Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Aaron Collins is back with a nice primer video with a "back to school" focus that goes back to the basics regarding different mask types and governmental standards, along with the most important features of any mask: fit, filtration, and comfort. As anyone who's been paying attention should know by now, KF94 is the clear winner, and basic cloth and procedural masks that the majority of people wear are simply not adequate.

Hey man thanks again for the Airwasher reccomendation.
Hey man thanks again for the Airwasher reccomendation.

No doubt. I don't know how many you ended up buying or where you got them, but I found a new trusted source for them at $1.20 each...
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Recently got my Enro masks in the mail, highly recommend them for those wanting a cloth style mask but with good filter and protection plus fit.
I don't wanna turn this political, but I honestly don't think you can just point to "working class" as those who are not happy with Newsom. I think he's largely a victim of circumstances out of his control. Sure, there are a small minority of far right Republicans who are generally unhappy with all liberal policies no matter what, but in this case it seems there are so many people on both sides fed up with wildfires, COVID, and a tremendous intersection of other life altering circumstances the past few years. Then they see him out breaking the rules he put in place to dine out or send his kids to in person private schools...

You're right, but at least they're trying to do something. Everywhere else they just pretend there's no problem. If we had a nationwide federal vaccine verification system (aka vaccine passport) it would be so much easier to enforce. I have a feeling that most places simply won't bother trying because they can't afford to turn away business.

you see failure in Democratic Party left and right. Highest taxed citizens yet homelessness is out of control. Crime happening in broad daylight because there are no consequences. Owning a basic home is treated like a luxury. Small townhomes come with a 10k plus property tax. They want to push EV’s but car registration for a basic ev is $500 plus just based on the cost of the car. Our schools consistently rank at the bottom. Gas tax and bridge tolls continue to increase even in this pandemic. State sits on a surplus that doesn’t benefit this class. The last few years have made people see living here has become a burden pushed by this party.
I had lunch indoors in NYC last Friday. All my family members there are fully vaccinated. None of the staff wore masks. Place was pretty empty. Happily enjoyed crab cakes, pork belly, and filet mignon.
anyone here experience a lot of fatigue and sleepiness after getting covid?
i tested negative but i think i was exposed to the new variants but just didn't get infected. the vaccine probably held me down cause i didn't experience any harsh symptoms other than a little congestion.
the problem is now i've been sleeping a lot lately. yesterday i fell asleep at 545 pm and slept through the whole night.
this has been an ongoing trend these last couple of weeks where i've been wanting to take a lot of naps and im pretty much out by the time i get home from work.
i usually only sleep 5-6 hours and extremely energetic. this is def not the case lately. i feel fine otherwise.
had a somewhat similar experience (was mildly ill, tested negative but it feels like it could have been covid). lingering symptoms for a while that are slowly improving.

i don't want to read into it too much because it's anecdotal but there is some indication that delta and breakthrough infections may manifest more in these weird ways rather than as traditional cold/flu (based on some random news stories i've read and my own wild speculation).
Oh the NY Times, why must you charge me to view your article.

Does it say when immunosuppressed people can get the booster?

I'd love to know as well bud. I'm a transplant patient (liver) and as soon as they allow it, I'm signing the hell up. FDA already said late last Thursday that any and all immunocompromised individuals should get the booster shot as soon as it's available to them.
I'd love to know as well bud. I'm a transplant patient (liver) and as soon as they allow it, I'm signing the hell up. FDA already said late last Thursday that any and all immunocompromised individuals should get the booster shot as soon as it's available to them.

I started chemo last week and gonna be on it for 6 months soooooo probably best if I dabbled into a booster.
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