Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

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Are you quarantining yourself since you've been exposed to someone with all the symptoms?

I am not, i am still at work but i will not be visiting my grandmother who has an auto immune disease or my grandfather who is on kidney dialysis. I literally go to work and come home.

It's just so strange because she never tested positive...so i would have to notify my supervisor that i am staying home because i think this person may have had the disease..and if my boss is like oh no she didn't have it she is fine now...im supposed to be like well she didn't get tested...soo like you can't say that...now im in an arguement with my boss
Haha no I forgot to mention how they used percentages comparing numbers of deaths/those tested positive with that of the entire population. Fam really listed "0.000393% of the population" has the virus and "0.000014%" of the population has died from it. Jay said "men lie, women lie, numbers don't.." but when men/women spewing fake numbers do haha!

Ahhhh I see. That’s unfair and biased.
So the Senate is still planning on going on recess without even trying to put into place any emergency measures. Beyond negligent at this point. How people will continue to support some of these people after all this is over is beyond me. That is if theres any one left.
The infected mostly come out at night... mostly... Stay safe NT

Funny how people who say "they hate the government and less government is the way to go" trusts the government to handle this and be telling the truth.

People treat government like a parent. When everything is going well you want independence start being ungrateful and bashing everything it has done. But when **** hits the fan they are the first ones you call and depend on. Yeah it's funny how it works.
From my job:

Tywana, senior director, Human Resources Business Partner, attended a conference outside of Georgia last week where another attendee from another organization has now been diagnosed with the COVID-19 virus. The affected individual is now under medical treatment in the state where the conference took place. Event organizers have contacted all attendees known to have been in contact with the person who has been diagnosed. Tywana was not contacted and is not among those believed to have been in physical contact with the affected individual.

In an abundance of caution, Tywana has elected to self-quarantine for the next 14 days.

While any risk to Atlanta staff is extremely small, we and Tywana wish to be transparent with each of you about the matter. If you have concerns about your own health because of this, please contact your supervisor and consult your medical provider.

Thank you for the precautions you are taking inside and outside the workplace to help mitigate your risk and the risk of others.


dont worry guys picasso swerve has friends who are nurses and, although they don't know anything about this virus, they aren't worried
so no big deal

look how many people that recovered though
who cares about the thousands of people that will die from an unforeseen virus, theres 96% RECOVERY RATE
he's no health expert but in grade school he knows a 96 is an A


When this is all over we can have a corona together.
At this rate we'll never know the true numbers of the COVID-19 in the US due to lack of testing.

The US test 8 people yesterday, ****ing 8!

Seems like the only country able to test at an acceptable rate is South Korea (10K daily).

All for some contracts and dollars, it's a scandal that nobody is really talking about.

100% people have it and don't know and are spreading it to others.

Basically community spread through the US considering Rudy Gobert doesn't know where he got it from.

Bunch of people in Canada coming back from the US testing positive from places like Hawaii, NY, Vegas

Almost every US State has it now. Even North Dakota!

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At this rate we'll never know the true numbers of the COVID-19 in the US due to lack of testing.

The US test 8 people yesterday, ****ing 8!

where'd you get this # from ?
didnt both the Jazz and OKC thunder players get tested last night, along with coaches and other personnel ?
thats gotta be at least 50-60 ppl
So who exactly needs to get tested? Everyone who feels slightly sick-very sick? Or at this point just everyone cause some people can be asymptomatic.

Unrealistic for the latter, a lot of people’s mentality will be “unless im super sick I dont need to be tested”. Then theres those who think/know they have been in contact with someone who might/does have it and they want to be tested.

Some people can be tested too early and have a negavtice but be positive later.

Its a tricky ladder.
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