Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Wait who said that that people were dropping like flies from Covid in New York? One of my best friends is a doctor in a Staten Island hospital and they filled 2 freezer trucks worth of frozen bodies during the first month wave. My friend works directly in the ER too. So yea no bodies….
Just 150k?

Supposedly Germany got 1mil coming in for them
That’s Germany’s whole order, not what’s to be delivered immediately. IIRC, the US order is for 5M, which won’t be completely delivered until mid-2022 from what I recall. Either way, it won’t be enough for the current surge.
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we vastly reduced smoking in this country and lung cancer and smoking-related deaths by going around with science telling people why smoking was dangerous.
No, it was a combination of taxation and social outcasting. Back in the 70s you could smoke on airplanes, at restaurants and in department stores. Cars had ashtrays in the doors. Then all the sudden they had to start smoking outside, even if it was 10 degrees or raining.

Also remember a pack of smokes cost only .75 cents in our parents generation. Smokers bought them by the carton, not the pack. Then they started taxing the crap outta em, which indirectly led to an influx of homeless panhandlers.
**** is wild right now. I went from knowing a couple of people who got covid to 20+ in the past 10 days.
A couple of positives really shook me. I should have been right there with them. 2 golf buddies tested positive this past week and we usually travel together to the course. Something told me to chill out on that.

Are these masks still the way to go? Good to see these are more readily available at normal costs.


**** is wild right now. I went from knowing a couple of people who got covid to 20+ in the past 10 days.
A couple of positives really shook me. I should have been right there with them. 2 golf buddies tested positive this past week and we usually travel together to the course. Something told me to chill out on that.

Are these masks still the way to go? Good to see these are more readily available at normal costs.


The 3M Aura N95 is great if you can get some. Haven’t checked lately but Home Depot had them recently. You really can’t go wrong with a well fitted 3M.
yep, just copped some from Home Depot. I was stunned they were available.

Been using the KN95 masks for the past few months but these just feel more protected.
The head straps definitely give them a snug fit that can’t be replicated by earloops without hurting you. The best alternative I’ve found is to use silicone ear savers to take the pressure off your ears. KN95’s can be great, but the majority of those generic ones you see people wearing are fake and not as protective as most people assume.
Just got boosted finally. Either omicron gotta be more easily transmissible or something is up. Like he said the people I know who caught Covid within past two years were few and far between. But now literally every other person I know either has it or or quarantined from being exposed.
My wife is vaccinated and has the booster and found out last week that she was positive while getting ready to go into labor. It was a shocker to us because neither of us had any symptoms. But we found out that we were exposed a few days earlier. She and I had to be isolated as she gave birth and we stayed in the same room the entire 4 days and couldn't walk out of it (it was horrible). Our child was negative when tested and once we were released and I was able to get tested, I also tested negative. Could be because our son has the antibodies from my wife. I am vaxxed and booster, so i assume that's why it didn't transmit to me.
I think what people fail to mention when they say, "the vaxx doesn't prevent you from getting covid" is the drastic differences between being unvaxxed and vaxxed. Early last year when my wife and I was unvaxxed, we caught it easy and had plenty of symptoms. Being vaxxed, I've been exposed on a few occasions where every unvaxxed person that was around caught it, but I didn't. Although my wife tested positive, she didn't have and hasn't had one symptom of covid.
I get why people are hesitant to get the vaccine, but I am happy with my decision to get it.
Btw...so far it's Moderna >> Pfizer
My wife has Pfizer and I got Moderna
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