Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Bruh, if Trump catches covid-19?

It’d simply be...

extremely happy I didnt pay a ton on resale tickets to see Rage Against the Machine for the next month. I was gonna go to 3-4 different ones out of state. I would not have gone. Passed on the Lakers/Clippers game because I dont want to be at any sporting events for a while.
Haven't seen this in here. Does anyone know what they are dying from? Lack of oxygen? Everyone's just been saying they died from the coronavirus. That isn't helping.

I saw the day to day symptoms post a page back. That seems like a severe case of the flu. But what's concerning is not everyone has access to an IV or oxygen machine.

I bet there are millions who have it and we'll never know.

The Olympics are about to be cAncelled If we dont see changes/progress by April
Haven't seen this in here. Does anyone know what they are dying from? Lack of oxygen? Everyone's just been saying they died from the coronavirus. That isn't helping.

I saw the day to day symptoms post a page back. That seems like a severe case of the flu. But what's concerning is not everyone has access to an IV or oxygen machine.
Sounds like the cause of death would likely be hypoxia from acute respiratory failure.

The condition is actually pretty mild for the vast majority of those afflicted though.
I’m still sitting on my tickets for Lakers/OKC when we’re *supposed* to be out in Anaheim in April. Subconsciously I’m holding out hope that we’re still gonna make that trip, knowing damn well things won’t be better by then. :smh: :smh:

Still haven’t canceled though, as I’m hoping something will trigger Delta to allow us to change flights without their $200 change fee. It’s crazy how they’re working with folks who buy tickets this month, but if I bought them last month I’m SOL even though I’m visiting the same potentially COVID19-infected area? Ridiculous.
Haven't seen this in here. Does anyone know what they are dying from? Lack of oxygen? Everyone's just been saying they died from the coronavirus. That isn't helping.

I saw the day to day symptoms post a page back. That seems like a severe case of the flu. But what's concerning is not everyone has access to an IV or oxygen machine.

I bet there are millions who have it and we'll never know.

The Olympics are about to be cAncelled If we dont see changes/progress by April
Is it mostly elderly?
80+ with a pre existing conditions has a mortality rate of like 20%

Other than that, of the 22 us deaths (out of 500 cases), I believe half are from that life care center (which already has 3-7 deaths per month).

Sadly this feels like it's simply expediting older folks death date by a few months. The media makes it seem like if you have it, your automatically going to die.
Conexpo; the largest construction convention in the world is happening right now in Vegas. No cancellations as far as I can see. They anticipate 130,000 attendees.

Stay safe out there
Haven't seen this in here. Does anyone know what they are dying from? Lack of oxygen? Everyone's just been saying they died from the coronavirus. That isn't helping.

I saw the day to day symptoms post a page back. That seems like a severe case of the flu. But what's concerning is not everyone has access to an IV or oxygen machine.

I bet there are millions who have it and we'll never know.

The Olympics are about to be cAncelled If we dont see changes/progress by April
I posted a link yesterday I think that explains how it goes from your nose/sinuses to your lungs and becomes fatal. It’s the only explanation I’ve seen.
extremely happy I didnt pay a ton on resale tickets to see Rage Against the Machine for the next month. I was gonna go to 3-4 different ones out of state. I would not have gone. Passed on the Lakers/Clippers game because I dont want to be at any sporting events for a while.

They better not change the one in DC either :lol:


80+ with a pre existing conditions has a mortality rate of like 20%

Other than that, of the 22 us deaths (out of 500 cases), I believe half are from that life care center (which already has 3-7 deaths per month).

Sadly this feels like it's simply expediting older folks death date by a few months. The media makes it seem like if you have it, your automatically going to die.

I believe 16 of the deaths are from that nursing home
My immunity kit:
  • Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate is easiest on stomach. 1,000-3,000 mg)
  • Vitamin D3, 8,000 IU
  • Zinc, 30 mg a day (I like the GNC brand. 5.99 and highly absorbable.)
  • Lion’s Mane mushroom powder
  • Selenium (50 - 100 mcg)
There are other supplements to consider but all these with exception to the Lion's Mane are cheap. 50 cents/day total.

Please share with your friends and family. Masks/Sanitizers won't build up your immunity.
My immunity kit:
  • Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate is easiest on stomach. 1,000-3,000 mg)
  • Vitamin D3, 8,000 IU
  • Zinc, 30 mg a day (I like the GNC brand. 5.99 and highly absorbable.)
  • Lion’s Mane mushroom powder
  • Selenium (50 - 100 mcg)
There are other supplements to consider but all these with exception to the Lion's Mane are cheap. 50 cents/day total.

Please share with your friends and family. Masks/Sanitizers won't build up your immunity.


Fresh is great too! My wife bought some at WF...thought they were Chinchillas :lol:

I also take ACV to boost my acidity & take probiotics for immune health.
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