Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Damn, sorry to see this. I pray you fight it off quickly and the rest of your household stays well. If you have time, can you describe the primary symptoms you're feeling? Headache, fatigue, stuffy/runny nose?

My son has had a stuffy nose for about a week with no other symptoms. He tested negative on RAT, so we've chalked it up to allergies or a minor cold. He has a history of seasonal allergies so it makes sense, but also happened right after CA schools dropped the mask mandate, so that made me suspicious. My daughter has been complaining off/on about a sore throat, but she's always complaining about something and we tested her too just in case. Wild times.

I tested negative 5 times on a rapid when I had it. PCR is the only way to be sure.
I tested negative 5 times on a rapid when I had it. PCR is the only way to be sure.
IMO, it comes down to what you’re going to do with the information. My kids are so young that we wouldn’t be able to effectively isolate them, so my wife and I would likely be exposed no matter what. They are some of the only ones still wearing masks at school, so I’m not particularly worried about going out of my way to protect those who are doing nothing to protect themselves and others. I think we’re at the point where nobody is staying home for a stuffy nose and most aren’t even bothering to test, TBH. As long as my fam keeps testing negative on RAT and are otherwise happy and healthy we’ll keep it moving.
We’re still testing twice weekly - so I did my usual test on Monday and it was fine. Out of curiosity I did one last night just after I got my PCR result and it came back positive within seconds - as soon as the liquid started moving there was a line.
my mom got a stash of free 3m aura masks from CVS.
indoor mask mandate is done here. my wife showed me our box of masks and said "we ain't wasting these, they cost a fortune" :lol:
Blake P Blake P how long are masks good for if we store them properly?

we have a trip to nyc/dc coming up at the end of may. no more mandatory masks on airplanes. my wife asked me what i thought and i said we gonna be on the plane for 11 hours. either mask the whole time or not at all - if one person is sick, we all getting sick. not sure if that was right but there's no damn way my two year old can wear a mask for the whole flight from hawaii to nyc. i'll be checking the numbers and we will likely wear masks indoors on the mainland if there are crowds.
my mom got a stash of free 3m aura masks from CVS.
indoor mask mandate is done here. my wife showed me our box of masks and said "we ain't wasting these, they cost a fortune" :lol:
Blake P Blake P how long are masks good for if we store them properly?

we have a trip to nyc/dc coming up at the end of may. no more mandatory masks on airplanes. my wife asked me what i thought and i said we gonna be on the plane for 11 hours. either mask the whole time or not at all - if one person is sick, we all getting sick. not sure if that was right but there's no damn way my two year old can wear a mask for the whole flight from hawaii to nyc. i'll be checking the numbers and we will likely wear masks indoors on the mainland if there are crowds.

If you keep your masks stored properly (ideally sealing them air tight in a ziplock or similar in a dark closet) they never really "expire" though the headband material might degrade over many years. The filtration should be fine and shouldn't even be a concern.
As I'm sure you're aware, the highest risk on flights is when the plane is sitting idle and the air filtration isn't running. I'd try to get your 2 y/o to wear that mask as much as possible during that time to reduce the risk. The other time I'd remain fully masked is during meal time when people will be creating more aerosols than normal. I completely disagree that it's an all or nothing situation. Doing the best you can for as long as possible can go a long way toward keeping you safe.
That’s good advice. I don’t eat on planes anyway - started a decade or so ago when I read something about getting over jet lag faster - plus eating that crap with the altitude and Jiggling around makes me feel worse.

I eat the appropriate meal before I leave (which if I’m flying to the US is breakfast in the airport) then the correct local time meal when I arrive and that’s it.

