Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Better to be stuck at home, than stuck relying on the contents of a mini bar.

This is developing day to day and better safe than sorry is not "panicking."

Yep. This is where I’m at with it all. I’m not too concerned with the virus—my fam is all healthy so we should be good there. I just don’t want to get stuck somewhere else and then have to deal with the hassle of missing work, having to use my leave on a quarantine and the costs associated with being held up somewhere other than my crib.
My place of work becoming some sort of epicenter for this bull**** ain’t it chief, at least now we are using the proper isolation techniques to reduce exposure, still freaks me out to gown up head to toe, n95, face shield, head cap, etc just to draw some blood....officially staying away from mom and grandma till further notice, good thing I don’t live with them, I’m not risking them being exposed because of me.
They stepped you guys up to n95 respirators? They originally just had you guys wearing surgical masks right?
Others have reported just droplet masks
iT's JuSt ThE fLu!


****ing idiots

On Today, this morning, two doctor said, “still, the flu is deadlier than the Coronavirus”.

At the end of the day, I still don’t think everyone knows anything. They’re still no accurate facts.

And these states calling a state of emergency just so they don’t have to deal with it - wanting the federal level and funding to step in :lol:
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On Today, this morning, two doctor said, “still the flu is deadlier than the Coronavirus”.

At the end of the day, I still don’t think everyone knows anything. There’s still no accurate facts.

And these states calling a state of emergency just so they don’t have to deal with it - wanting the federal level and funding to step in :lol:

As with everything in life, it’s about perspective, and these days facts are only as good as they are interpreted, apparently. The flu is only “deadlier” because it has killed more people in TOTAL because this virus is still new and hasn’t hit its peak or shown any signs of being controlled by normal means. The death rate FAR exceeds that of the flu, it spreads more easily, and is more aggressive in the way it infects the lungs. Sure, there is a lot we don’t know, but we do know enough that officials should not be downplaying it in any way. States declaring a state of emergency not only frees up federal funding, but it also allows for access to medical aid that WILL be necessary as the disease progresses. I’d call it being proactive rather that reactive. What’s the point of blowing the whistle once the game has ended other than to say it’s over? We need action now before it’s too late.
Bust it how my job trying to force my coworkers who were quarantined to use their own PTO :rofl:

Fools wilding thinking they doing it

Ive never really had love for hospital suits, but this added a whole other layer of saltiness towards the whole institution....their absolute lack of care for their own staff is mindblowing.
we began having talks here at the office about quarantine
company said we would be allowed to take "mandatory disability"

i work in Newport Beach CA, not sure what everyone else's cit/state allows
On Today, this morning, two doctor said, “still, the flu is deadlier than the Coronavirus”.

At the end of the day, I still don’t think everyone knows anything. They’re still no accurate facts.

And these states calling a state of emergency just so they don’t have to deal with it - wanting the federal level and funding to step in :lol:
If you had to pick between a 0.1% chance of dying or a 3.5% chance of dying which would you rather choose?
My immunity kit:
  • Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate is easiest on stomach. 1,000-3,000 mg)
  • Vitamin D3, 8,000 IU
  • Zinc, 30 mg a day (I like the GNC brand. 5.99 and highly absorbable.)
  • Lion’s Mane mushroom powder
  • Selenium (50 - 100 mcg)
There are other supplements to consider but all these with exception to the Lion's Mane are cheap. 50 cents/day total.

Please share with your friends and family. Masks/Sanitizers won't build up your immunity.
Quoting for myself.

"According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (March 6), we calculated the number of hospitalized patients and the number of severely ill patients by prefecture using the formula for the medical system required at peak times. Nationwide: 220,000 inpatients, 7,500 severely illness Tokyo: 20,000 inpatients, 700 severely ill"
Bust it how my job trying to force my coworkers who were quarantined to use their own PTO :rofl:

Fools wilding thinking they doing it

Ive never really had love for hospital suits, but this added a whole other layer of saltiness towards the whole institution....their absolute lack of care for their own staff is mindblowing.
They should just be like “How bout I just come to work?”
This is why the test rolled out so slow in the US

Just so someone could make a buck instead of using the test they’re using all over the world

this is how much your government cares about you

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