Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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im just looking for an honest report with some first hand evidence and not vague tweets. Keeping it a buck the numbers sound like lies to me. Also all the celebrities results being made public is wild.

over 100 deaths in the US

apparently H1N1 had over 12,000 deaths in the US in 2009. Hopefully with every thing shutting down it’ll start declining soon

Any reports about the people who are on the hospital that haven’t died? How are they holding up?

Trying to hear some good news
Dear 1900 Market Street Members, We have just received notice from a member company that one of their employees based at this location has tested positive for COVID-19. According to the member company, the last time the individual was in our space was on March 11, 2020 and until further notice all of their employees will be working from home. As a result, we will close the building until further notice as we work with our cleaning partners to perform a deep clean of the entire space as soon as possible. Below, we have outlined some key changes as a result of this temporary closure, as well as Center for Disease Control (CDC) resources for additional questions you may have. We encourage 1900 Market Street WeWork members to follow the CDC guidelines provided below 1900 Market StreetWeWork members will not have any access to the space until otherwise informed by WeWork 1900 Market Street members of this building will not be allowed to work out of any other WeWork locations until further notice There will be no ability to access or retrieve personal items until the building is officially reopened Updates on building operations will be sent via the WeWork app CDC Resources As a reminder, the CDC advises that the virus is thought to spread mainly between people who are in close contact with one another (within about six feet) through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. As a company, we continue to refer to guidance from health authorities including the CDC and World Health Organization (WHO) and strongly encourage you to follow the same guidelines and refer to the CDC website for best practices. US Guidance for Risk Assessment and Public Health Management (CDC): https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/risk-assessment.html Public Health Management Decision Making Flow Chart (CDC): https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/downloads/public-health-management-decision-making.pdf FAQ & How to Protect Yourself (CDC): https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html#protect We will continue to communicate with you directly to provide updates on our building.

to close im on 1800jfk which is around the damn corner
my man, is there any way I can show appreciation for you doing this? can I VENMO you some money so you

the point of me sending that message was to assure people who are on it or know people who are they will be receiving a check and not be quoted for something like that. we can get into a conversation about entitlement on another day. I am trying to send positivity and reassurance in a time of uncertainty

All good famb. Just trying to help...also it's part of my work so it's no big deal to upload. Work in biotech div in Ai/Machine Learning side for a PE Firm...our team was tasked for Wuhan Virus (at the time) just after Thanksgiving. Tried to warn but Without Panic. Also, trying to parse thru all the fake news, which is difficult. I got duped many times :lol:
shogun said:
Thank goodness for cam girls to keep me entertained when I don’t feel like watching tv shows or movies. Their smiles and squirting are keeping people’s spirits up. Seems like people are tipping them better too.

what is your malfunction?

My buddies and I were just talking about this is one of the industries that's really going to take off. Especially the Social Media people that use to making money on interactions/events (makeup, model, hairstyle). Especially if stimulus checks come, this will be the vice for them to spend it on such as ********, etc
One of my boys just sent a post on the nextdoor app to our group chat. People broke into 4 cars and all they took was hand sanitizer. :smh: People are losing their marbles.
Sounds like a crackhead/dopefiend move. They can sell it quick to get their next blast.
Good luck fighting a potential murder or manslaughter charge
like they say.. “I’d rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6”

When it comes to my family I’ll do anything to protect them. It’s important to know your states gun laws and its definition of self defense.

Any intruder trying to break into my house in the middle of the night will have a Baretta and a Smith and Wesson .223 waiting for them
shogun said:
Thank goodness for cam girls to keep me entertained when I don’t feel like watching tv shows or movies. Their smiles and squirting are keeping people’s spirits up. Seems like people are tipping them better too.

My buddies and I were just talking about this is one of the industries that's really going to take off. Especially the Social Media people that use to making money on interactions/events (makeup, model, hairstyle). Especially if stimulus checks come, this will be the vice for them to spend it on such as ********, etc
One of the strippers I follow on ig said people were telling her she’d be broke but she said her online stuff will help her out.
All good famb. Just trying to help...also it's part of my work so it's no big deal to upload. Work in biotech div in Ai/Machine Learning side for a PE Firm...our team was tasked for Wuhan Virus (at the time) just after Thanksgiving. Tried to warn but Without Panic. Also, trying to parse thru all the fake news, which is difficult. I got duped many times :lol:

well, it is definitely appreciated! the offer still stands later if you change your mind. good looking out
like they say.. “I’d rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6”

When it comes to my family I’ll do anything to protect them. It’s important to know your states gun laws and its definition of self defense.

Any intruder trying to break into my house in the middle of the night will have a Baretta and a Smith and Wesson .223 waiting for them
That's not nearly the same as shooting a stranger for sneezing or coughing:rofl:
Since I've got nothing to do but sit around and think, I've been realizing how grateful I am for this website. This **** has been a part of me for over half my life even though I haven't always been a frequent user since day 1 and I don't always engage in convos and discussions but I've seen things on here that get me doing deep dives and critically thinking about my life, society, culture, the roles that I and others play in all those, etc. I come across things that have me in ******* tears uncontrollably laughing, basically running the whole gamut.

I was reading an article today about the benefit of having an online community during these times which got me thinking, Outside of my immediate family and a couple really close friends, I'm more familiar with some screen names on here than most things in my life. And that's kinda wild to think about.

I guess I'm just saying, I hope for the absolute best for all y'all and y'alls loved ones.

To NT,
That's not nearly the same as shooting a stranger for sneezing or coughing:rofl:
We obviously talking bout if streets start running wild lmao.

We needa stay strapped regardless the neighbor next to me had some goons ransack his place bout 4 months ago. Middle of the day too
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