parents), I have to be the main provider of the family, meaning I pay the bills, andthen it is okay
For me it would be too old. I got my own place at age 20, but its not really a bad thing. I would just lose my mind if I had to live with my mom at that age.The biggest thing would be with females. When you have your own crib at a young age the possibilties are endless, and its great to truly be the one in charge.
Enh, 25 is too old, but it's hard times out here so if your living under a roof your doing good.
yeah thats way too old. i got kicked out at 13. bounced around from family to basketball team mates homes. went off to college at 17...living on my own since.oh yeah im 23
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