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Did anyone's barber jack up the price of a haircut once things in your city started to open back up?

My barber added on an extra $10 bringing the total to $45 which I find to be offensive. I realize that he lost money due to Covid but now he's taking that out on customers? Seems short sighted to me.

Anyone else experiencing something like this?
Dude prob needs the money. He should notify people before they get their cut though so they have a chance to leave if they believe the new prices are too high.
Did anyone's barber jack up the price of a haircut once things in your city started to open back up?

My barber added on an extra $10 bringing the total to $45 which I find to be offensive. I realize that he lost money due to Covid but now he's taking that out on customers? Seems short sighted to me.

Anyone else experiencing something like this?
Made an appt over the phone with mine for this Saturday morning. Hope they didn’t raise the price. Lol.
From my POV, this virus pandemic ain't stopping me from eating at my favorite places that are still offering takeout/pickup for their stuff. It isn't too much of a nuisance to "re-heat" food items after you pick them up from your favorite restaurant, just to ensure added protection of viral spread to the food.

At the same time, I'm also taking note which one of my food spots are taking this virus pandemic seriously AND practicing all the necessary standardized precautions and which places are are NOT. Thankfully enough, most of the places I've been ordering take out from (fast-food places included) have been masked up and using their PPE appropriately.

But I will admit, I am cooking more often than before this virus pandemic occurred.........even picking up food from my favorite spots DON'T have the same feeling as "eating at my favorite spots." One can only eat "delivered/picked up" Pho from your local Vietnamese spot for so long without missing the ol' feeling of eating that same Pho bowl at the local spot itself with all the necessary condiments and stuff (TAKEOUT PORTIONS of CONDIMENTS JUST DON'T FEEL THE SAME).
Since covid broke out in NY i've probably only ate takeout food three times. The rest of the times have been home cooked food
went to ikea today. like inside the store. was a breeze. stuff was pretty organized and people were mindful.
will not be shopping at any stores on weekends tho

watch me lose my sense of smell in 6 days
Swear I got it. Low fever all day, exploding headache, sore throat and occasional body aches.
I got the flu in feb so I doubt that’s what it is. Looking for the toes and loss of taste and smell

Get tested to make sure keep your head up
Made an appt over the phone with mine for this Saturday morning. Hope they didn’t raise the price. Lol.

Y’all paying 45 for cuts that’s absurd I get my cut with the beard 30 tip included . If ur barber increases prices find a new barber paying 50 a cut is crazy especially if you get a cut every 10-14 days . What’s the barber gonna do when the epidemic ends go back down to his normal prices .
Did anyone's barber jack up the price of a haircut once things in your city started to open back up?

My barber added on an extra $10 bringing the total to $45 which I find to be offensive. I realize that he lost money due to Covid but now he's taking that out on customers? Seems short sighted to me.

Anyone else experiencing something like this?
My barber didn’t go up but I fully expected him too. I still hit him up with a big tip. I don’t think your barber going up in price is that bad considering he has to go through masks and take different cleaning measures for the shop. What if he gets infected? I’m sure dude has to put together a better plan for his medical bills and such. There are also probably less barbers in your city now, so a good quality covid free haircut is worth more.
Westwood In-N-Out is all good.

The girl who handed us our food was wearing a mask that pretty much covered her whole face lol
Y’all paying 45 for cuts that’s absurd I get my cut with the beard 30 tip included . If ur barber increases prices find a new barber paying 50 a cut is crazy especially if you get a cut every 10-14 days . What’s the barber gonna do when the epidemic ends go back down to his normal prices .
I didn't say I was paying LOL. I said he raised the prices.

Finding a quality barber is no easy task.

My barber didn’t go up but I fully expected him too. I still hit him up with a big tip. I don’t think your barber going up in price is that bad considering he has to go through masks and take different cleaning measures for the shop. What if he gets infected? I’m sure dude has to put together a better plan for his medical bills and such. There are also probably less barbers in your city now, so a good quality covid free haircut is worth more.

Eh. My barber works 3 days a week. Work 5, 6 or 7 days. Don't try to price gouge. He isn't the only one hurting from the pandemic.

If there are in fact less barbers, raise the new client price. Don't jack up the price on your loyal customers that had been coming years before Covid.
First day our restaurants opened back up and went and got Korean BBQ.

NYT: The nation’s top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, delivered a grim assessment of the devastation wrought around the world by the coronavirus, describing Covid-19 on Tuesday as his “worst nightmare” — a new, highly contagious respiratory infection that causes a significant rate of illness and death. “In a period of four months, it has devastated the whole world,” Dr. Fauci told biotech executives during a conference held by the Biotechnology Innovation Organization. “And it isn’t over yet.”

Nothing new here, why even make a statement like this honestly.
Dude prob needs the money. He should notify people before they get their cut though so they have a chance to leave if they believe the new prices are too high.
I heard of them doing that to new customers. Their older clientele would stay the same price.
My barber was doing house calls during quarantine and we would break him off with extra for the drive etc.
Now it’s back go normal was kinda weird paying him normal , I been thinking about sliding him some extra .
For what it’s worth my brother in law is a barber he said his boss is Jacking up the prices at the shop
But he’s going to keep it the same for his customers cause he doesn’t think it’s fair.
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