Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I told you already, not to let a nurse's nonchalance influence you too much. This is coming from a nurse himself. Nurses are just built like that, they see a lot of things in the hospital.

Zombies would probably have to knock on the door before you see a typical nurse panic.

Also the flu doesn't overload ICU's and make them run out of available ventilators causing the medical staff to try to decide who "deserves" to be on the machines (see Italy)

Fellow nurse here, definitely built different. but also have some wild coping mechanisms lol
Staying put will have very little effect tbh man...this thing Airborne and contact, as I already said, you can be home and unless you are completely isolated your family members will carry it out for you...what would help is a nationwide quarantine, only first responders/vital medical staff to be allowed out, give everyone a pause on bills and making money and then perhaps this thing can be slowed down, I shot my contractor a text asking him if corona would extend the completion of my house, dude said “business as usual, I need to eat” so yeah, so long as Americans have the pressure to go out and make money to pay their bills, ain’t nobody gonna voluntarily quarantine themselves....is the government able to step up and help? Doubt it
There was a post here about a person flying to Italy and us customs not giving a crap about it on their way home at jfk.
My hope is that this has already infected millions and we just don’t know it yet.
I was super sick back in late December. I had fly thrown ORD ohare. I rarely get sick. Maybe once every 2-3 years. Whole family was sick. I wonder how far back we can really take this? Maybe we were misdiagnosing how elderly were dying?
Perhaps I'm getting Corona news fatigue but this ain't such a heinous thought. Boris Johnson should have e worded it that way.
Staying put will have very little effect tbh man...this thing Airborne and contact, as I already said, you can be home and unless you are completely isolated your family members will carry it out for you...what would help is a nationwide quarantine, only first responders/vital medical staff to be allowed out, give everyone a pause on bills and making money and then perhaps this thing can be slowed down, I shot my contractor a text asking him if corona would extend the completion of my house, dude said “business as usual, I need to eat” so yeah, so long as Americans have the pressure to go out and make money to pay their bills, ain’t nobody gonna voluntarily quarantine themselves....is the government able to step up and help? Doubt it
On that note, does anyone know if parking rules are in effect during a state of emergency?
My kids HS sent a ski trip to France - and they flew into Italy. They're completely tone deaf posting on twitter about the great time they are having... :rolleyes

I'm not sure how they're going to get home - potentially they could drive across France rather than going back to Italy - but that's a 2 day coach trip.

This whole thing is a huge mess
anybody watching trump last night should be nervous about how he was breathing as he was speaking to the nation.

the stock market...alarming.

going to stores and not being able to find bleach, toilet tissue, paper towels, hand sanitizer and water is alarming. having to go to multiple stores on various sides of town just to find one or two of anything is wild.

the amount of ppl coughing where I am is alarming.

the lack of tests are alarming.

the lack of discussion in regard to everyday life...paying bills, going to work/working from home, what happens to those that aren't able to work from home because of the type of positions they have, etc. is alarming.

the lack of what parents should do that have children that are home from school because schools are closing is alarming.

America getting exposed in real time is so wild.

they say stock up but with what funds?
What's temporarily though and how would we know when the coast is clear?
When we can, with 99% confidence that this will become a seasonal thing like the flu. Right now it's way too early to just accept that. SARS eventually went away with strong controls despite botch ups in the early stages. We got lucky that SARS didn't effect as many countries and those who were effected had a culture of caution and concern (Asian countries). It literally makes my blood boil when some ******* idiot says "meh i'll beat it" (not saying you did, just generally). nobody gives a **** if you think you can beat it, you giving to someone who can't beat it is what people care about.

People up in arms over their ******* concert or vacation being cancelled. Yeah it sucks, life works that way. Short term thinking is a shortcut to mistakes.
When we can, with 99% confidence that this will become a seasonal thing like the flu. Right now it's way too early to just accept that. SARS eventually went away with strong controls despite botch ups in the early stages. We got lucky that SARS didn't effect as many countries and those who were effected had a culture of caution and concern (Asian countries). It literally makes my blood boil when some ****ing idiot says "meh i'll beat it" (not saying you did, just generally). nobody gives a **** if you think you can beat it, you giving to someone who can't beat it is what people care about.

People up in arms over their ****ing concert or vacation being cancelled. Yeah it sucks, life works that way. Short term thinking is a shortcut to mistakes.
I hear you and cancelling a concert is nothing. I'm sitting here genuinely concerned about society in general and how fast things could potentially flip
Holy **** people still talking about liberties and giving up their routine temporarily. Y’all ****ijg realize you have no liberty if you have no health?

Problem is that bills and responsibilities ain’t taking a break either, so most people simply don’t have the luxury to self quarantine for however long....healthy or not, as long as the pressures of financial responsibilities isn’t eased, people will continue business as usual
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