Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Thought I was the only one, Dasani water is disgusting.

Hung around someone who drinks nothing but Dasani, so I've come accustom to the taste.

But lets be real: Arrowhead is the nastiest ******* water of wall time.
You seem to be switching up your tone

Is it Oochie Wally or is it One Mic?


We can go back and pull the receipts, my tone and stance on this hasnt changed. :smile:

Ive always said to be cautious, be smart, etc and to not panic. So no, ive been consistent throughout this.

From one of the article links..

Although most patients who retest positive do not display clinical symptoms, some have developed fevers and other signs of the virus. One such patient, a 36-year-old man, died in Wuhan on March 2, five days after being declared recovered.

What. :frown:
people who go to the grocery store tomorrow are in for a rude awakening. I’ve been out since 1030 had a couple busts but mission accomplished. I’m feeling good headed into quarantine. Had a couple low key spots that held it down. Wegmans and Home Depot were a mess. No meat or eggs at all in Wegmans and people in the TP section of Home Depot looking dumbfounded picking up paper towels then putting them back. I just needed some garden shears from Home Depot to trim up this bountiful weed harvest I just had :pimp:
I got last three packs of chicken breast at the Giant and my local Italian deli was solid for the cured meats, sausage, and pasta.
Spent $300 at the liquor store too :rofl:
drove out to the sticks to grocery shop today and avoid crowds

parking lot had few cars, people inside moving slow and being pleasant. everything fully stocked besides sanitizer and toilet paper.

spring break extended an extra week here as of an hour or so ago
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