Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Also, a lot of these patients have some type of prior medical history

A majority, yes. This is usually the case for almost everything though.

Being immunocompromised with some type of past medical history and still being unvaccinated, that's on them already.

Still, early in the pandemic, didn't matter if you were completely healthy or not. The vaccines were developed for everyone. The immunocompromised, and you and I, were first on the list. For a reason.

You know how many traveling MDs and paramedics we knew that passed away when NYC was the epicenter? All before the vaccine.
What? I’m wrong by saying it doesn’t prevent you from getting Covid?

My wife is vaccinated and just tested positive as well as some of her other family members, as well as some of my other family members

I’m not sure about what it does, keeps changing every day
A majority, yes. This is usually the case for almost everything though.

Being immunocompromised with some type of past medical history and still being unvaccinated, that's on them already.

Still, early in the pandemic, didn't matter if you were completely healthy or not. The vaccines were developed for everyone. The immunocompromised, and you and I, were first on the list. For a reason.

You know how many traveling MDs and paramedics we knew that passed away when NYC was the epicenter? All before the vaccine.

I work in NYC… It’s not how you’re making it seem with paramedics, they weren’t dropping like flies

For traveling MD’s, I can’t speak of since I don’t work directly with them
What? I’m wrong by saying it doesn’t prevent you from getting Covid?

My wife is vaccinated and just tested positive as well as some of her other family members, as well as some of my other family members

I’m not sure about what it does, keeps changing every day
So instead of trying to be informed at the latest developments, so that you can understand why the vaccines might be less effective against infection now than a few months ago, you instead decide to rely on a chopped up social media post to inform you opinion?
damn, my 5 year old just tested positive on his antigen test this morning. he's been really lethargic and barely eating the past 2 days. i started having a scratchy throat this morning and now a massive headache. i caught covid this time last year and i'm fully vaccinated and boosted. i'm about to order some bomb A food right now before my taste goes away :emoji_cry:
Not at all… just a fyi, I’m not an anti vaxxer by any means, just posting from the other side

It seems like every time someone post something against your beliefs regarding the vaccine you get offended lol
I don’t think anyone is getting offended - but your tactic is classic confirmation bias - you doubt the science because you know an exception?

Again, that’s not how science works. I bet you also know people who have been injured by safe things or perhaps someone who was hurt in a car accident even though they were wearing a seatbelt - so we should just remove seatbelts from cars because they don’t work?
Not at all… just a fyi, I’m not an anti vaxxer by any means, just posting from the other side

It seems like every time someone post something against your beliefs regarding the vaccine you get offended lol
I’m not saying the vaccine doesn’t work… You want the vacccine, then get it but also if you don’t want it, then you shouldn’t get lessons on why to get it… It’s personal choice

I don’t smoke or drink… I don’t go around with science on telling people why they shouldn’t drink or smoke
I work in NYC… It’s not how you’re making it seem with paramedics, they weren’t dropping like flies

For traveling MD’s, I can’t speak of since I don’t work directly with them
Bro I live walking distance from Jamaica Hospital and have friends that work there. They WERE dropping like flies prior to the vaccine being rolled out.
I’m not saying the vaccine doesn’t work… You want the vacccine, then get it but also if you don’t want it, then you shouldn’t get lessons on why to get it… It’s personal choice

I don’t smoke or drink… I don’t go around with science on telling people why they shouldn’t drink or smoke

Your employer making you read this thread for educational purposes?
Unvaccinated people spread the virus at higher rates than vaccinated. I don’t want my kids that are too young to get the vaccine to get Covid. Enough of the selfishness. Ffs.

Selfishness? Lol

I worked the whole pandemic without a vaccine, picked up additional shifts because they needed people… But you’re right, I’m selfish

If you needed emergency help, do you think you really would care if the person attending to you is unvaxx or vaxx?
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