Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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From my understanding, most Senate business is handled by unanimous consent. But most of those are procedural. Or to get a short budget passed

Unanimous consent is different from a unanimous vote. Unanimous consent means no one opposed a bill. A unanimous vote means everyone voted for it.

Basically, if something is gonna pass away, they just use unanimous consent to avoid having to call everyone back to the Senate and debate it out. It is a big time-saving measure for the Senate

Rand Paul is notorious for being the only dissenter for some ****. Cruz too. That is why even Republican Senators hate them as people.

When the Dems threaten to kill the filibuster, Mitch threatened to kill unanimous consent as retaliation, to make the Senate move painfully slow.

Oh ok, didn’t even know the wording made it so different.
Bear with me but this is crazy. I think I’ve told you before that one branch of my family is covid denying antivax antimaskers. My mom’s slightly older sister is a retired nurse and has gradually been going nuts this last 2 years - encouraged by her son and his wife (also an ex-nurse).

Last year my mom had a minor thing that was caught really early - straightforward surgery and all good. Got my dad (retired doctor) thinking about the family - her mom had something a long time ago, her 10 years older sister had similar - other sister (antivaxxer) had something else unrelated that was coincidentally treated by the same surgery so never had any issues.

Anyway, he spoke to the specialist and he agreed it was worth looking into and they recently got back to him with the genetics report - it’s a single gene and if you pass it on your kids are at higher risk of a couple of things so they recommend a test to see if you have it (50% chance) then if you do you get screening every few years because it’s treatable if caught early.

So, my dad had that discussion with me (turns out there’s a different thing men are at increased risk of with the same gene) and my sister (same issue all the women appear to have had) so we’re getting tested - and if positive in a few years we’ll need to talk to our kids too as well as go for regular screening.

He’s also discussed it with other parts of the family so they can get tested (my mom had 2 sisters and a brother and they all had at least 2 kids).

So, he went to my antivax aunt - no need for her to do anything but she could have the test to assess the risk to her kids. She told him to leave and that she wanted nothing to do with it and she won’t be having any tests done.

The part that is really crazy though is that she then went on a rant about why scientists were wasting time looking at the genetics of cancer and weren’t looking into the effects of the covid vaccine instead…

I always got on okay with them before - but I worry now that there’s no going back and I’ll not be able to talk to them now. It’s just too crazy.
Are we starting to see the beginning of our next surge? Too early to tell for sure, but I’d stay tuned and keep the masks close at hand.

Spent this weekend in super liberal (sorry to disappoint you aepps20 aepps20 ) Santa Cruz and even there the masks were noticeably less than usual. I was just there 3 weeks ago and most everyone was still masked, but now it’s 50% at best. My fam was still KF’d up.

How did you survive in that cesspool B? Glad yoy made it out safe and not quoting AOC.

dead (1).png
I had a guy in at work last week that was antivax and antimask and saw me using hand sanitizer and said I didn't want to do that because I was killing all the good bacteria on my hands...
Came back into the office all to meet someone on my team since this is their first time being in the area for work……damn near the whole office isn’t wearing mask and I was questioned why I gave mine on.

I can’t wait until this day is over so I can go back to work from home
Blake P Blake P or anyone else, thoughts on this?

There are more Tweets in the thread. I think she is being sarcastic but I am sure some folks believe things like this.

I know people IRL who actively avoid hand sanitizer because they are afraid it will ruin their microbiome but think nothing of ingesting fast food, soda, alcohol, etc.
I don’t use hand sanitizer, not because of the micro biome thing, but does it really do much of anything?

Call me crazy, but I’d much rather wash my hands, knowing that actually gets rid of the gross stuff on my hands…but I’ll walk back into a grocery store after I’m all done, and wash my hands. Hahaha
I don’t use hand sanitizer, not because of the micro biome thing, but does it really do much of anything?

Call me crazy, but I’d much rather wash my hands, knowing that actually gets rid of the gross stuff on my hands…but I’ll walk back into a grocery store after I’m all done, and wash my hands. Hahaha

Soap and water remove microbes/oils/residues mechanically, like physically attaching to that stuff and rubbing your hands + the water pulls it off. It’s the most thorough way of cleaning.

Hand sanitizer contains a percent of ethyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol which is good to clear out like 99% of bacteria and some viruses. I use it if like if I need something quick to clean the hands and/or there’s no bathroom around and my hands aren’t wet/oily/etc.
I use hand sanitizer if I have to because I can't wash my hands. it smells like a hospital though so I'd rather wash my hands.
Hand sanny smells like vodka to me. Everytime someone uses it and I'm around my first thought is always "who's drunk".

When my daughter was born, she was in NICU for a week. Anyone that goes in had to wash their hands with the NICU soap for a minute...a legit minute. Really get in there. Talk about smells like hospital. I actually grew quite fond of the smell in fact.
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That white foam in the upside down bottles is that loud sanitizer I don’t like.

Reminds me when I was stuck in the icu for a month and a half.

Just a personal thing with me, I’d rather smell like some bath and body works.
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