Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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I'm cautiously optimistic cases don't rise drastically when all these states start doing away with most mask mandates this month and next. Will vaccine mandates still stick around for the foreseeable future? WA state hasn't announced a date to end mandates yet but I'm sure it's not too far away considering they usually trend the way of their neighboring states like CA and OR.
Me: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface:

Everybody else at this point:

Glad my family and friends for the most part are still taking precautions and haven’t been going wild
Our officials are idiots. Add spring break to the mix and we're back into a lockdown again.
Election time is coming up.

Gotta go for those "independent" votes.

They're dropping mask mandates in CT schools after Feb 28th, with less than half of 5-11 fully vaccinated (no vaccine mandates either), no antivirals readily available, and no word on long COVID and its impact.

Some states have had shortages of teachers so severe they've asked parents to sub and dropped hiring requirements to having a high school diploma.

This country, man...
My 8 year old tested positive for the flu yesterday. When we were at the doctor I could hear the nurse make the call to 2 other parents saying their kids had the flu as well...

He just had covid around new years....poor kid cant catch a break...

Symptoms were very similar to covid but without the body ache and headache...he had a 103 fever Sunday night...got pretty scary
Election time is coming up.

Gotta go for those "independent" votes.

They're dropping mask mandates in CT schools after Feb 28th, with less than half of 5-11 fully vaccinated (no vaccine mandates either), no antivirals readily available, and no word on long COVID and its impact.

Some states have had shortages of teachers so severe they've asked parents to sub and dropped hiring requirements to having a high school diploma.

This country, man...

Only getting worse.

Every day I walk into the conference room and all I hear is talk of early retirement, unionizing, and collective bargaining, add that on top of lack of new people entering the profession.

If you have grade school kids start looking for tutors, and outside educational resources. Its about to get bleak. I give it 2 more years schools can't keep functioning like this.
My 8 year old tested positive for the flu yesterday. When we were at the doctor I could hear the nurse make the call to 2 other parents saying their kids had the flu as well...

He just had covid around new years....poor kid cant catch a break...

Symptoms were very similar to covid but without the body ache and headache...he had a 103 fever Sunday night...got pretty scary

Are you guys pretty good about precautions? I know flu is more transmissible via droplet, but COVID precautions should mostly overlap, which is why the influenza burden has been much lower the last couple years.
I'm cautiously optimistic cases don't rise drastically when all these states start doing away with most mask mandates this month and next. Will vaccine mandates still stick around for the foreseeable future? WA state hasn't announced a date to end mandates yet but I'm sure it's not too far away considering they usually trend the way of their neighboring states like CA and OR.
I wish I shared your optimism. We aren't even down to PEAK Delta numbers yet!
Are you guys pretty good about precautions? I know flu is more transmissible via droplet, but COVID precautions should mostly overlap, which is why the influenza burden has been much lower the last couple years.

We haven't been doing anything differently. We still take our precautions if we have to go out. He is in public school though...We are in houston as well so it has always felt like we are swimming upstream since this started...
We haven't been doing anything differently. We still take our precautions if we have to go out. He is in public school though...We are in houston as well so it has always felt like we are swimming upstream since this started...
Oh damn, I'm guessing public compliance with most COVID precautions aren't ideal in Houston? Does his school require masks, at least?
Oh damn, I'm guessing public compliance with most COVID precautions aren't ideal in Houston? Does his school require masks, at least?

No public schools CAN'T require masks...mask mandates are banned down here...he's been masked since the start of school but I say about 70-80 % of his school doesn't mask...
I'm cautiously optimistic cases don't rise drastically when all these states start doing away with most mask mandates this month and next. Will vaccine mandates still stick around for the foreseeable future? WA state hasn't announced a date to end mandates yet but I'm sure it's not too far away considering they usually trend the way of their neighboring states like CA and OR.
The only problem I see is that for most governments lifting mask mandates seems to be done at the same time as removing the need for vaccine passports - which is stupid. As I’ve said before the unvaccinated should have different rules and I’m all in for restricting mass events etc to the vaccinated.

