Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Chirashi, NY

I was the Only customer @ 12:15pm
Chef gave me free tempura, drink, mochi ice cream.
saw you say this yesterday, can you explain why? thanks!

"Control Group"
The ship is near Yokohama in Japanese waters. Japan is also known to doctor #s and figures but not as bad as CCP.
The ship's crew and passengers are diverse in nationalities and age groups.
The ship is not docked...locked down.
The "patient zero" of this ship traveled to Wuhan.

Now, over 139 are diagnosed with COVID-19. From here, we can get the DNA of the virus...is it Aerosol?...how does it affect each nationality...etc.

Great in depth look.
nah i think hes pointing out what the world is looking at it, since he did go in and ate anyways
i'm not immune to it myself. we're doing our vacation on the mainland US instead of japan in march because of the proximity to china. i have a 7 year old and a 9 month old. i'm nervous and almost considered scrapping travel completely.

Nah my braddah...go back a page...was talking about how empty All Asian spots were in NY...thought I'd swing by one today for lunch.
Will be in HNL this summer.
it's all good man. i'm reading all of your posts in here for sure.
Have tentative itinerary for SKorea and Japan in April, and not gonna lie hoping this helps me get reservations at places that are usually hard to go to.
BREAKING: Epicenter of coronavirus outbreak reports 1,638 new cases and 94 new deaths


The number of people in serious and critical condition in Hubei province continues to rise: 6,344 yesterday, 7,241 today
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If any of my fellow asian bros/sis get harrassed or experience some type of hostility , do what i do ...

COUGH in their god damn face...
Not good advice. This is how this virus started spreading.
You don’t even have to be Asian and cough on somebody for beef to pop off right now. Anybody in public coughs and it’s all eyes on them.
yeah...son is trying to get ppl hurt.
nobody should be singling ppl of any backgrounds out IMO but that's not the move either.

sadly, I too am not exempt as I've wanted Chinese food for awhile now but have avoided getting it. I can taste it and visualize it and everything I want it so bad. :frown:
where do yall live at where you scared to eat at a Chinese restaurant? that's just ignorant to be honest
where do yall live at where you scared to eat at a Chinese restaurant? that's just ignorant to be honest
why do you feel that way?

the epicienter of this outbreak is where?
how many times have you flown internationally? when is the last time you've flown in general? how easy is it to be around ppl who have travelled all over the world or the country or whatever?
are you stopping to ask each and every individual person where they've been?
are you going to believe them if they told you?
you trust the Chinese government on this?
you trust the American government on this?
on top of that its already flu season and everyone is coughing.

i'm avoiding crowded places as much as possible in general.
mad ppl here have been sick from the flu or bad colds in the last few weeks and have called out. if the flu spread so easily what makes you think this won't? we don't even know everything about this thing yet.

but we're ignorant. yeah ok bro.
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