Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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No country should've allowed international travel when this started but none cared enough to do it.

your 100% correct and that’s why we now have delta and lambda or any other “catchy“ name the worlds powers can come up with

perfect example of why this virus will never end because of world travel and money

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Aaron Collins is back with a nice primer video with a "back to school" focus that goes back to the basics regarding different mask types and governmental standards, along with the most important features of any mask: fit, filtration, and comfort. As anyone who's been paying attention should know by now, KF94 is the clear winner, and basic cloth and procedural masks that the majority of people wear are simply not adequate.
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And yet we've got the leading candidate in CA's recall election saying the first thing he plans to do when he takes office is remove school mask mandates and vaccine requirements for school employees.
I know plenty of people in both political parties who say they're planning to vote YES to recall Newsom for various reasons, but they don't seem to realize the danger that would inevitably follow if an idiot like this were to be elected.

Even after this, personal responsibility is lost on these people:

The Syversons declined to say whether McMullen had been vaccinated against Covid-19, but they said that regardless of pregnant women’s vaccination status, other people need to be careful around them.

“We personally feel that whether a pregnant woman is or isn’t [vaccinated] or whether they wear a mask or dont wear a mask, we feel like they’re at a huge risk potentially for it to be deadly for them or their baby,” Melissa Syverson said.

So she was unvaccinated and didn’t wear a mask, and their answer is that others should be careful around her (for her sake, not their own).
And yet we've got the leading candidate in CA's recall election saying the first thing he plans to do when he takes office is remove school mask mandates and vaccine requirements for school employees.
I know plenty of people in both political parties who say they're planning to vote YES to recall Newsom for various reasons, but they don't seem to realize the danger that would inevitably follow if an idiot like this were to be elected.
I have been yelling at all the liberal friends I have in Cali that recalling Newsom is a stupid move.

The scary thing many don't even know how the recall election works. That Newsom needs to get 50% of the vote to stay in office, and that a loon like Elder just has to get a plurality of the recall vote to become governor. If Newsom loses, he will still have wayyyyy more votes than whoever replaces him. So Cali ends up with a governor that most people don't want.

And some of my friends just want to protest vote Newsom for rather a reason, not knowing how they can **** the state and themselves in the process.
We can't fix stupid, just hope a lot of them die.

I know a lot of you guys are pro vaccine and you guys are 100% right but nobody even the stupid people that complain they shouldn’t get vaccinated it’s my body my right nonsense and Trump this Trump Republicans blah blah blah
no one and I mean no one should die from this virus

these idiots probably didn’t travel to China the UK Indian Peru Italy or anywhere else a stronger strain came from
their government’s and their leaders and some of ours are the reason where stuck in this mess

this is a terrible disease
the only people and person who should suffer is every damn member of the CCP and the president of China
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They basically want to die though by having BS excuses on why they refuse the vaccine. They are being offered for free the best protection against the covid. They hate how things are now but doing their best to make sure it stays like this.
Was browsing twitter and saw another dumb, white girl saying mandated vaccinations is tyrannical and the government is acting like the nazis.
I have been yelling at all the liberal friends I have in Cali that recalling Newsom is a stupid move.

The scary thing many don't even know how the recall election works. That Newsom needs to get 50% of the vote to stay in office, and that a loon like Elder just has to get a plurality of the recall vote to become governor. If Newsom loses, he will still have wayyyyy more votes than whoever replaces him. So Cali ends up with a governor that most people don't want.

And some of my friends just want to protest vote Newsom for rather a reason, not knowing how they can **** the state and themselves in the process.
It will be for a year anyway. Won’t accomplish much with a democratic rest of CA government. If anything, the party needs to take notice and the working class is not happy with their direction.

What do you guys who live in nyc or outside of ny think of this

me personally I think it’s going to backfire
no one vaccinated or unvaccinated should be in a restaurant or a bar or any place that’s closed indoors in a time like this where you have to keep your mouth open

there are too many people that will try and get over
In the subways and busses not everyone is wearing a face mask And there is no enforcement of it

So I can only imagine how many cases or breakthrough cases would happen in a restaurant

Even a take out restaurant

there are people in nyc and I’m sure all over the country on IG other platforms selling Vaccination cards
It will be for a year anyway. Won’t accomplish much with a democratic rest of CA government. If anything, the party needs to take notice and the working class is not happy with their direction.

I don't wanna turn this political, but I honestly don't think you can just point to "working class" as those who are not happy with Newsom. I think he's largely a victim of circumstances out of his control. Sure, there are a small minority of far right Republicans who are generally unhappy with all liberal policies no matter what, but in this case it seems there are so many people on both sides fed up with wildfires, COVID, and a tremendous intersection of other life altering circumstances the past few years. Then they see him out breaking the rules he put in place to dine out or send his kids to in person private schools...

What do you guys who live in nyc or outside of ny think of this

me personally I think it’s going to backfire
no one vaccinated or unvaccinated should be in a restaurant or a bar or any place that’s closed indoors in a time like this where you have to keep your mouth open

there are too many people that will try and get over

there are people in nyc all over IG selling Vaccination cards

You're right, but at least they're trying to do something. Everywhere else they just pretend there's no problem. If we had a nationwide federal vaccine verification system (aka vaccine passport) it would be so much easier to enforce. I have a feeling that most places simply won't bother trying because they can't afford to turn away business.
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