Right now I’m definitely not eating while others are chewing with their mouth open…
my mom got a stash of free 3m aura masks from CVS.
indoor mask mandate is done here. my wife showed me our box of masks and said "we ain't wasting these, they cost a fortune" :lol:
Blake P Blake P how long are masks good for if we store them properly?

we have a trip to nyc/dc coming up at the end of may. no more mandatory masks on airplanes. my wife asked me what i thought and i said we gonna be on the plane for 11 hours. either mask the whole time or not at all - if one person is sick, we all getting sick. not sure if that was right but there's no damn way my two year old can wear a mask for the whole flight from hawaii to nyc. i'll be checking the numbers and we will likely wear masks indoors on the mainland if there are crowds.

No more mask mandate on planes? Eff that I aint catching nothing if i can help prevent it, especially from a plane. Id mask up on a plane, or any public transport.
No more mask mandate on planes? Eff that I aint catching nothing if i can help prevent it, especially from a plane. Id mask up on a plane, or any public transport.
It's currently set to expire 4/18 and airline CEO's are putting significant pressure on CDC to let it expire. Wish mandatory mask use on all public transport was made permanent, but money talks.
Planes is right up there with the most stupid places for the mandate to be lifted. Other modes of transport have more space and the doors and windows can open and it’s unlikely that you spend multiple hours on it.

I have no idea why those companies are so keen to change the rules - do they think that will encourage more people to travel?
Planes is right up there with the most stupid places for the mandate to be lifted. Other modes of transport have more space and the doors and windows can open and it’s unlikely that you spend multiple hours on it.

I have no idea why those companies are so keen to change the rules - do they think that will encourage more people to travel?

Im sayin, what benefit would this have for the airline companies? It def doesnt encourage more people to travel, they gonna do that mask mandate or not.
Im sayin, what benefit would this have for the airline companies? It def doesnt encourage more people to travel, they gonna do that mask mandate or not.

Looking at it objectively, removing the mandate will be good for flight attendants who are left to enforce it and have faced increasing amounts of anger and violence. It also helps remove the stigma of air travel being risky.
Looking at it objectively, removing the mandate will be good for flight attendants who are left to enforce it and have faced increasing amounts of anger and violence. It also helps remove the stigma of air travel being risky.

I guess if they wanna prevent people wylin and then delays cause someone has to be forcibly removed. Must happen more than we see on social media.

Still seems silly to me to remove it, maybe by the end of the year or next year. Summer is big travel moves for a lot of people. A little spike might just happen.

Still think were a year or probably 2 from things being truly “normal”.
If you keep your masks stored properly (ideally sealing them air tight in a ziplock or similar in a dark closet) they never really "expire" though the headband material might degrade over many years. The filtration should be fine and shouldn't even be a concern.
As I'm sure you're aware, the highest risk on flights is when the plane is sitting idle and the air filtration isn't running. I'd try to get your 2 y/o to wear that mask as much as possible during that time to reduce the risk. The other time I'd remain fully masked is during meal time when people will be creating more aerosols than normal. I completely disagree that it's an all or nothing situation. Doing the best you can for as long as possible can go a long way toward keeping you safe.
thanks man. we will probably go the safer route because my wife don't listen to me much anyway :lol:
Might be getting one more small uptick before the summer. Seeing a bunch of positive cases here in NY again.
Anyone been here long enough to remember the early days of this thread when NT’ers were tossing around theories about why the virus would only affect Asians and how Africans had some genetic predisposition that made them immune?
My father in law keeps sending us stuff about how his genetics protect him. Along with the amount of hot peppers he eats and his regular sauna.

The problem is that some of it could have a point - but we’re back to the usual “that’s not how science works”.
My father in law keeps sending us stuff about how his genetics protect him. Along with the amount of hot peppers he eats and his regular sauna.

The problem is that some of it could have a point - but we’re back to the usual “that’s not how science works”.
My mom too. She seems to think her O blood type has given her some magical super immunity. Okay mom. :wink:
My mom too. She seems to think her O blood type has given her some magical super immunity. Okay mom. :wink:

Yeah, we’ve had the blood type discussion too - it delayed him from getting a booster for a while but eventually he was persuaded.
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