Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Coworker went to a wedding in Mexico. One of the guest had a positive test the day they were supposed to leave...bribed the hotel folks conducting the test/paper work and got himself a negative result so he could go home

What a scum. Wish da hotel folks would've hit him with a left hook to da jaw. By the time he would've come to he would have an actual negative test.
To all the dudes that came in here talking about mocking and clowning anti-vaxxers wasn't helping the situation, you owe us an apology
Worth a read: https://erictopol.substack.com/p/a-reinfection-red-flag

TL;DR: reinfections are more common with Omicron subvariants and cause a stepped increase in all cause mortality, so your best bet is to try and avoid infection through all available NPI’s.

Been on vacation in San Diego this week and the lack of masking during this surge is frightening. People are sleepwalking right into future of largely preventable immune compromise.
So following recent reports of a polio outbreak in the UK we have this:

Really, I despair.
So following recent reports of a polio outbreak in the UK we have this:

Really, I despair.

I was talking to someone about Cov2 and they mentioned polio was the closest virus in terms of varying responses to infection. Polio has an 87% asymptomatic rate.
I was talking to someone about Cov2 and they mentioned polio was the closest virus in terms of varying responses to infection. Polio has an 87% asymptomatic rate.
That's probably fair - some kids recovered and some ended up in an iron lung for the rest of their lives - so it was seen to be appropriate to immunise the population and I wouldn't disagree with that.
That's probably fair - some kids recovered and some ended up in an iron lung for the rest of their lives - so it was seen to be appropriate to immunise the population and I wouldn't disagree with that.
Polio did not mutate like Cov2 so it was able to be dealt with through a vaccine. This one really feels like we will have to deal with it for a while.
What’s everyone’s thoughts on getting a 9 month old who doesn’t go to daycare vaccinated?

My gf and I completely disagree on this one and it’s frustrating.

Isn’t the United States the only country that’s vaccinating 👶🏻 ?

I’d wait until some other countries are vaccinating babies. Gone on this long and your kid isn’t in daycare.
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What’s everyone’s thoughts on getting a 9 month old who doesn’t go to daycare vaccinated?

My gf and I completely disagree on this one and it’s frustrating.

I'd get my kid Vaccinated if it is an option. Too many scums out there lying about being Vaccinated. All it takes is one person showing up to your house and getting your kid sick.
What’s everyone’s thoughts on getting a 9 month old who doesn’t go to daycare vaccinated?

My gf and I completely disagree on this one and it’s frustrating.
I’d like to understand the argument against it. Has the child been infected before? If recently, I could understand waiting, but if not you want the child’s first exposure to be a safe/controlled one. That age group has suffered some of the worst outcomes, comparatively.
What’s everyone’s thoughts on getting a 9 month old who doesn’t go to daycare vaccinated?

My gf and I completely disagree on this one and it’s frustrating.

This is my biggest fear in life at the moment.

Having a kid with someone and then disagreeing on how to protect them.

I'd say if you are able to, consult 2-3 different pediatricians and get their thoughts. The fact that the kid doesn't go to daycare doesn't mean a whole lot because the kid comes in contact with you and your girl on a regular basis and I'm sure you guys have varying levels of exposure.

Best of luck to you!
Isn’t the United States the only country that’s vaccinating 👶🏻 ?

I’d wait until some other countries are vaccinating babies. Gone on this long and your kid isn’t in daycare.

I feel like the best option is to wait. We don’t have company, she isn’t in day care, we hardly have social lives.

For me it just doesn’t make sense to rush to it when it JUST came out. I know that we have been okay, I know people who’s kids had Covid and recovered with no issues. But nobody as of right now can say the vaccine is 100 safe for younger kids and nobody can’t say it won’t have any negative long term effects.

I read a stat today that said 17% of parents said they’d do it like right away, and 37 percent were open to it but wanted to wait it out. Which I personally feel makes the most sense.
How did discussion on the other typical immunizations on the schedule go?

She got all of the other immunizations and it was never a debate/discussion.

Also at her last doctors appt, they said this coming one would be a shot free appt so she doesn’t just associate the doctors with shots. The last one was not pleasant.
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