Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Legit read your SN as H1N1 at first glance

How is it possible that they are new patients and immediately developed “severe symptoms”? Isn’t there a 14 day incubation period?

Incubation period ranges from 2 days to 42 days for documented cases.
Those 2 prisoners in the UK tested positive for covid-19

I’ve yet to see a non-asian die

They prolly young with Strong immune system only people with weak immune system with current diseases are suffering and dying faster ..
SINGAPORE - About 300 DBS employees were evacuated from their office at Marina Bay Financial Centre on Wednesday (Feb 12), after an employee was confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus.

Seriously, ain't Iran western asia?

Wouldn't their respiratory system be similar?

Scientists in Asia are researching if COVID-19 is specifically affecting people of Han-Chinese descent as they encompass more than 99% of the ones who succumbed to it.

Chinese Firm Makes Gilead Drug in Virus Fight, Raising IP Fears

A Chinese drugmaker said it has started mass-producing an experimental treatment from Gilead Sciences Inc. that has shown potential to fight the novel coronavirus, adding to concerns that the U.S. pharma company is losing patent control in China’s accelerating effort to fight the outbreak.

Suzhou-based BrightGene Bio-Medical Technology Co. said it has developed technology to synthesize the active pharmaceutical ingredients of Gilead’s remdesivir. A leading candidate to treat the virus that’s killed more than 1,000 people, the drug isn’t licensed or approved anywhere in the world. BrightGene rose 20% Wednesday in Shanghai.
so im assuming its onwards of 100K people affected AND spreading.

a quarantine is effectve..but i feel like its really just out there in every environment already. this has been terrifying but when you really think about how often people travel..touch..contaminate.. damn man . What are some options as a people to try and corral this situation?
so im assuming its onwards of 100K people affected AND spreading.

a quarantine is effectve..but i feel like its really just out there in every environment already. this has been terrifying but when you really think about how often people travel..touch..contaminate.. damn man . What are some options as a people to try and corral this situation?

Thus far, from hard data, COVID-19 is a danger to people of Chinese descent, elderly, w/ pre-existing conditions, hypertension, smokers..etc.

Video interviews from other Asian countries of diagnosed patients who've recovered all stated that it felt like nothing to just a cold. They were all from varying age groups.

Video interviews of Americans diagnosed with COVID-19 on the Diamond Princess Ship stated that they feel normal.

This Wuhan Virus has been known since November. Millions of Chinese travellers have visited the entire world since then...from Wuhan too...COVID-19 has had plenty of time to show up here in America.

The biggest ques....Why is COVID-19 affecting (killing) the Han-Chinese only?? Look at the CCP's actions after their coverup backfired. They're acting like this is World War Z.
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