Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I'm impressed by China's lack of growth. Are they still testing? Less than 1,000 in 7 plus days.

The NBA is lucky. They got their players tested and results within 12 hours. My region of 2 million plus has 2400 test kits and they have a 5 day turnaround.
lol they want to have a whole staff meeting at my job tomorrow. Yes over a hundred people packed in to the auditorium foh

I'm impressed by China's lack of growth. Are they still testing? Less than 1,000 in 7 plus days.

The NBA is lucky. They got their players tested and results within 12 hours. My region of 2 million plus has 2400 test kits and they have a 5 day turnaround.

Please don't trust anything COMMUNIST CHINA $$$says$$$

Have these people talking about “Not a big deal; only 2-3% mortality rate” EVER taken an elementary level math class? And they do know how many people are on this planet, right? Or at the very least, how many people are in a large metro area?

let’s assume 8 million for the typical metro area. If 50% get infected and 2% of those people die, that’s 80,000 people. These dudes are trying to say that 80K people dying in their area (on top of the usual number of deaths per year) is not a big deal? Wow.

“98% of people have recovered, but you don’t hear the media talk about that” Bruh that’s not something to celebrate. Every year, the percentage of people who recover from cancer with modern medicine increases , but are you ever gonna say people dying from cancer is not a big deal?
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Have these people talking about “Not a big deal; only 2-3% mortality rate” EVER taken an elementary level math class? And hey do know how many people are on this planet, right? Or at the very least, how many people are in a large metro area?

let’s assume 8 million for the typical metro area. If 50% get infected and 2% of those people die, that’s 80,000 people. These dudes are trying to say that 80K people dying in their area (on top of the usual number of deaths per year) is not a big deal? Wow.
People are stupid. At a certain point, the number gets too large for them to comprehend what's happening. I feel like the more effective method is asking them:

"If I told you every 100 steps you take 3 or 4 of them will lead to your death, would you still take those steps ?"
So if you catch the virus and get over it, is there a chance you can catch it again?

Yes, you can def catch if again. Already documented cases of this. Also documented cases of this thing mutating, there are a couple strains currently.

Hopefully this would ease up for some. It's a shared experience from a victim who had mild-symptom. I'm assuming this might be the case for most IF they ever get infected.


I wouldnt assume anything. I've seen other accounts that were exactly the opposite - hit hard with symptoms. HOPEFULLY anybody that contracts it gets mild symptoms and gets to the other side as easily as possible but I wouldnt make any hardline assumptions.

Have these people talking about “Not a big deal; only 2-3% mortality rate” EVER taken an elementary level math class? And hey do know how many people are on this planet, right? Or at the very least, how many people are in a large metro area?

let’s assume 8 million for the typical metro area. If 50% get infected and 2% of those people die, that’s 80,000 people. These dudes are trying to say that 80K people dying in their area (on top of the usual number of deaths per year) is not a big deal? Wow.



Have these people talking about “Not a big deal; only 2-3% mortality rate” EVER taken an elementary level math class? And they do know how many people are on this planet, right? Or at the very least, how many people are in a large metro area?

let’s assume 8 million for the typical metro area. If 50% get infected and 2% of those people die, that’s 80,000 people. These dudes are trying to say that 80K people dying in their area (on top of the usual number of deaths per year) is not a big deal? Wow.

“98% of people have recovered, but you don’t hear the media talk about that” Bruh that’s not something to celebrate. Every year, the percentage of people who recover from cancer with modern medicine increases , but are you ever gonna say people dying from cancer is not a big deal?
picasso swerve picasso swerve
People are stupid. At a certain point, the number gets too large for them to comprehend what's happening. I feel like the more effective method is asking them:

"If I told you every 100 steps you take 3 or 4 of them will lead to your death, would you still take those steps ?"

I swear sometimes Niketalk (and social media in general) reminds me of the bubble I live in. 100% of the people I associate with regularly in real life have a reasonable amount of intelligence, and then I come onto here and get reminded of how many simple brained and irresponsible folk exist even in the so called civilized parts of this country.
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Have these people talking about “Not a big deal; only 2-3% mortality rate” EVER taken an elementary level math class? And hey do know how many people are on this planet, right? Or at the very least, how many people are in a large metro area?

let’s assume 8 million for the typical metro area. If 50% get infected and 2% of those people die, that’s 80,000 people. These dudes are trying to say that 80K people dying in their area (on top of the usual number of deaths per year) is not a big deal? Wow.
Brah, I usually don't like to **** on regular folk Math ability but the lack of Math literacy is really make some believe nonsense.

