Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Took my daughter to the father-daughter dance at her school tonight and we were the ONLY ones wearing masks during a global pandemic of a respiratory virus that spreads through the air by simply breathing. I asked my daughter if it made her feel uncomfortable and she said, “no dad, I still want to stay safe.” We danced and had a great time. Why is it so hard for people to realize we can still safely enjoy normal activities if we take small steps to protect one another?
The one that is getting me the most at the moment is people acting like it’s an affront to their freedom that they are asked to stay home if they are sick. How is that even an issue? That’s not oppression it’s basic hygiene and looking out for society.
Took my daughter to the father-daughter dance at her school tonight and we were the ONLY ones wearing masks during a global pandemic of a respiratory virus that spreads through the air by simply breathing. I asked my daughter if it made her feel uncomfortable and she said, “no dad, I still want to stay safe.” We danced and had a great time. Why is it so hard for people to realize we can still safely enjoy normal activities if we take small steps to protect one another?

That's not really fair to characterize people that are not wearing masks in that way as not wanting to protect one another.

Especially when local health and government officials have provided guidance saying we are all clear to drop mask mandates because there are a low number of infections.
I walked into In-N-Out burger last night and noticed that there were only 3 people in the entire restaurant wearing a mask....2 of those were my brother and I. It hit me once I sat there waiting for my number to be called. The employees having nonstop conversations while talking over my food. Decided to eat outside :smh:
Anyone been here long enough to remember the early days of this thread when NT’ers were tossing around theories about why the virus would only affect Asians and how Africans had some genetic predisposition that made them immune?

The early theories were wild. The virus couldn’t survive Warm weather climates, so the continent of Africa was immune.

And island countries were also reporting zero cases for a long time. Sort of one thing Trump had correct (even though that’s not how he meant it) was the fact that “numbers are high in the US because we do the most testing.”

None of the so called third world countries had Sufficient testing methods early on so numbers were way off.
So it looks like the FDA Advisors have come around to my line of thinking. Who would have thought the top scientists would echo similar thoughts as just a low level peon without a scientific background. It sounds like that last sentence I quoted may be calling for some healthy eating and gym time as "other measures" to protect individuals.

"FDA advisors call for an end to never-ending booster shots as they try to map out a strategy for living with COVID"

"The FDA and CDC both say that the current COVID booster strategy is "stopgap" and not sustainable."

"I think we may have to accept that level of protection, and then use other alternative ways to protect individuals with therapeutics and other measures," Cohn said. "I do not believe that boosters every 8 weeks, or even 4 months, is a long term strategy for prevention."
So it looks like the FDA Advisors have come around to my line of thinking. Who would have thought the top scientists would echo similar thoughts as just a low level peon without a scientific background. It sounds like that last sentence I quoted may be calling for some healthy eating and gym time as "other measures" to protect individuals.

"FDA advisors call for an end to never-ending booster shots as they try to map out a strategy for living with COVID"

"The FDA and CDC both say that the current COVID booster strategy is "stopgap" and not sustainable."

"I think we may have to accept that level of protection, and then use other alternative ways to protect individuals with therapeutics and other measures," Cohn said. "I do not believe that boosters every 8 weeks, or even 4 months, is a long term strategy for prevention."
I read the article and I don't get the sense that is not what is happening

From the article...

The committee discussed:

  • When the US will know it's time for a brand new COVID vaccine that targets more recent variants, or gives people broader, stronger immunity, and how best to move quickly if that happens
  • How the government (instead of pharmaceutical companies) can drive the agenda on future vaccines, and what the vaccines should look like (nasal? multi-strain? universal?)
  • Whether there should be an annual COVID booster campaign each fall.

Seems like she (and the FDA) is referring to using the current vaccines we have over and over to boost people, and thinking about what comes next on the vaccine front with the 2nd generation vaccines.

I would think the committee member your quote would be talking more about Paxlovid than about going to the gym.

You seem to misrepresent what the article and FDA's position is because you are still upset and the pushback you got in here for some of the silly **** you said.
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I’ll admit I’m not really too concerned about Covid anymore but I’m not mad at anyone for doing what is comfortable to them.

But this mf I know who is the guy screaming the loudest about covid got it and he’s out here crusading around town getting all the coffee and scones and going to Kung fu classes like he doesn’t have it.

The same guy who was yelling at people at work for getting it and acting like it was their choice to get it even though they were isolating. The same guy acting like masks were 100% effective and you were evil for taking it off to even drink near him.

Now he’s got it and he’s maskless running around all over living his life.

He’s the worst type of person.
I read the article and I don't get the sense that is not what is happening

From the article...

Seems like she (and the FDA) is referring to using the current vaccines we have over and over to boost people, and thinking about what comes next on the vaccine front with the 2nd generation vaccines.

