Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Late July is a long time away. They will not restart the season if the situation is deemed unsafe. IIRC, they suspended the season before any states had even taken action yet...

Only 6ix weeks away.
If they suspended the season before any states took action then your helping me state my point. If they had enough information from a reliable source to stop before the "shutdown" then they also have enough information from a reliable source to restart the season.
Question for you guys: Will we see another lockdown if cases spike dramatically - similar to March / April levels? It’s something I’ve been thinking about and I don’t see it happening for a few reasons.

First off, I think the lockdown we just went through was obviously unprecedented but also took a major toll on so many people. Asking people to halt their lives as they knew it, not leave their house unless it’s a grocery store or a target/Walmart or something “essential”, and telling them they can’t interact with other human beings at all. Forcing 40 million people out of work, unemployment benefits not reaching people for weeks and months on end, depression and suicide rates spiking dramatically as people lose a sense of purpose from not working and many who live alone and maybe away from their family suffer from extreme isolation. Then there’s the impact on the local and national economy as over 50% of small businesses don’t expect to be open in 6 months. There there’s the civil and political unrest over George Floyd and subsequently policing. I mean, a large part of the reason the protests exploded so rapidly is because the lockdown exposed so many of this country’s flaws and with no sports or going to bars or out with friends to distract them, many people have been hyper focused on politics.

Plus, you have a lot of people lowering their fear over the virus as we’ve learned more about it and people realize they aren’t going to drop dead when they go to the grocery store. Especially now that the WHO is claiming asymptomatic people rarely spread the virus, however true that actually is. People not gonna take this seriously enough to comply with another lockdown.

Despite how you feel about reopening and the side effects, I don’t think another round of lockdowns is going to sit well with majority of this country nor do I think it’s enforceable without martial law. Unsettling enough, though, we’re already starting to see martial law being put in place in response to these protests and rioting.

Nonetheless, weird times are upon us and on the horizon.

good or bad a

and the thing is the change is going on right now
Especially now that the WHO is claiming asymptomatic people rarely spread the virus
see my post that's right above yours.

to your bigger point -- lockdown or no lockdown, we have modified many behaviors that will avoid spreading the virus like we did in March. more people are working from home, people are wearing masks, people are avoiding crowds, big gatherings are cancelled or postponed. most of these things will persist throughout this next year.

combined with more frequent testing, we should be in a much better spot this fall.

that said, restaurants, bars, theaters, travel, etc. are all taking a hit through 2021, lockdown or no lockdown.
Question for you guys: Will we see another lockdown if cases spike dramatically - similar to March / April levels? It’s something I’ve been thinking about and I don’t see it happening for a few reasons.

First off, I think the lockdown we just went through was obviously unprecedented but also took a major toll on so many people. Asking people to halt their lives as they knew it, not leave their house unless it’s a grocery store or a target/Walmart or something “essential”, and telling them they can’t interact with other human beings at all. Forcing 40 million people out of work, unemployment benefits not reaching people for weeks and months on end, depression and suicide rates spiking dramatically as people lose a sense of purpose from not working and many who live alone and maybe away from their family suffer from extreme isolation. Then there’s the impact on the local and national economy as over 50% of small businesses don’t expect to be open in 6 months. There there’s the civil and political unrest over George Floyd and subsequently policing. I mean, a large part of the reason the protests exploded so rapidly is because the lockdown exposed so many of this country’s flaws and with no sports or going to bars or out with friends to distract them, many people have been hyper focused on politics.

Plus, you have a lot of people lowering their fear over the virus as we’ve learned more about it and people realize they aren’t going to drop dead when they go to the grocery store. Especially now that the WHO is claiming asymptomatic people rarely spread the virus, however true that actually is. People not gonna take this seriously enough to comply with another lockdown.

Despite how you feel about reopening and the side effects, I don’t think another round of lockdowns is going to sit well with majority of this country nor do I think it’s enforceable without martial law. Unsettling enough, though, we’re already starting to see martial law being put in place in response to these protests and rioting.

Nonetheless, weird times are upon us and on the horizon.

I agree with everything you said, but future policies will need to be enacted by state and local governments. The federal government has already said it won't mandate a lockdown (which it never did in the first place). If I had to guess, I'd say there will be lockdowns of some sort within the next several months in some states/counties/cities where medical facilities become overwhelmed. I hate to see how quickly we are moving from stay at home orders to fully open. It really gives the general public the wrong impression that the virus no longer poses a threat.
Only 6ix weeks away.
If they suspended the season before any states took action then your helping me state my point. If they had enough information from a reliable source to stop before the "shutdown" then they also have enough information from a reliable source to restart the season.

