Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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The OG superspreader event from 2020. We’ve officially gone full circle!
Vegas had this huge convention/expo in March-april of last year and it went off as scheduled, and jfk airport refused to screen any travelers from Italy back in March-april of 2020. Way too many half steps during this entire duration.
Rsv was hitting pretty hard mid to late summer. Why the incessant need or desire to be positive? You’re still sick and contagious even if it’s a flu. People refuse (or simply can’t) stay home when sick.

Pretty sure its the flu. This year's flu shot is terrible too. Def not a desire to be a positive, I'll be quarantining anyway. More so a desire to know accurate results to let others around me know or to quarantine longer. Symptoms can be gone, but still be contagious.
Two years into this thing and they're still having to explain the merits of the vaccine to low information individuals.

Nothing makes me think that treatment/protection in pill form will change very many people's minds considering that its a THIRTY PILL TREATMENT over the course of 5 days.
Via Bloomberg:
If they just start mailing ppl the pill or have it over the counter it'll be beyond convenient.

Same if it becomes an over the counter thing if covid really is here to stay.
Cant make it over the counter. This country is beyond ignorant, people will be buying it without testing positive.

It's also probably not for everyone depending on their other conditions and what meds they're on. Lots of benefits vs. risks here...

Possible side effects of Paxlovid include impaired sense of taste, diarrhea, high blood pressure and muscle aches. Using Paxlovid at the same time as certain other drugs may result in potentially significant drug interactions. Using Paxlovid in people with uncontrolled or undiagnosed HIV-1 infection may lead to HIV-1 drug resistance. Ritonavir may cause liver damage, so caution should be exercised when giving Paxlovid to patients with preexisting liver diseases, liver enzyme abnormalities or liver inflammation.
They shouldn’t even be able to sell cold medicine off the shelf. It’s just a scam. I need that ephedrine or else it doesn’t work.
Most other countries have prescription drugs over the counter.

-muscle relaxers

Those drugs are not nearly abused there (despite being 10x easier to access) as they are here.

I know, I should have said they shouldn’t produce the kind without ephedrine because they are so trash.

Clearly the id scan thing is working here. :lol:
Man whenever moms comes back from JA she usually brings some Histatussin, that thing hit so hard.
good news, and I'm glad these studies finally came out so that people stop pushing the unfounded "there's no evidence omicron isn't going to kill us all" paranoia. of course, there's the caveat that omicron spreads very fast, so it'll make up for the 60-80% reduction in hospitalization by infecting 2-5x more people. BUT -- the whole point is that the effective IFR is ~3x lower, which, when compounded with the reduction by 10-50x from the vaccine+booster, this is not just a mild flu, it's more like a common cold (but let's see how the data plays out over the next few weeks, and of course it's not as straightforward if you're immune-compromised).

After the Holiday's and New Years these numbers are going to be insane. I'm over here just waiting to see it all go down. :smh:
At the hospital I work at we’ve been averaging 10 employees per day calling off sick and needing to be tested for covid. This past Tuesday there were 60 employees who called off and 6 came back positive :frown:. Y’all be safe out there.
NYC is getting hit hard again. Whoever didn’t get Omicron is most likely going to get it. Despite being more so mild in symptoms, this thing is super contagious. Really starting to feel this thing won’t be over for a long long time. Atleast until numerous other pharmaceutical companies start creating treatments.
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