Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I live on the coast in Florida and have my daughter’s first birthday party planned for tomorrow at my house. Will be between 25-35 people in our home including a dozen children between 1-3 and a half dozen senior citizens. My wife thinks I am a nut for saying we should cancel. What’s the internet think?

My daughter's 2nd bday was last Sunday and we canceled the week before. Having a house full of folks, especially those in the higher risk category was not the business. Everyone understood. We had a small party w/ just our immediate family instead.
nice, glad things are looking good for you. I know some guys are hurting but that’s why you pull more than amazon trash...

Construction is still going crazy here, about to start up for the paving season, I run A dump truck/flatbed and heavy equipment and pull a low bed here and there. That’s good to hear there is plenty tanker work though. Worst case scenario if construction takes a dump I start pulling tanker again...

hit my dm I need to ask about dump trucks .
So I'm the first NTer to come down with this virus. The symptoms are there and confirmed. I'll be on 14 day social distancing.

Eh this is wha I was talking about, people are gonna have a sickness and think its corona.

Shares alot of symptoms with other ailments, cant be sure unless you get tested. Been in contact with other people, been going out?

Probably better to isolate just incase anyways.

Ninja about to get another Cuban and a new hemi
Nah Ninja won’t even know this is happening until it hits Da Heightz
Can anyone actually stock enough food at home to last them 3 months?
What, you're gonna eat rice, macaroni and spam every day?
I knew the food entitlement posts would come.
If the world is ending outside and you’re safe at home and that’s what you have to eat your gonna complain about it?
You can control the water temp, stream power, pulse speed, heated seats. They even have fans that dry your *** after and make bird and water sounds incase you blowing up the bowl. Remote control.

have your *** clean af

you’ll realize you were a savage before

i don’t eat *** but if I did it would be in Japan
Read it again, I specifically stated that I do eat the ***
I'm just saying. Hypothetically :lol:
So I'm the first NTer to come down with this virus. The symptoms are there and confirmed. I'll be on 14 day social distancing.

fight it off cousin, do us proud.

...and that´s how you get your jersey bought...good on you, Zion.
So I'm the first NTer to come down with this virus. The symptoms are there and confirmed. I'll be on 14 day social distancing.

Symptoms for COVID 19 have a very wide variation...One chart will contradict the next. You must get tested to know for sure....
With that said...that chart posted above is too vague and most COVID 19 patients said initial symptoms began " Very Mildly" with slight sore throat, cough and fatigue....then by the 3rd day, it hit hard.
It's so funny how so many college students were crying for campus closures and all over social media there's college aged kids at parties, restaurants, etc. You can preach the "unselfishness" all you want. If the virus isn't normally fatal to young kids, they're gonna approach this like a vacay not like a disease that could kill elderly if they pass it on.
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