Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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China government spokesman says U.S. military may have brought virus to China
I mean, while my fairly ignorant mind believes this was a virus that originated (had typed created, but I'm not even finna go down that road) in China, would it really be far fetched to believe this isnt a small scale biological warfare being waged by ANY country?


A couple of memes to lighten the hysteria...
you think so?

I’d say if we look at what other countries are having to do, expect that to happen here. It’s the same damn virus and we’re testing LESS than other countries. We’re absolutely going to be put into quarantine at some point if we’re serious about slowing down the spread. Outside of a vaccine, I’m not sure anything else will be as effective as social distancing.
Panick has set in in my area.

Schools closed now in my area for 3 weeks. Grocery stores getting absolutely slammed. I have a case of quest bars if it comes to that. We're now at 6 confirmed cases.

So much resell and greed. Take y2k and every BF lineup and multiple it by 5.

Casinos remain open

These stores are breeding grounds for disease with groups of 100 plus. The government isn't sanctioning these grocery stores just yet.

I hope everyone who is buying all these items are in fact hoarding them and staying indoors and ****ting their brains out.

I think until supply chain items close down, or are forced to quarantine, the panick is a tad premature.

Just saw a dude buy out all the pasta. Who needs 20 boxes of noodles? People are buying everything in bulk.

Gas is low. No one's buying generators.

I'm glad now people are taking it seriously. Now stay home with your 100 packs of Lysol and clorox wipes, and 50 packs of TP.

FLU medicine is barely selling out. Gatorade is still around.

They need to take no half measures and just close down the us for 7-14 days

Ohio health official estimates 100,000 people in state have coronavirus
I know alot of ppl at this moment have it that haven't been tested so the real numbers are going to be high, but that seems a little crazy. 100,000 infected puts an estimate of 2,000 deaths (2%) that will come out of those infected in Ohio alone. Who knows at this point tho. Could be that high or could be no where near that high. Anything's possible considering the rate of progression that went on in Italy and China within 24 hours. Who the hell knows at this point. It's a s*** show how we lagged behind all this.
Does covid-19 like cold weather?

Thinking about taking a trip to Canada. I'm shook though.
Washington gotta put politics to the side and act swiftly. Mandatory lockdown come Monday.
I fly to NY tomorrow night for 2 weeks. I'm starting to think I should cancel my flight. I live in Seattle.
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