Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I'm for sure continuing with masks in certain places, especially indoors. I like that its now going to be more socially acceptable and not "weird" looking.

My Asian peeps have been wearing masks for years and admittedly, I use to look at them with curiosity. It always seemed like a smart idea, especially around airports/public transportation.

I'm sold.
I'm getting my second moderna shot on Tuesday... for those who are fully vaccinated are you going to bars, restaurants, sporting events or movies?
I'm fully vaccinated as of this week and first thing we did was buy tickets to a ball game for later this month. I'll only go to a restaurant or movie if it's empty inside but i'm no rush to either. Plenty of places with outdoor dining now that spring is here.

got my second shot on tuesday
no ill effects so ar.

merica bout to merica in the only way merica can
So what happen to the whole if you are vaccinated, you can still pass it to others who are not? So did US hit the 70-80% fully vaccinated mark already?
Yeah man this back and forth and constant CDC recommendation changes are just political pressure at this time. What the hell happened this past week that was so data driven that they decided to come out today and drop the MASKS OFF.
They're pretty much just saying anything to get people vaccinated now.

I think at this point I'm going to put the medical grade masks aside and just go with the cloth masks for everyday use.
The CDC and the Biden administration have faced pressure to ease restrictions on fully vaccinated people - those who are two weeks past their last required COVID-19 vaccine dose - in part to highlight the benefits of getting the shot.

Yeah they're just trying to get people to get vaxxed

Some states are doing just that though.
Here’s a partial quote from my governor
…..any new data or recommendations will be reviewed and evaluated by the state, and we’ll keep you informed of any updates’.

It’s not just anti vaxx wackos on fb.
Some states are doing just that though.
Here’s a partial quote from my governor
..any new data or recommendations will be reviewed and evaluated by the state, and we’ll keep you informed of any updates’.

It’s not just anti vaxx wackos on fb.
I don't think this makes your governor look bad or crazy.

You are just again eternally rustled by everything they do or say
I don't think this makes your governor look bad or crazy.

You are just again eternally rustled by everything they do or say
- not rustled. You just take anything i say as being completely negative and against orders and mandates and anti vax. They are on record as saying they don’t or aren’t following other states successes or failures. They are beating to their own drum, for better or worse. We did lift the outdoor mask mandate for vaccinated folks days after Biden spoke of that. So maybe it changes soon here too.

We’re on a 60% fully vaccinated end of June reopening path. It is what it is. Some governors just like their control a little too much. I guess we can’t call out an ounce of it, even though some changes had worse effects. Not everything they did had net benefits. I think we’re leading the nation on a few vaccination categories but we’ll be the last to fully reopen. People called it months ago. Many other states have changed their minds. Is the goal not to reopen? We’re last in economic growth, 3rd in unemployment, and last in education.

I think you’re rustled by everything I do or say. I personally want them to admit mistakes were made. Instead they give interviews to national media saying we’re the golden beacon on the fight of covid (data shows we are utterly average. Our deaths are worse than states who never fully shutdown). Some people refuse to give credit to the states that ended up doing less. Thst goes against logic, but does it go against science? For many, it’s not science until it fits their narrative.

If a state can say they want to hold back a bit and anaylyze the science or recommendations, why can’t an average person do it without getting called out every time?
- not rustled. You just take anything i say as being completely negative and against orders and mandates and anti vax. They are on record as saying they don’t or aren’t following other states successes or failures. They are beating to their own drum, for better or worse. We did lift the outdoor mask mandate for vaccinated folks days after Biden spoke of that. So maybe it changes soon here too.

We’re on a 60% fully vaccinated end of June reopening path. It is what it is. Some governors just like their control a little too much. I guess we can’t call out an ounce of it, even though some changes had worse effects. Not everything they did had net benefits. I think we’re leading the nation on a few vaccination categories but we’ll be the last to fully reopen. People called it months ago. Many other states have changed their minds. Is the goal not to reopen? We’re last in economic growth, 3rd in unemployment, and last in education.

I think you’re rustled by everything I do or say.
I personally want them to admit mistakes were made. Instead they give interviews to national media saying we’re the golden beacon on the fight of covid (data shows we are utterly average. Our deaths are worse than states who never fully shutdown). Some people refuse to give credit to the states that ended up doing less. Thst goes against logic, but does it go against science? For many, it’s not science until it fits their narrative.
Reopening a month early is gonna solve none of that. Like zero, so you can pull it out of thin air like it means something but it really doesn't.

Famb you have been putting on displays of entitlement, *****ing and whining you have been doing for over a damb year. About just being inconvenienced

This **** is just about your convenience. No one owes you an explanation, especially not the state government that is trying to minimize the loss of life.

So either grow the **** up, or move to Texas already.
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IMO, medical ESPECIALLY dental offices still need to wear mask.

No doubt - I write a lot of guidance in my day job and I keep getting that as a question - because you don't need a mask now in a bar do I have to wear one at work? And it's a stupid question when clearly the risk of examining someone closely for 30 minutes is way higher than walking by them.
this whole dont need to wear a mask in indoor/outdoor events if you've been vaccinated is not working for me and a huge reason why I will keep wearing a mask. Its basically an honor system. Most places won't be checking cards and enforcing.

I mean are we even mandated to carry the vaccine card with us?
Going forward, the focus is basically about yourself again. There is no way to enforce vaccine cards. Get the vaccine and take that small chance of getting it, get the vaccine and reduce the small chance by taking measures or take full risk and dont do anything. Hospitals have enough supplies now and people can go back to taking care of their own health and their loved ones.
Funny how WA state was close to going back to a more restrictive phase about 2 weeks ago but now state is set to reopen on or before June 30. They also plan to follow the new CDC guidelines about relaxing mask mandates for the vaccinated. I'm just hoping people continue to get vaccinated but things seem to be slowing down with more and more pop up clinics popping up that don't require an appointment.

Like others have said, I'm sure the majority of businesses won't want to deal with the hassle of having individuals prove they are vaccinated.
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