I would think the committee member your quote would be talking more about Paxlovid than about going to the gym.

You seem to misrepresent what the article and FDA's position is because you are still upset and the pushback you got in here for some of the silly **** you said.

What is your understanding of the article? There were quotes in the article that specifically talked about how they think the current strategy is unsustainable and that they need a new strategy.

I did say a few things in jest on the topic to try to lighten the conversation but I was serious with my criticism back then about the current strategy of mandating more shots and a possible mandated 4th shot when Moderna and Pfizer were promoting it.
What is your understanding of the article? There were quotes in the article that specifically talked about how they think the current strategy is unsustainable and that they need a new strategy.

I did say a few things in jest on the topic to try to lighten the conversation but I was serious with my criticism back then about the current strategy of mandating more shots and a possible mandated 4th shot when Moderna and Pfizer were promoting it.
I literally quote what the FDA discussed. I already stated my interruption

So now you coming with this... "it was all jokes". :lol:

You doubled down on that stupid employer gym time mandate

Now gain literally brought up the gym things again, to bend what one doctor said to fit your priors.
I literally quote what the FDA discussed. I already stated my interruption

So now you coming with this... "it was all jokes". :lol:

You doubled down on that stupid employer gym time mandate

Now gain literally brought up the gym things again, to bend what one doctor said to fit your priors.

All you quoted and mentioned was an overall summary of their discussion topics. I asked what was your understanding of the article, as in the content of the article in which the FDA gave insight into their thoughts on boosters, immunity, antibodies, etc.

It seems that you just want to argue and I don't argue with strangers on the internet.
All you quoted and mentioned was an overall summary of their discussion topics. I asked what was your understanding of the article, as in the content of the article in which the FDA gave insight into their thoughts on boosters, immunity, antibodies, etc.

It seems that you just want to argue and I don't argue with strangers on the internet.
Cool, I don't want to argue about anything, I am just pushing back on what I see is clearly nonsense.

We can end things right here. I see no value in what you have to say regard covid anyway

Hope you got your gym time in today though
Please feel free to refer to actual quotes from FDA advisors as nonsense when it does not fit your agenda.
What agenda?

Reading comprehension

You say stuck on goofy, that you always whine when people point out the holes in what you are saying. With nonsense about agendas, silent majorities, free will, and can't waiting to vote.

This is the entire article for anyone to read....
The nation's top disease and vaccine experts are trying to figure out their next move against COVID-19, before it's too late.

On Wednesday, an independent advisory committee to the US Food and Drug Administration — the agency entrusted with ensuring the country's COVID-19 vaccine supply is not only safe, but also useful and well-updated — met to discuss the future of COVID-19 vaccines and boosters. It was a departure from the committee's previous meetings during the pandemic, which have focused more deliberately on OK'ing specific COVID-19 vaccine candidates for different age groups, as well as booster shots.

The committee discussed:

  • When the US will know it's time for a brand new COVID vaccine that targets more recent variants, or gives people broader, stronger immunity, and how best to move quickly if that happens
  • How the government (instead of pharmaceutical companies) can drive the agenda on future vaccines, and what the vaccines should look like (nasal? multi-strain? universal?)
  • Whether there should be an annual COVID booster campaign each fall.

"There is a worry that protection against severe illness won't hold up forever," the FDA's Jerry Weir, who directs the Division of Viral Products Office of Vaccines Research and Review, said at the meeting.

The FDA and its advisors are already under a time crunch, to prepare for the possibility that new kinds of shots could be needed as early as this fall. Dr. Peter Marks, who directs the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (the arm of the FDA that is in charge of regulating all vaccines) acknowledged the current COVID vaccine strategy of boost-every-few-months with the original vaccine recipe — based on virus sequenced from Wuhan, China in early 2020— is not sustainable.

"We simply can't be boosting people as frequently as we are," he said at the meeting, calling the FDA's decision in late March to authorize second booster doses for people over 50 years old in the US a "stopgap measure" to protect highly vulnerable populations from severe disease, with the Omicron variant still spreading.

Already, successful COVID-19 vaccine makers including Moderna and Pfizer are charting their next moves against the virus, without any direction from the federal government.

They are formulating new vaccines that would target the Omicron variant, or, potentially, future variants that might come our way. Other vaccine makers, including some which haven't created any successful COVID-19 vaccines yet, are also trying out different approaches to fighting this disease, in both early- and late-stage clinical trials.

A more cohesive national strategy for new vaccines is needed, the FDA committee members said. Tailoring vaccines too tightly to circulating variants, which change over the course of weeks and months, is a futile strategy that will lead vaccine makers to "miss the boat," committee member Dr. Michael Nelson, chief of the asthma, allergy, and immunology division at UVA Health, said.