Their reliable source was a player who tested positive and potentially infected many others. Their current plans are based on the downward trend of infection rates several weeks ago. It's a weak plan at best and all it will take is one player, coach, ref, facility employee, contact, etc to test positive and the whole experiment will be over.
With all that said, I miss basketball and truly hope it all works out!
you shouldn’t have to explain yourself If people don’t understand Then they don’t Care

take care of your self bro none of us are safe from this

Thanks buddy. Dude I quoted is an ignorant ***! I'm still home on disability as I just don't feel safe going back to work (I work with the public in auto sales, so I have ZERO clue if people coming in are healthy or not). He should seriously think before he speaks!
Supplying equipment to the frontline workers instead

What you guys think of those face shields? I've already seen instances of restaurants outfitting their employees (especially servers and cashiers) with shields instead of masks so they are able to be easily heard/understood. It is my opinion that the shields are not an effective method of respiratory protection because air freely travels underneath the shield to/from the mouth and nose, so ideally they would only be used in combination with masks to provide an additional layer of protection, primarily to the eyes.
What you guys think of those face shields? I've already seen instances of restaurants outfitting their employees (especially servers and cashiers) with shields instead of masks so they are able to be easily heard/understood. It is my opinion that the shields are not an effective method of respiratory protection because air freely travels underneath the shield to/from the mouth and nose, so ideally they would only be used in combination with masks to provide an additional layer of protection, primarily to the eyes.

The shields SHOULD be complementary alongside a face mask, especially in those public businesses such as restaurants and/or hair groom places.

If someone is using those face shields BY ITSELF without any other nose & mouth protection along with it, then they using it wrong.
The shields SHOULD be complementary alongside a face mask, especially in those public businesses such as restaurants and/or hair groom places.

If someone is using those face shields BY ITSELF without any other nose & mouth protection along with it, then they using it wrong.

That's exactly what I thought, but where I've seen them used in public (even seen some at Target) there was NO mask.
That's exactly what I thought, but where I've seen them used in public (even seen some at Target) there was NO mask.

Was it a store employee using it incorrectly?

Or was it a random *** customer/individual? 'Cuz if it was this one, then they are the same naive KARENs that ******* walk around with rubber gloves and never take them off when trying to put something towards their face/mouth.
Was it a store employee using it incorrectly?

Or was it a random *** customer/individual? 'Cuz if it was this one, then they are the same naive KARENs that ****ing walk around with rubber gloves and never take them off when trying to put something towards their face/mouth.

At Target it was customers who probably thought they were on that next level protection wave. I've seen restaurants posting pics of their servers trying to advertise that they're open for business and keeping the public safe, with shields and no masks (cute smiles though!). When I got take out last weekend, the lady who brought the food to my car had on a shield with no mask and it didn't sit right with me...
When I got take out last weekend, the lady who brought the food to my car had on a shield with no mask and it didn't sit right with me...

I'd go to the Yelp page of that business and criticize that **** on blast AND see what happens if they respond.
Ordered from Dominos 2 weeks ago and the ****ing receipt was left INSIDE the pizza box. The delivery guy had no mask on and looked stoned out his mind.
Filed a complaint online and haven't heard ****.

Non issue at any other time, but god damn during a pandemic these idiots really doing this

For bigger brand name businesses like Domino and the like, I just stop ordering/going to that specific place where the "negligence" occurred and go to their competitors instead.

And if their competitors also has the same DUMB NEGLIGENCE ATTITUDE, then I'm supporting a local small business restaurant that does AND boycotting them both (even if the pies from either Dominos and Pizza Hut be decent)
I'd go to the Yelp page of that business and criticize that **** on blast AND see what happens if they respond.

I guess that's just not how I was built because I accept half the fault for ordering takeout in the first place, and the other half for not rolling up my window and driving away when I saw what was going on. Yes, the restaurant should be doing their part to protect customers and employees, but I'm willing to bet they think they're doing the most by putting shields on their workers. It would probably be more effective for me to call and speak with the manager to let him/her know that the shield isn't going to achieve what they probably assume it is.

EDIT: this is part of a local 3 restaurant group this is very popular in my town and I would have thought they'd know better
Feedback is very important to small businesses, especially during this pandemic. So "if you that close to the local restaurant owner," your idea sounds better.

I'm speaking more from the perspective of someone that "isn't as close" to a local small restaurant owner as others
(I am close to the owner of this local Vietnamese Pho spot near my crib, so I always let him know what's up at times........so I'd never go the Yelp route on him)
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