I thought people were just masking inside stores and stuff cause omicron was wild. NYC idk what the mandates I assume most people know we packed like sardines here so its wise to mask up. I never seen so many people masked up OUTDOORS since the beginning of covid.
Based on the number of MAGA hats, American and confederate flags I see flying there, along with the fact that 93% of Canadian truckers have been vaccinated, I seriously doubt that protest is genuine.
I believe with Canada, some people are just pissed with the lockdown overall. They've had some of the strictest lockdown rules I've seen than most other countries. And when they see how their neighbors(US)are able to move about, they decided to kick it up.
Driving a truck over the road sucks, there’s a lot of bs rules and it’s only getting worse. I believe they have even harsher rules in Canada.

The pay isn’t good either that’s why I only do local work. It’s way more chill as far as rules go.

I don’t know and don’t really care about the root of this protest but expect more if conditions don’t get better. I’m not going to act like it’s only truck drivers though. Pretty much everyone is going through it now.

They should have just protested working conditions and not mentioned vaccines. It gave a pass for the media to call them alt right and fringe minorities and nutcases to join their protest with Swazi flags and all that.
My 78 year old uncle just got Covid. He has high blood pressure and a two time cancer survivor.

He is vaxed and boosted

My cousin said that his doctors were trying to track down Paxlovid for him.
To update this

My uncle got Paxlovid like the day I wrote this

Took it, said his symptoms didn't progress past a cough, body aches, and sore throat. Got a little worse but nothing he couldn't manage. Said he only has a lingering cough now.

But he tested negative on a PCR taken last week

I talked to a dude this past weekend on Skype. Mans was just wearing some tighty whities, watching the Pro Bowl, eating some takeout chicken vindaloo out the containers :lol:

My aunt comes back from Florida his week, so mans is living it up until then

He told me that even though he hates big Pharma, between the vaccines, Paxlovid, and Viagra, he got nothing but love in his heart for Pfizer. They have been holding him down for decades now.

Which I found hilarious, then I realized he was alluding to having sex with my aunt, so then I was like "ewww".

Either way, thank the universe for modern medicine
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To update this

My uncle for Paxlovid like the day I wrote this

Took it, said his symptoms didn't progress past a cough, body aches, and sore throat. Got a little worse but nothing he couldn't manage. Said he only has a lingering cough now.

But he tested negative on a PCR taken last week

I talked to a dude this past weekend on Skype. Mans was just wearing some tighty whiteys, watching the Pro Bowl, eating some takeout chicken vindaloo out the containers :lol:

My aunt comes back from Florida his week, so mans is living it up until then

He told me that even though he hates big Pharma, between the vaccines, Paxlovid, and Viagra, he got nothing but love in his heart for Pfizer. They have been holding him down for decades now.

Which I found hilarious, then I realized he was alluding to having sex with my aunt, so then I was "ewww".

Either way, thank the universe for modern medicine

I'm incredibly proud of your Uncle and Aunt. Makes me proud to be your NT brother. HANDSOME
The only problem I see is that for most governments lifting mask mandates seems to be done at the same time as removing the need for vaccine passports - which is stupid. As I’ve said before the unvaccinated should have different rules and I’m all in for restricting mass events etc to the vaccinated.
Is the idea that the unvaccinated should live by different rules based on the possible continuous mutation of the virus and the unknown outcomes of the mutations?

If so, I guess I'd ask is it not possible for the virus to mutate amongst the vaccinated as well?
Is the idea that the unvaccinated should live by different rules based on the possible continuous mutation of the virus and the unknown outcomes of the mutations?

If so, I guess I'd ask is it not possible for the virus to mutate amongst the vaccinated as well?
I can’t speak for him, but to me the rules should be designed to incentivize vaccination that clearly leads to lower burden of hospitalization and all associated societal costs that come with uncontrolled spread of dangerous disease. Vaccines also reduce transmission, which means less chances for mutation.
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