Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Since I've got nothing to do but sit around and think, I've been realizing how grateful I am for this website. This **** has been a part of me for over half my life even though I haven't always been a frequent user since day 1 and I don't always engage in convos and discussions but I've seen things on here that get me doing deep dives and critically thinking about my life, society, culture, the roles that I and others play in all those, etc. I come across things that have me in ****ing tears uncontrollably laughing, basically running the whole gamut.

I was reading an article today about the benefit of having an online community during these times which got me thinking, Outside of my immediate family and a couple really close friends, I'm more familiar with some screen names on here than most things in my life. And that's kinda wild to think about.

I guess I'm just saying, I hope for the absolute best for all y'all and y'alls loved ones.

To NT,

Yeah there is some good info in here. I have been off this forum for a while, other than several posts here and there and some lurking. But it is still cool to see a lot of long time posters still sticking around. Especially in S&T which is where I am at normally.
this may have been answered before but if you get covid19 how long does it stay in your body...??
i'm a pharmacist at a costco in the bay area. all my staff feels like getting the virus is inevitable. its scary as hell working anything retail right now. wondering what's gonna happen to our department/warehouse when one of our employees tests positive. we shut the place down? everyone in the pharmacy would have to quarantine...so no pharmacy for at least 14 days? what happens to everyone who was in the breakroom with the sick employee? no way its safe to work anywhere right now
Where's J23? He should do notifications for toilet paper drops.
call that a lewi1913 lewi1913 up on the tp :smokin
1 to rock, 3 to stock
Lol. Man I got lucky as hell. I got to the aisle and there were signs that said 4 per customer & there was literally exactly 4 left scattered inbetween the paper towel rolls. Then 2 seconds later a guy comes into the isle looking for tp. Felt bad for .5 seconds, then kept it moving.
this may have been answered before but if you get covid19 how long does it stay in your body...??

I could of swore I read in one article some of the early cases of people that were flown back to the US from the cruise ships were testing positive up to 26 days with covid19 before getting the okay to go home
damn, y’all kill Vanessa Hudgens. First time I see her silent on social media. She deleted her St Pattys day IG post too
I had to drop off and pick up medication and the world around me is making me feel like I'm overreacting.

It seemed like everyone was out and about ... maybe I just expected to see a ghost town.

I even went thru the carwash for a chance of feeling normal.
What exactly do you do?

Coordinate in what way?

Dispatch trucks, sometimes drive trucks, set up events.

Bars, pipe and drape, furniture.

A lot of dishware at these events are rented.

Did that too.

Usually have like 7 26 foot box trucks deliver to the Kentucky Derby.

That's dead until September.

P&G throw parties all the time.

I'm talkin airport hanger parties.


Weddings at prime locations.

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