Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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So while we are talking about family, back in August I got into it with my sister about a controversial topic that her abusive controlling husband has her brainwashed on and more or less called out the things that she has told me about him. Haven’t spoken to her since. I’ve attempted to apologize and try to meet in the middle and she blocked me.

My mom reached out to her and basically was like “given what’s going on in the world don’t you think it’s time to forgive your brother and reconcile” and she through it in her face and basically said no.

Insane. The person she is today she was the complete opposite before she met her now husband. The fact theres a global pandemic and she can’t get over something that happened 8 months ago and move on and meet in the middle, I think I’m good on ever speaking to her again. It’s sad to say but it is what it is.
So while we are talking about family, back in August I got into it with my sister about a controversial topic that her abusive controlling husband has her brainwashed on and more or less called out the things that she has told me about him. Haven’t spoken to her since. I’ve attempted to apologize and try to meet in the middle and she blocked me.

My mom reached out to her and basically was like “given what’s going on in the world don’t you think it’s time to forgive your brother and reconcile” and she through it in her face and basically said no.

Insane. The person she is today she was the complete opposite before she met her now husband. The fact theres a global pandemic and she can’t get over something that happened 8 months ago and move on and meet in the middle, I think I’m good on ever speaking to her again. It’s sad to say but it is what it is.

Is he physically abusive?
Is he physically abusive?

She’s never told me that he’s hit her but he’s verbally abusive and the specific incident that I called her out on he flipped a table in front of her being black out drunk at 4 PM and broke her glasses. I’ve never been a fan of him but that day she told me all the messed up things he said and she was ready to leave him, but when push comes to shove he more or less turned her against her family.
She’s never told me that he’s hit her but he’s verbally abusive and the specific incident that I called her out on he flipped a table in front of her being black out drunk at 4 PM and broke her glasses. I’ve never been a fan of him but that day she told me all the messed up things he said and she was ready to leave him, but when push comes to shove he more or less turned her against her family.

sounds like you are in a tough situation. pisses me off just reading that.
The deplorables done lead us to record unemployment numbers, deaths, and a potential recession to own the libs.
Probably got lucky today. I went to a CVS for lysol wipes and spray, shelves were empty, but manager sold me 1 container of wipes behind the counter. He said he might need it, but I said if you need it take it. That was cool of him, I don't personally know him.
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