Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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That’s how it started for me. Mon-wed runny nose, sneezing, small cough. Thursday had 0 energy, felt sleepy all day, fell asleep in my work truck for a hour on the clock. Friday, felt amazing. Energy back, no runny nose, no sneezing or no cough at all. Saturday a little tired, stayed in and “slept it off” all day. Sunday no taste/smell got tested and was positive. Monday couldn’t ****ing breath, walking downstairs felt like running a mile, cough, fever, smell/taste gone. Same Tuesday. Wednesday could taste a little and felt better. Thursday to today besides not smelling anything I feel great, like pre covid me.
I second this. It’s the weirdest feeling not being able to smell anything. It’s definitely not like a regular cold or flu where your nose is stuffy. When ever I get a flu, can’t smell or taste anything, eating spicy food helped 100% of the time. This time spicy food did not do anything at all. I had the exact same symptoms as yours. I caught a cold and cough in the beginning; flu like symptoms for like 2-3 days. Then I completely lost my smell one morning. It’s been 7 days now. I can feel my sense of smell slowly creeping back. My chest isn’t heavy though. I think running/jogging for 4 years could be the reason. It’s definitely different
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Man a bunch of people were telling me that they felt like they had covid around December 2019. I thought all those mfs were tripping back then and were probably overthinking it. Now that there's data suggesting the virus was in the states around that time or even earlier...maybe they were right wtf lol
Man a bunch of people were telling me that they felt like they had covid around December 2019. I thought all those mfs were tripping back then and were probably overthinking it. Now that there's data suggesting the virus was in the states around that time or even earlier...maybe they were right wtf lol
Toll dyall, haddit beforrest was cool.


I'm convinced I had it, but every time I wake up with a runny nose, I'm convinced I have it again. I've had it 70 times this year, I've had it with 2020. Done with this ****.
Man a bunch of people were telling me that they felt like they had covid around December 2019. I thought all those mfs were tripping back then and were probably overthinking it. Now that there's data suggesting the virus was in the states around that time or even earlier...maybe they were right wtf lol
Day before thanksgiving last year I had the worst "flu" I've ever had. Drove up to Ny from MD feeling half dead. Was coughing, weak, fever. Felt better the day after Thanksgiving though. I thought I may have had covid and got an anti bodi test in Sept but it came back negative, but who knows 🤔
Day before thanksgiving last year I had the worst "flu" I've ever had. Drove up to Ny from MD feeling half dead. Was coughing, weak, fever. Felt better the day after Thanksgiving though. I thought I may have had covid and got an anti bodi test in Sept but it came back negative, but who knows 🤔

Everyone keeps saying they thought they had it. Including my husband. But he was tested for antibodies and was negative also so I highly doubt it.

I’m curious if those people who kept getting sick in the Caribbean that they thought was alcohol poisoning had early rona.
Man a bunch of people were telling me that they felt like they had covid around December 2019. I thought all those mfs were tripping back then and were probably overthinking it. Now that there's data suggesting the virus was in the states around that time or even earlier...maybe they were right wtf lol

It was in China since Oct-Nov last year no? I worked high end retail with lots of Asian clients last year, and I was super sick in December. Never felt like that before. Ticked all the symptom boxes.
It was in China since Oct-Nov last year no? I worked high end retail with lots of Asian clients last year, and I was super sick in December. Never felt like that before. Ticked all the symptom boxes.

I haven't seen any reports suggesting that yet. The same US study/report I saw iirc claims that was a case as early as 12/1 so pretty much saying it was around the same time or even later than the US lol. A report a month ago claiming that it was in Italy since last September though, which is wild af to me.
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Day before thanksgiving last year I had the worst "flu" I've ever had. Drove up to Ny from MD feeling half dead. Was coughing, weak, fever. Felt better the day after Thanksgiving though. I thought I may have had covid and got an anti bodi test in Sept but it came back negative, but who knows 🤔
The type of antibodies those tests look for only last a few months, so there’s no way you’d test positive on a standard antibody test after that long. The only way to tell for sure would be to test for B and T cells, but that type of test isn’t readily available.
The type of antibodies those tests look for only last a few months, so there’s no way you’d test positive on a standard antibody test after that long. The only way to tell for sure would be to test for B and T cells, but that type of test isn’t readily available.

I don’t know enough about it but whoever tested him said the antibody test they were giving him, was testing for rona strains from a few years ago. She also mentioned that rona has been around for a while as in years. Just not this particular strain that’s around now. They definitely drew blood and had it analyzed.
I don’t know enough about it but whoever tested him said the antibody test they were giving him, was testing for rona strains from a few years ago. She also mentioned that rona has been around for a while as in years. Just not this particular strain that’s around now. They definitely drew blood and had it analyzed.
Yes, the term “coronavirus” refers to a general type of virus with spike proteins on the outside that resemble a crown (corona in Spanish) and connect to receptor sites on your cells to allow the virus to enter the cell, hijack it and start replicating. SARS-CoV-2 is the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. It’s just one particular coronavirus. Regardless, IGg antibodies are made by your B cells and only last a few months, but more will be created by the B cells of the same virus is recognized. Those blood tests look for IGg antibodies, so if you had the virus more that a few months before, the test is not likely to detect those antibodies because they will no longer be present.
Its def gonna go up more post holidays then hopefully settle down and go back downwards. If people didnt learn from Thanksgiving then smh.
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