Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Sitting here at work, more people showing up today sick. I asked when they are going to start forcing people to go home that are sick, was met with a blank stare. This is the behavior that is going to cause issues. People not being proactive and just going on about their life. We are supposed to get some info from our director, pretty sure it is just going to be to keep cleaning your workspace and wash hands. The issue is people aren't thinking beyond their own well being. They aren't taking into account being a potential carrier without symptoms and spreading to higher risk individuals. I went to my parents last night for dinner and in the back of my head questioned it being a good idea. Things are going to continue to get worse though for sure.
Sitting here at work, more people showing up today sick. I asked when they are going to start forcing people to go home that are sick, was met with a blank stare. This is the behavior that is going to cause issues. People not being proactive and just going on about their life. We are supposed to get some info from our director, pretty sure it is just going to be to keep cleaning your workspace and wash hands. The issue is people aren't thinking beyond their own well being. They aren't taking into account being a potential carrier without symptoms and spreading to higher risk individuals. I went to my parents last night for dinner and in the back of my head questioned it being a good idea. Things are going to continue to get worse though for sure.

And what happens when these people can’t cover their rent? Pay their bills? Buy their food? Employers will continue to downplay this because they themselves ain’t trying to step up for their employees....as long as we still have these bills to pay, we gonna continue to ignore this virus as long as possible...sad but what other choice we have?
Your job doesn’t care about your well being. They will have you work until a confirmed case happens at your job and by that time hospitals are full and it’s too late. Make the right choice for your own well being.

Correct, my company is freaking out, but isn't "forcing" anyone to work from home
And all the senior management are 60yo+ folks who travel a lot
Staying put will have very little effect tbh man...this thing Airborne and contact, as I already said, you can be home and unless you are completely isolated your family members will carry it out for you...what would help is a nationwide quarantine, only first responders/vital medical staff to be allowed out, give everyone a pause on bills and making money and then perhaps this thing can be slowed down, I shot my contractor a text asking him if corona would extend the completion of my house, dude said “business as usual, I need to eat” so yeah, so long as Americans have the pressure to go out and make money to pay their bills, ain’t nobody gonna voluntarily quarantine themselves....is the government able to step up and help? Doubt it

True story
My company wants us to go about our day. My groups leadership has us all working from home at least through end of March but probably through end of April. We are traveling a lot so we are use to it all. Doesn’t matter to me really.
Sitting here at work, more people showing up today sick. I asked when they are going to start forcing people to go home that are sick, was met with a blank stare. This is the behavior that is going to cause issues. People not being proactive and just going on about their life. We are supposed to get some info from our director, pretty sure it is just going to be to keep cleaning your workspace and wash hands. The issue is people aren't thinking beyond their own well being. They aren't taking into account being a potential carrier without symptoms and spreading to higher risk individuals. I went to my parents last night for dinner and in the back of my head questioned it being a good idea. Things are going to continue to get worse though for sure.

The corona virus didn't stop the regular flu, colds or allergies from existing. Because someone coughs or sneezes doesn't mean they have any other symptoms.
Your job doesn’t care about your well being. They will have you work until a confirmed case happens at your job and by that time hospitals are full and it’s too late. Make the right choice for your own well being.

100% accurate. But I'm in that group not wanting to burn through PTO and sick time. I got a wedding and honeymoon that I am likely taking a month or more off work for planned for October so not sure what to do. I am just vocally shaming people and calling out the people showing up sick in hopes of creating a change here.

*Shinzo Abe slowed, even stopped, Testing for COVID 19 to have Numbers Draw Down....W.H.O. was "impressed by Japan's progress" and took them off of the Dangerous Countries List.


Does anybody know anybody that knows somebody that a caught it? What happens when you get it? I know a fever and a cough, but what else? What actually takes you out?
Does anybody know anybody that knows somebody that a caught it? What happens when you get it? I know a fever and a cough, but what else? What actually takes you out?

Nothing “takes you out” unless you were already compromised, the 50 year old that went critical at my job, looked healthy, good shape and all, but even he had a chronic underlying lung issue....if you take immunosuppressants you are at high risk, I personally stopped my Humira treatment because of this, I could def be at high risk otherwise, but now I get to deal with a fun psoriasis outbreak...lord....

just be cautious of our parents and grandparents...only advice I can give.
Does anybody know anybody that knows somebody that a caught it? What happens when you get it? I know a fever and a cough, but what else? What actually takes you out?

For healthy, under age 50....Starts with slight sore throat, dry cough, slight fatigue (common trait was Slight symptoms), slight fever, Headaches was vastly prevalent...Then, Chest/Lung pain which varied on pain level.

Vast majority said it felt like a Cold to strong Flu.
And that's the danger with people being so confident they'll beat it. So many people have conditions they are unaware of. I've never had a negative blood test, exercise 4-6 times a week, healthy weight, never smoked, barely drink alcohol, and last November my blood test came back saying my cholesterol levels were higher than they should be.

Just a reminder - prediabetes has no symptoms, anemic people often don't know it, hell even some forms of cancer are completely absent of symptoms until it gets bad. Get over your own sense of invincibility and protect yourself and those around you.
And what happens when these people can’t cover their rent? Pay their bills? Buy their food? Employers will continue to downplay this because they themselves ain’t trying to step up for their employees....as long as we still have these bills to pay, we gonna continue to ignore this virus as long as possible...sad but what other choice we have?
it just goes to show that america isn't all its cracked up to be when these situations occur. these events bring to the surface how such a rich country does not care about their disadvantaged. we talk about it but now that ugly truth is being revealed to the world.
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