Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Call me a punk but no one wears a mask anymore around here.

I actually feel obligated not to wear one.
Call me a punk but no one wears a mask anymore around here.

I actually feel obligated not to wear one.

We don’t wear masks at work anymore once again (for now, based on cases in area.) and I know this is “survivors bias” but after going to two stadium concerts in the past month where NOBODY was wearing masks, I definitely feel much less concerned about catching it at work.

Yeah yeah…. Shame me 😭
Blake P Blake P or anyone else, thoughts on this?

There are more Tweets in the thread. I think she is being sarcastic but I am sure some folks believe things like this.

This is kind of funny but I am curious as to what point she is trying to get across. Does she feel everyone should keep wearing masks? Does she feel we should be back in lockdowns and hiding in our basements?

I don't have a Twitter so I can't see anything beyond a few of her tweets.
They got rid of masks at my job... before only people that are vaccinated could ditch the masks....now even unvaccinated can ditch the mask... the only places I won't wear a mask is at home, work and outside... I will continue to wear it indoors like stores and malls because I don't trust the unvaccinated people... when I went to my local bars in the summer I didn't wear one inside though lol
We don’t wear masks at work anymore once again (for now, based on cases in area.) and I know this is “survivors bias” but after going to two stadium concerts in the past month where NOBODY was wearing masks, I definitely feel much less concerned about catching it at work.

Yeah yeah…. Shame me 😭

I mean I UNDERSTAND the logic but I don't know man, it is still risky.

I have a co-worker that husband hat Covid and her siblings/parents (father died from it) all had it.

She was in the house with them and didn't get the Covids.

So now she is saying she will stop wearing her mask @ school because she no longer has to.

Nah man. Just no.
Yeah honestly kingkoopa kingkoopa you lost me when you said you feel "obligated" to not wear a mask.

Do what makes you comfortable, mask or not. Virtually nobody wears a mask out by me, but I keep mine on. I've got immunocompromised loved ones, but beyond that I like that I haven't gotten sick since I started wearing one and I like that it gives me a little anonymity in public because I HATE stop n' chats with acquaintances.

Live your truth either way, but don't let peer pressure be your primary motivator.
Got sick again. Like the 3rd time since covid hit. Covid test is negative. Said **** it, tossed on a mask and went on to work. About as close to "pre-covid" normalcy as I'll probably get.
Yeah honestly kingkoopa kingkoopa you lost me when you said you feel "obligated" to not wear a mask.

Do what makes you comfortable, mask or not. Virtually nobody wears a mask out by me, but I keep mine on. I've got immunocompromised loved ones, but beyond that I like that I haven't gotten sick since I started wearing one and I like that it gives me a little anonymity in public because I HATE stop n' chats with acquaintances.

Live your truth either way, but don't let peer pressure be your primary motivator.

Yeah I wasn't saying I don't wear one anyway.

Nobody has said ****.

You can just feel it.
Welp, after 2 years it finally got me. Had a scratchy throat yesterday and then in the evening felt a lot worse so went for a test first thing this morning.

I don’t feel terrible - just like a mild flu. Bit lousy though.

I’m mainly just annoyed - I’ve been careful, worn a mask everywhere with people and haven’t been in a restaurant etc but I work with people so difficult to avoid it I suppose even with all the mitigations.

I did go to London for a meeting 2 weeks ago - and one person there ended up being positive so that could have been it - talked to her at lunch.
Welp, after 2 years it finally got me. Had a scratchy throat yesterday and then in the evening felt a lot worse so went for a test first thing this morning.

I don’t feel terrible - just like a mild flu. Bit lousy though.

I’m mainly just annoyed - I’ve been careful, worn a mask everywhere with people and haven’t been in a restaurant etc but I work with people so difficult to avoid it I suppose even with all the mitigations.

I did go to London for a meeting 2 weeks ago - and one person there ended up being positive so that could have been it - talked to her at lunch.

Damn, sorry to see this. I pray you fight it off quickly and the rest of your household stays well. If you have time, can you describe the primary symptoms you're feeling? Headache, fatigue, stuffy/runny nose?

My son has had a stuffy nose for about a week with no other symptoms. He tested negative on RAT, so we've chalked it up to allergies or a minor cold. He has a history of seasonal allergies so it makes sense, but also happened right after CA schools dropped the mask mandate, so that made me suspicious. My daughter has been complaining off/on about a sore throat, but she's always complaining about something and we tested her too just in case. Wild times.
First thing I had was a slightly scratchy throat but I get that a bit this time of year anyway - I ride my bike to work in the cold and I get a bit of exercise induced asthma.

Then Monday night I had a slightly niggly cough - not terrible, just occasionally. Today I’ve been coughing stuff up a little.

Generally I just felt bad - achy and flu-like with a dull headache and slightly nauseous. I feel feverish but my temperature is fine and my blood oxygen is 97/98 so no issue there at the moment.

My nose has been running a little today and I’ve sneezed a few times - but not like a terrible cold, just a little bit congested.

I don’t have much appetite but my sense of taste seems fine and I’m pretty sure I can still smell.

So, that all makes sense with the expanded symptoms we have - it’s no longer just the originals but any respiratory symptoms as well.

Means I’m off work for 10 days - I can end my quarantine at the weekend with 2 negative rapid tests 24 hours apart but the healthcare rules are different so it’s 10 full days off.

I spent ages last weekend writing a workshop to present on Sunday so that was a waste of time! The rules are clear that you can go out for essential stuff with the negative tests - but you should avoid indoor gatherings etc so I can’t go (or get paid…).
First thing I had was a slightly scratchy throat but I get that a bit this time of year anyway - I ride my bike to work in the cold and I get a bit of exercise induced asthma.

Then Monday night I had a slightly niggly cough - not terrible, just occasionally. Today I’ve been coughing stuff up a little.

Generally I just felt bad - achy and flu-like with a dull headache and slightly nauseous. I feel feverish but my temperature is fine and my blood oxygen is 97/98 so no issue there at the moment.

My nose has been running a little today and I’ve sneezed a few times - but not like a terrible cold, just a little bit congested.

I don’t have much appetite but my sense of taste seems fine and I’m pretty sure I can still smell.

So, that all makes sense with the expanded symptoms we have - it’s no longer just the originals but any respiratory symptoms as well.

Means I’m off work for 10 days - I can end my quarantine at the weekend with 2 negative rapid tests 24 hours apart but the healthcare rules are different so it’s 10 full days off.

I spent ages last weekend writing a workshop to present on Sunday so that was a waste of time! The rules are clear that you can go out for essential stuff with the negative tests - but you should avoid indoor gatherings etc so I can’t go (or get paid…).

Thanks for the detailed explanation! Really hoping this is the worst of your symptoms and you start improving quickly. Keep us posted.
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