Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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So are we at the point where we're just gonna accept everyone is gonna get it? Just make sure you're well protected and boosted. Sure seems that way.

i remember when it first popped off they said about 70% of the world was gonna get it. this was before delta and omarion.
i remember when it first popped off they said about 70% of the world was gonna get it. this was before delta and omarion.

I'm still about a month away from being able to get a booster. Done had the Delta and am fully vaccinated now. Hopefully that'll be enough along with a good mask.
Is this the beginning of the herd immunity folks have been touting though?
Was thinking about this and have seen some folks float this around (I think it was Gates and some other doc)

Either way it feels like we're on a bullet train to an endemic phase whether the data says we're there or not based on updated guidelines

We'll see how it plays out
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We do no clothes on the bed, but not living area couches. What is your protocol for guests on your couches? Everyone strips down at entry? :lol:
in normal times, it doesnt bug me when guests sit on my couch with their clothes on. I "suck it up."

But for us, never.

Its probably why we go through a new washer and dryer every 2 years. We beat them to death with the amount of washing we do.

And I acknowledge this thinking is not normal. But it gets me through the day. I literally have a closet just for outdoor clothes that were just worn a minimal amount of time (i.e. 2 hours to run errands).
I could understand that rule if there was evidence that it helps, but what are you actually preventing by its implementation?

Nothing more, nothing less.

I just have certain opinions about certain things that health professionals would deem not necessary. I know this is an airborne disease. But for instance, I dont care how many times a health professional can tell me you can't get it from food, but I just can't fathom not being able to get it from someone who has covid who handled my food. Still blows my mind that someone with covid can sneeze on your food and you can't get it. Main reason why I haven't eaten out more than a handful of times since Mar'20.

My wife just tested positive and recently got her booster last week. Pretty mild symptoms for her so that’s good. I tested negative and have been boosted since October. **** is crazy out here, B.
My friend was feeling like crap sunday so he went to take a covid test and just got his result today and he’s positive. He’s feeling fine now and the doctor said he’s not contagious anymore and can go back to work

How does that work, still has it but not contagious anymore? Could it be that he was positive Sunday but it’s out of his system by now? But how would they even know that
Some people (especially if vaccinated) do seem to fight off the infection in 2 or 3 days - others take longer.

My son first tested positive last Monday (after exposure the day before) and only tested negative for the first time yesterday - so 8 days for him.

That’s essentially the reason for the 10 day isolation period - much less is unwise as you can be over the worst and still be contagious.

Once the fever has gone you’re generally clear though - the other symptoms can hang around longer but you are no longer contagious.
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