Last week one of my coworkers had to use a white board in a conference room to break down to his secretary how much higher the body count will be for this that the flu. And why containment is so important.

At the end she admitted it was more serious than she thought but she is not gonna by into the media hysteria because she heard Dr. Drew say this was no big deal.

As soon as she walked out the room everyone agreed she was an idiot, and will be sent home if she appears even a little sick.
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I skipped out on a music festival this weekend with about 20k people because of this virus. Event still took place and was sold out. My friends went but have not heard any of them feeling sick yet.
Your better off triaging testing. If you show symptons, self-quarantine yourself. Save testing for cases, where symptoms are so severe, you require hospitalization.

No matter where you live, our health systems are under pressure and has been for years and now the pressure have been cranked up. Every new hospitalization is putting the entire system at risk.
Seriously i dont why companies like Zoom and Webex aren't promoting the sht out of their services right now
My college is about to use zoom and I'm also about to use zoom for language lessons

It sucks, I actually like going to school and one on one language lessons 🤷‍♂️
Have these people talking about “Not a big deal; only 2-3% mortality rate” EVER taken an elementary level math class? And they do know how many people are on this planet, right? Or at the very least, how many people are in a large metro area?

let’s assume 8 million for the typical metro area. If 50% get infected and 2% of those people die, that’s 80,000 people. These dudes are trying to say that 80K people dying in their area (on top of the usual number of deaths per year) is not a big deal? Wow.

“98% of people have recovered, but you don’t hear the media talk about that” Bruh that’s not something to celebrate. Every year, the percentage of people who recover from cancer with modern medicine increases , but are you ever gonna say people dying from cancer is not a big deal?
Many of the ill were due to die this year. It may come to light that heart attack deaths are down as well as pneumonia. You can’t just say on Top of.
What’s the current US death rate? You can’t simply add the two together. There’s definitely some overlap.
Have these people talking about “Not a big deal; only 2-3% mortality rate” EVER taken an elementary level math class? And they do know how many people are on this planet, right? Or at the very least, how many people are in a large metro area?

let’s assume 8 million for the typical metro area. If 50% get infected and 2% of those people die, that’s 80,000 people. These dudes are trying to say that 80K people dying in their area (on top of the usual number of deaths per year) is not a big deal? Wow.

yep - this has the potential to overwhelm our healthcare system due to the sheer volume
and that would cause fatality rates to increase drastically

sure - if everyone has access to the care they need they'll likely be ok
that won't be the case if this is quickly spread among millions of people
Have these people talking about “Not a big deal; only 2-3% mortality rate” EVER taken an elementary level math class? And they do know how many people are on this planet, right? Or at the very least, how many people are in a large metro area?

let’s assume 8 million for the typical metro area. If 50% get infected and 2% of those people die, that’s 80,000 people. These dudes are trying to say that 80K people dying in their area (on top of the usual number of deaths per year) is not a big deal? Wow.

“98% of people have recovered, but you don’t hear the media talk about that” Bruh that’s not something to celebrate. Every year, the percentage of people who recover from cancer with modern medicine increases , but are you ever gonna say people dying from cancer is not a big deal?
Yea there's a poster who keeps mentioning 3-4 percent like that's not a high number after I told him a couple of times that a 2 percent death rate can kill millions of ppl if it spreads widely enough Ej. Spanish flu in 1918

I'm not sure if he reads my posts 😂
yep - this has the potential to overwhelm our healthcare system due to the sheer volume
and that would cause fatality rates to increase drastically

sure - if everyone has access to the care they need they'll likely be ok
that won't be the case if this is quickly spread among millions of people
Yea I think this is what ppl don't understand.

If everyone had access to respiratory support then things will be ok. But if everyone gets sick at the same time... 🤷‍♂️
Your better off triaging testing. If you show symptons, self-quarantine yourself. Save testing for cases, where symptoms are so severe, you require hospitalization.

No matter where you live, our health systems are under pressure and has been for years and now the pressure have been cranked up. Every new hospitalization is putting the entire system at risk.
My old dept at my job that I just left implemented a 3-sicks-day-per-year policy that directly affects your performance review (and therefore your pay). It's a large healthcare company too. Glad I got out of there.

But I can easily seeing a policy like that spreading the virus
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