Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Over 2 years in and people still not realizing there’s a lot that COVID can do in that space between “the sniffles” and death. :smh:

I saw plenty of people survive, but a chunk of them are now living on ventilators and feeding tubes. Their lives will never be the same.

So if you dont die its ok? Some people get bad complications that could last a while.

But I get what you mean also, it is about what “risks” one is willing to take now. Personally, id be in that Costco with a good mask.

I had it in 2020 and I believe I recently had it 2 weeks ago as well. Brain fog and fatigue has definitely been my major recurring symptoms. Anyone thinking they just get Covid and go back to normal after 5ish days are living in a fantasy world.
So if you dont die its ok? Some people get bad complications that could last a while.

But I get what you mean also, it is about what “risks” one is willing to take now. Personally, id be in that Costco with a good mask.
If we’re undershooting/counting cases, Covid long has to be 6-10 times under reported too, right?. The fact we vaguely hear of Covid long in the msm is a great sign. Shouldn’t it be increasing at a 6-10x clip at any time now? It may be early on still but Covid long doesn’t seem to be any more concerning than anything else at the moment.

Honestly it just feels Like people follow the science or numbers they want to continue on with their own beliefs, on both sides.
I had it in 2020 and I believe I recently had it 2 weeks ago as well. Brain fog and fatigue has definitely been my major recurring symptoms. Anyone thinking they just get Covid and go back to normal after 5ish days are living in a fantasy world.

Yall know im going through cancer treatment and my cancer has a high cure rate, chemo still ****ed me up though (still havent recoveted and I finished in Jan, still need more treatment though). Same idea with covid, high survival rate but going through it ****s you up.
Honestly it just feels Like people follow the science or numbers they want to continue on with their own beliefs, on both sides.

Pretty much this. There are small groups of people on the extremes like the anti vax covid deniers and the people that want government mask/vaccine mandates forever. Most people are in the middle, got their vaccine and just want to live their lives like they did before covid.
If we’re undershooting/counting cases, Covid long has to be 6-10 times under reported too, right?. The fact we vaguely hear of Covid long in the msm is a great sign. Shouldn’t it be increasing at a 6-10x clip at any time now? It may be early on still but Covid long doesn’t seem to be any more concerning than anything else at the moment.

Honestly it just feels Like people follow the science or numbers they want to continue on with their own beliefs, on both sides.
I don't follow the logic.

If we're undercounting cases, does that not mean the number of cases we know about is lower than the actual number of cases?

Long COVID is easier to disguise under a variety of ailments than COVID. When you say that long COVID may not be concerning, does that account for the higher proportion of COVID survivors that end up with persistent symptoms months after they've shed the virus? (1 out of 2 people with COVID end up with the condition).

Just because the media doesn't say anything doesn't mean that the crisis isn't over.
Traveled "down South" last week (Richmond and CHarlotte) and you would have thought we were out of the Pandemic.

NO masks anywhere man. Me and my folks looked like oddballs (EYE don't care, I will still mask up) compared to others with their faces all out.

Just interesting to see man.
Traveled "down South" last week (Richmond and CHarlotte) and you would have thought we were out of the Pandemic.

NO masks anywhere man. Me and my folks looked like oddballs (EYE don't care, I will still mask up) compared to others with their faces all out.

Just interesting to see man.
When will you stop wearing a mask?
Went to a get together over the weekend and I was the only one wearing a mask. One dude tried to 'joke' why I still had a mask through out the night.

At this point, why are people still bothered by others who still choose to wear mask?

Good question.

I have a feeling dude wasn't joking with you. :lol:

Fly out to Vegas Friday night, will definitely masking up on the plane and in packed closed spaces.

When I was in Vegas in March I caught Covid, not trying to go for round 2.
That's still no guarantee that you won't catch covid the rest of your life.
Wearing a seatbelt doesn't guarantee that you won't get in a car accident, but it minimizes the risk of you flying through the windshield during one...
Hundreds of people still dying daily

I can foresee lots of last-minute cancellations in the near future:

What's infuriating about this article is that at the same time airlines were cancelling flights because their staff was affected by masks being optional, the CEOs still lobbied lawmakers to drop mask mandates on planes.

When you think about how easily and how fast diseases spread with air travel, you have to wonder who really treats science as a buffet.
Wearing a seatbelt doesn't guarantee that you won't get in a car accident, but it minimizes the risk of you flying through the windshield during one...

A seat belt is more comparable to a vaccine because a seat belt reduces the injuries in a car accident. A mask does not reduce the severity of a bout of covid.

That said, I disagree with the judge's decision to lift the mask mandate on transportation. Many people take public transportation because they have to. That's different than a night club or concert where the attendees have chosen by their free will to go to the event and take the risk of catching covid.
A seat belt is more comparable to a vaccine because a seat belt reduces the injuries in a car accident. A mask does not reduce the severity of a bout of covid.

That said, I disagree with the judge's decision to lift the mask mandate on transportation. Many people take public transportation because they have to. That's different than a night club or concert where the attendees have chosen by their free will to go to the event and take the risk of catching covid.

The mask is not used to alleviate a bout with covid; it's there to reduce the likelihood of infection, and wanting not to be infected is still worthwhile, especially since we don't know how permanent the vaccine protection is supposed to be.

At least, I'm glad we can see eye to eye on the judge's decision to lift the mandate.
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