Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Im sure CDC decision is somewhat driven by pressure from businesses with shortage workers, disrupting their business operations, etc.
ONLY if everybody follow the freakin rule from the get go, we won't be in this mess.
Omicron won't be the last.
I am patiently waiting for the next booster.
CDC does these things under pressure that they'll never be able to get back like saying you don't need masks in certain instances when the vaccines just dropped. They have this crazy optimistic view of the American public and i'm not sure where it comes from.
As someone who was pro-vaxx, what exactly was the purpose of it if everyone with it is still getting omicron? If you're young and low risk with underlying issues you had basically 1% chance of dying if you caught it without the vaccine, so the vaccine essentially did nothing to stop people from getting the virus. Seems like all the recent cases in people I personally know were vaccinated people.
05fordgt 05fordgt Do you still wear mask when you are outside? Like for example walking at the park or outdoor picnic?

It depends on the closeness of people and the amount of people. I frankly don't go "walking at the park" or do any "outdoor picnics". Where I live, there is a walking trail and this time of the year it's basically void of people due to the weather (I'm in SE PA so it's cold). And I don't have outdoor picnics with people.

And when I am outside, I'm not that close to people anyhow. Most things my wife and I do were Cars & Coffee events, taking one of her cars or my car to a meet and waking around. Nice thing with this is no one crowds people or stands over them. Now that the car stuff has subsided due to the winter months, we'll see what the variants are like come spring when people get their cars back out from storage and such. But I will wear it outside if I deem it necessary.
As someone who was pro-vaxx, what exactly was the purpose of it if everyone with it is still getting omicron? If you're young and low risk with underlying issues you had basically 1% chance of dying if you caught it without the vaccine, so the vaccine essentially did nothing to stop people from getting the virus. Seems like all the recent cases in people I personally know were vaccinated people.

The primary function of the vaccine isn't to stop you from getting it, it's to prevent severe disease that could lead to hospitalization. We've had the vaccine for nearly a year now, dealt with Alpha, Delta, and now dealing with Omicron. If you still haven't understood that, I don't know what to tell you.
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As someone who was pro-vaxx, what exactly was the purpose of it if everyone with it is still getting omicron? If you're young and low risk with underlying issues you had basically 1% chance of dying if you caught it without the vaccine, so the vaccine essentially did nothing to stop people from getting the virus. Seems like all the recent cases in people I personally know were vaccinated people.
The purpose of a vaccine isn't just prevention of infection. Goes beyond that

The vaccine with boosters are preventing server illness, that will save lives and trips to the hospital

Not everyone that will get sick with Covid will be young
Not everyone that gets sick will be without comorbidities

It is hard for me to question the purpose of vaccines because by the numbers we are seeing, vaccines and boosters are probably doing a ton of good, including saving lives
As someone who was pro-vaxx, what exactly was the purpose of it if everyone with it is still getting omicron? If you're young and low risk with underlying issues you had basically 1% chance of dying if you caught it without the vaccine, so the vaccine essentially did nothing to stop people from getting the virus. Seems like all the recent cases in people I personally know were vaccinated people.
I think it comes down to deaths and hospitalizations too. 80% of deaths in my area is of the unvaccinated. Nytimes has figures indicating the unvaccinated have a 13x chance of death than the vaccinated.
In a ideal scenario hes right. Point of vaccine is to prevent transmission. Only way that would work though is 100% vaccination rate (or close to it) in a span of 30
days. Not happening.

Variants are getting weaker. Good thing is, we’re probably 2-3 boosters away from having zero cases.
In a ideal scenario hes right. Point of vaccine is to prevent transmission. Only way that would work though is 100% vaccination rate (or close to it) in a span of 30
days. Not happening.

Variants are getting weaker. Good thing is, we’re probably 2-3 boosters away from having zero cases.

Depends on your definition of weaker. Omicron is INCREDIBLY contagious and infectious. Yes, preliminary studies do show that symptoms seem to less severe (for now), but we are no where close to potentially seeing zero cases.
As someone who was pro-vaxx, what exactly was the purpose of it if everyone with it is still getting omicron? If you're young and low risk with underlying issues you had basically 1% chance of dying if you caught it without the vaccine, so the vaccine essentially did nothing to stop people from getting the virus. Seems like all the recent cases in people I personally know were vaccinated people.
For the visual learners…

You guys don't trust the experts and the science behind this?

I'm something of a scientist myself (lol) and I totally trust the experts. While I would rather err on the side of caution, the evidence shows that infectiousness from a positive person drops after a few days and folks who are vaccinated + masked up are relatively safe (as safe as someone can be in these trying times...)

At the same time the reality is that flights are delayed and shops/restaurants are closed up because of omicron so I'm sure they're under some pressure by non-scientists to ease up the guidelines and get these people back to work. It makes sense, and I get why, but I'd rather be more cautious. Can't stop the people with the money.
there was a long exposé article from Medscape last year regarding the f'ery of the CDC during the end of the dark days of Trump and the bootlicker yes people like Redfield (ex director) and Birx. Thankfully it seems like the people in charge now belong there, but politics and money will always be in the air.
Man this headache is the worse. Can’t get comfortable at all. I go to sleep and wake up and like only an hour has passed. Definitely sending that out of office email in the morning.
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