Nelson suggested, instead, "making changes only when we feel confident it's going to substantially lead to a longer duration" of protection, by "providing broad immunity against multiple variants."

Some vaccine makers, like Professor Drew Weissman at the University of Pennsylvania, are already working on that task. But large-scale human trials of those pan-corona vaccines are likely months, if not years away.

"We have to do tremendous work in researching more advanced vaccines, mucosal vaccines, pan-coronavirus vaccines," Marks said. "But we're not gonna get there for this coming year, so this is really trying to do the best we can with the knowledge we have."

Some experts say we may not need new shots​

The COVID-19 vaccines authorized and approved for use in the US are still around 90% protective against severe infections leading to hospitalization or death, across all age groups.

"What is enough?" committee member Dr. Amanda Cohn, the chief medical officer at the National Center for Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said at the meeting.

The CDC presented data at the meeting showing no evidence of waning vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization during the recent Omicron wave. Vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization in the real world remains well above 80%, even in highly vulnerable populations, including older adults and those with comorbidities.

"I think we may have to accept that level of protection, and then use other alternative ways to protect individuals with therapeutics and other measures," Cohn said. "I do not believe that boosters every 8 weeks, or even 4 months, is a long term strategy for prevention."

Either way, we need a better way to measure immunity, experts say​

If we are going to go down the route of creating a new vaccine, experts on the committee urged the FDA to determine better "correlates of protection" for COVID-19 — i.e. finding a reliable way to measure COVID-19 immunity levels in people, to determine when they're decently protected against the virus.

Measuring antibody levels, as is done so routinely now, is a crude measure of protection, a "poor man's" indicator of immunity against COVID, Marks said during the meeting.

The problem with measuring antibodies is that experts know it's imprecise, which means there's no surefire way to know if someone really needs a booster or a new shot, or what kind of protection they can expect to derive from it.

Dr. Ofer Levy, director of the precision vaccines program division of infectious diseases at Boston Children's Hospital, suggested the US government should develop a repository, where the very best, most high-quality immunology studies from around the world could be consulted. That, he said, could help drive the conversation about what the next vaccines need to do for our immune systems, and how we'll know when they're working well.

Advisors will meet again in summer to decide a plan for the fall​

The FDA advisory committee is expected to meet again some time this summer, hopefully with more data from pharmaceutical companies about next-generation vaccine candidates they're working on. Then, the hope is that the committee can make some informed decisions about what should happen this fall and beyond, assessing whether additional shots will be needed, and if so when, for whom, and what kind.

"We're in uncharted territory," committee chair Dr. Arnold Monto said, expressing the difficulty of the task. "With SARS-CoV-2, a lot of things have happened that have never happened before."

Here I highlight all the quotes and one passage referencing an expert's views.

They are mainly talking about moving past our current strategy with......new vaccines. Not stopping shots and relying on **** like healthy eating and exercise.

They are mainly discussing what the immunization outlook and strategy need going forward because boosting current vaccines over and over is not sustainable.

And they feel they need to be able to measure immunity levels better.

The one person you quoted mentioned was talking about therapeutics, something I addressed in my first response to you. Paxlovid is therapeutic. Nowhere does anyone cosign your silly more gym time nonsense

So again, just stop being goofy. The article doesn't vindicate you.

The FDA committee is mainly discussing future vaccines.
What agenda?

Reading comprehension

You say stuck on goofy, that you always whine when people point out the holes in what you are saying. With nonsense about agendas, silent majorities, free will, and can't waiting to vote.

This is the entire article for anyone to read....

Here I highlight all the quotes and one passage referencing an expert's views.

They are mainly talking about moving past our current strategy with......new vaccines. Not stopping shots and relying on **** like healthy eating and exercise.

They are mainly discussing what the immunization outlook and strategy need going forward because boosting current vaccines over and over is not sustainable.

And they feel they need to be able to measure immunity levels better.

The one person you quoted mentioned was talking about therapeutics, something I addressed in my first response to you. Paxlovid is therapeutic. Nowhere does anyone cosign your silly more gym time nonsense

So again, just stop being goofy. The article doesn't vindicate you.

The FDA committee is mainly discussing future vaccines.

So I like that the FDA Advisors are being proactive in thinking about ultimately what they are trying to accomplish and in a way, what does success look like when they ask questions like how much is enough protection, how do we measure immunity, future vaccines, etc.

To achieve more buy in, if they can come up with a more clear plan and guidance that they can communicate ahead of time, it would help and I think this is a path forward in that direction.

At the end of the day I think it will increase their credibility and lead to overall better health outcomes.
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