Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Bro isolated in his room and went out for bathroom only. After he used it he would spray Microban or Lysol and let it sot for a few before anyone used it. Also used a mask and sprayed the floor in the bathroom as well and the pathway leading to his room, also flusher, sink and shower curtains/shower when he was done. He probably only showered a few times, not daily during it all.

Plates we’d just wash normally as soap is sufficient and clothing he just let sit in his hamper and honestly didnt touch it til a week or so after he tested negative. When he did finally test negative he just sprayed the **** out of his room with the Microban so nothing residual spreads. Also if I got him Wendys or whatever he’d eat, leave the garbage back outside his room and id just pick it up with gloves and throw it out.

Honestly it wasnt bad, and his room is next to mine. I have to pass it if I wanna leave the crib. Again, helped he wasnt coughing much if it all after he got diagnosed. Whats funny is that he was coughing more BEFORE and I told him dont be spread that **** if you got it and lo and behold...
i would have been an absolute mess staying int he room next to him. Legit might have stayed in my car :rofl:
NYT: The nation’s top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, delivered a grim assessment of the devastation wrought around the world by the coronavirus, describing Covid-19 on Tuesday as his “worst nightmare” — a new, highly contagious respiratory infection that causes a significant rate of illness and death. “In a period of four months, it has devastated the whole world,” Dr. Fauci told biotech executives during a conference held by the Biotechnology Innovation Organization. “And it isn’t over yet.”

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i was going to have my first non-home cooked meal today (In-N-Out) but then came in here and now I'm unsure


From my POV, this virus pandemic ain't stopping me from eating at my favorite places that are still offering takeout/pickup for their stuff. It isn't too much of a nuisance to "re-heat" food items after you pick them up from your favorite restaurant, just to ensure added protection of viral spread to the food.

At the same time, I'm also taking note which one of my food spots are taking this virus pandemic seriously AND practicing all the necessary standardized precautions and which places are are NOT. Thankfully enough, most of the places I've been ordering take out from (fast-food places included) have been masked up and using their PPE appropriately.

But I will admit, I am cooking more often than before this virus pandemic occurred.........even picking up food from my favorite spots DON'T have the same feeling as "eating at my favorite spots." One can only eat "delivered/picked up" Pho from your local Vietnamese spot for so long without missing the ol' feeling of eating that same Pho bowl at the local spot itself with all the necessary condiments and stuff (TAKEOUT PORTIONS of CONDIMENTS JUST DON'T FEEL THE SAME).
Well, when your immunocompromised from having a liver transplant, then yeah, I'm a little scared of catching this thing and the damage it can do to me (which to a transplant patient, is HUGE)! Hell, I'm A LOT scared!! Don't judge me and say it's "sad that I'm not living my life" as you don't know the circumstances one has to take. Welcome to my reality!! If your a healthy person, just thank your lucky stars you don't have to deal with this like myself and others who are classified as high risk. Don't be judgemental as you don't know why people have to do what they have to do to stay safe!

I feel you on this. Close friend of mine is heavily immunocompromised (I'm quite the opposite), and she only trusts ME to take her to the hospital tomorrow to get her staples out from her surgery because she knows I'll: disinfect the interior of my car even though I got it sanitized three weeks ago, will wear a mask before I get into the car and on the drive to get her and not remove it until I drop her off, and have Lysol disinfectant spray on hand and only run the A/C on circulate. lol

People have been so ******* rude towards immunocompromised people during all this and it makes me sick. No pun intended.
Since my friend can't have a baby shower, her fam is organizing for people to drive by her house. We can yell, honk our horns, gonna have tables set up on the curb with food and drinks for us to grab. Might go. Dunno if people will recognize me since I look like I've been living in the wilderness.
Over here dominos and pizza hut taste pretty damn good. I always hate on little caesar's but then someone brought over a meat lover's pie and bread sticks (bread sticks were always fire) and I was shocked the pizza was tasty.
Since my friend can't have a baby shower, her fam is organizing for people to drive by her house. We can yell, honk our horns, gonna have tables set up on the curb with food and drinks for us to grab. Might go. Dunno if people will recognize me since I look like I've been living in the wilderness.

I hope people are respectful and stay in their cars. I've been to a few of those drive by parties and the actions have been mixed. One (at my brother's house) was a full on party with people hanging out in the front yard, no masks, no distancing. They acted like it wasn't their intention, but they're the idiots who set up tables and had a shave ice truck (worker making snowcones without a mask) to serve the kids. I drove up and saw that madness and kept on driving...
I hope people are respectful and stay in their cars. I've been to a few of those drive by parties and the actions have been mixed. One (at my brother's house) was a full on party with people hanging out in the front yard, no masks, no distancing. They acted like it wasn't their intention, but they're the idiots who set up tables and had a shave ice truck (worker making snowcones without a mask) to serve the kids. I drove up and saw that madness and kept on driving...
Maybe it'll be like Sonic and we just eat and drink in our cars. I need one of those food trays to put on my door. Most of their friends and fam are nurses and doctors and been pretty good with social distancing. Friends have even had to stay away from their kids to be safe.
Since my friend can't have a baby shower, her fam is organizing for people to drive by her house. We can yell, honk our horns, gonna have tables set up on the curb with food and drinks for us to grab. Might go. Dunno if people will recognize me since I look like I've been living in the wilderness.

bro people not recognizing you is the best and funniest part
I feel you on this. Close friend of mine is heavily immunocompromised (I'm quite the opposite), and she only trusts ME to take her to the hospital tomorrow to get her staples out from her surgery because she knows I'll: disinfect the interior of my car even though I got it sanitized three weeks ago, will wear a mask before I get into the car and on the drive to get her and not remove it until I drop her off, and have Lysol disinfectant spray on hand and only run the A/C on circulate. lol

People have been so ****ing rude towards immunocompromised people during all this and it makes me sick. No pun intended.

Hey buddy, thanks for the kind words. I hope your friend is doing well. I had over 70 staples from my transplant back in 2003 and I know how they feel and how badly one wants them removed ASAP!

Your definitely right through. Some people just don't get how vulnerable people like myself (immunocompromised) are. I read up on how bad this virus is for people like me and the medical info reads like a horror novel! Internal organs shutting down, arteries messed up, etc. Scary stuff. Again, give your friend my well wishes on a speedy recovery! Just tell her, she will feel better. It just takes some time. 👍👍🙏🙏
If they're masked up you're probably fine, but only you can decide if that burger is worth the added anxiety...

My co-worker went to the In-n-Out by our office a couple of weeks ago. Said he couldn't believe that non of the employees were wearing masks anymore. It's a drive-thru type only location.
My co-worker went to the In-n-Out by our office a couple of weeks ago. Said he couldn't believe that non of the employees were wearing masks anymore. It's a drive-thru type only location.

As someone who planned on eating In-N-Out for dinner tonight

what ******* in-n-out is this so I know not to go there
Did anyone's barber jack up the price of a haircut once things in your city started to open back up?

My barber added on an extra $10 bringing the total to $45 which I find to be offensive. I realize that he lost money due to Covid but now he's taking that out on customers? Seems short sighted to me.

Anyone else experiencing something like this?
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