Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

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how do we even find out where to get tested?
Call up your physician to schedule an appointment. Im hearing some people dont want to visit the doctor's office due to high risk of being around other sick people.

My healthcare company offers online appointments but you dont be able to get tested that way. You may want to find a smaller office clinic that is less visited if that's an option.
sent one of my guys home today. Pulled up at the light and looked to my right and I see him in his car not looking great and coughing. Told him to head home and pulled my window up real quick.

Pisses me off, after all of the meetings corporate had with us, he decided to try and come to work because its the busy time of the qtr. Come on man.
Many of the ill were due to die this year. It may come to light that heart attack deaths are down as well as pneumonia. You can’t just say on Top of.
What’s the current US death rate? You can’t simply add the two together. There’s definitely some overlap.
Well I'm doubting that pneumonia goes down this yr because cov19 can cause pneumonia
sent one of my guys home today. Pulled up at the light and looked to my right and I see him in his car not looking great and coughing. Told him to head home and pulled my window up real quick.

Pisses me off, after all of the meetings corporate had with us, he decided to try and come to work because its the busy time of the qtr. Come on man.
If he's already coughing and it is indeed corona, then he's likely been sick and contagious for several days. You might want to report this to see who else was in contact with him the past 2 weeks. Good luck.
how do we even find out where to get tested?

Here in Oregon you can only get tested if you are known to have been in direct contact with a previously confirmed case or basically you are on your death bed in the hospital. As others have stated the lack of testing is what is keeping the numbers low. The true numbers on how many people are really infected and carrying are probably astronomically higher than what is actually being reported. Reports that the virus can live in air for hours and on surfaces for days, it is impossible to retrace someones steps for a couple days let alone 2 weeks to see who might have actually been in contact.
Broadway: When asked about New York's Broadway shows, he said guidance would come today or tomorrow. “I don’t want to see Broadway go dark, if we can avoid." de Blasio said. He said he would like to strike a balance.
  • The subway system: He said that if you shut down a subway system, you shut down New York City's economy. He encouraged employers to stagger commuters, and has asked them to allow workers to telecommute if you can.
  • New York City schools: De Blasio was asked about schools and noted the states protocol – if a case is identified in the school a temporarily closure will follow, the city will identify any close contacts, alert parents, give the facilities a thorough cleaning and “then we want that school back up and running." He said we don’t want to get into a “slippery slope” of many schools closing.
he's not taking it seriously enough IMO.
sent one of my guys home today. Pulled up at the light and looked to my right and I see him in his car not looking great and coughing. Told him to head home and pulled my window up real quick.

Pisses me off, after all of the meetings corporate had with us, he decided to try and come to work because its the busy time of the qtr. Come on man.
Good call, man. Unfortunately, many (healthcare) workers here especially play double(n triple) duty elsewhere, hence maximizes potential for spreading. All it takes is One.
It's a come what may so far, but man! This could really blow up just based off the geriatric census.
Call up your physician to schedule an appointment. Im hearing some people dont want to visit the doctor's office due to high risk of being around other sick people.

My healthcare company offers online appointments but you dont be able to get tested that way. You may want to find a smaller office clinic that is less visited if that's an option.

Im in Los Angeles and was googling the other day and could not find a definitive answer for a testing center lol

Here in Oregon you can only get tested if you are known to have been in direct contact with a previously confirmed case or basically you are on your death bed in the hospital. As others have stated the lack of testing is what is keeping the numbers low. The true numbers on how many people are really infected and carrying are probably astronomically higher than what is actually being reported. Reports that the virus can live in air for hours and on surfaces for days, it is impossible to retrace someones steps for a couple days let alone 2 weeks to see who might have actually been in contact.
Yeah someone i know came back from europe and asked me wehre they can get tested.
after googling i was like theres literally no info of a testing center in LA and going to a random ER/urgent care seems foolish
If he's already coughing and it is indeed corona, then he's likely been sick and contagious for several days. You might want to report this to see who else was in contact with him the past 2 weeks. Good luck.
Yep, I just did. He said he thinks its food poisoning and the coughing was just something that happened because he felt like he was gagging. No fever though. But year, I thought about it for 2 minutes and said I better mention it just in case.
dont worry guys picasso swerve has friends who are nurses and, although they don't know anything about this virus, they aren't worried
so no big deal

look how many people that recovered though
who cares about the thousands of people that will die from an unforeseen virus, theres 96% RECOVERY RATE!!
he's no health expert but in grade school he knows a 96 is an A
Yep, I just did. He said he thinks its food poisoning and the coughing was just something that happened because he felt like he was gagging. No fever though. But year, I thought about it for 2 minutes and said I better mention it just in case.

Where do you work? That sucks.

Also, the lack of availability to be tested right now is a big problem.
I heard it costs like $1400 if you dont have insurance either. :smh:

Wait till someone famous passes away from this and the country will be in full panic mode.

Hope everyone stays safe. I'm damn near close to being in panic mode. Anxiety is getting to me. Thought I was getting sick last night but it turned out to be nothing and probably just stress. I swear I'm going to make myself sick because of stressing. Worried about my kids and elderly family.
dont worry guys picasso swerve has friends who are nurses and, although they don't know anything about this virus, they aren't worried
so no big deal

look how many people that recovered though
who cares about the thousands of people that will die from an unforeseen virus, theres 96% RECOVERY RATE!!
he's no health expert but in grade school he knows a 96 is an A
Why'd I read this in aepps20 aepps20 's voice (or what I imagine to be his voice)
dont worry guys picasso swerve has friends who are nurses and, although they don't know anything about this virus, they aren't worried
so no big deal

look how many people that recovered though
who cares about the thousands of people that will die from an unforeseen virus, theres 96% RECOVERY RATE!!
he's no health expert but in grade school he knows a 96 is an A
Yeah don't even trip, the 20 year old athletic will be fine. Who cares about the others in your life with compromised immune systems it could affect.
Wait till someone famous passes away from this and the country will be in full panic mode.

Hope everyone stays safe. I'm damn near close to being in panic mode. Anxiety is getting to me. Thought I was getting sick last night but it turned out to be nothing and probably just stress. I swear I'm going to make myself sick because of stressing. Worried about my kids and elderly family.
Best way to mentally prepare yourself right now and not stress out is to tell yourself that you’re eventually going to get it but that you will recover easily on your own at home. Same for your friends and family.
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