Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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So while we are talking about family, back in August I got into it with my sister about a controversial topic that her abusive controlling husband has her brainwashed on and more or less called out the things that she has told me about him. Haven’t spoken to her since. I’ve attempted to apologize and try to meet in the middle and she blocked me.

My mom reached out to her and basically was like “given what’s going on in the world don’t you think it’s time to forgive your brother and reconcile” and she through it in her face and basically said no.

Insane. The person she is today she was the complete opposite before she met her now husband. The fact theres a global pandemic and she can’t get over something that happened 8 months ago and move on and meet in the middle, I think I’m good on ever speaking to her again. It’s sad to say but it is what it is.
I wouldn't' take it out on her. If she's in an abusive relationship then her husband likely has control issues and is trying to dominate and control her. It's probably hard for her to confront her marital issues cause she's afraid to lose him if she does. She also might be afraid that if she gets close to you or mends things that the subject will come back up and he'll see that as a threat and use that against her. If he turns her against ppl and she lets him, then she's convinced herself that he's more important than anyone else and so anyone who challenges her threatens her relationship with him. On top of that, she could be emotionally unstable with the stress of being in a hard relationship, so if she lashes out I wouldn't take it personal. Also, if she argues with you and defends him it's likely cause she loves him and doesn't want to confront the reality of the situation she's in. I wouldn't get angry at her, she could be hurting inside. Just my 2 cents.
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I wouldn't' take it out on her. If she's in an abusive relationship then her husband likely has control issues and is trying to dominate and control her. It's probably hard for her to confront her marital issues cause she's afraid to lose him if she does. She also might be afraid that if she gets close to you or mends things that the subject will come back up and he'll see that as a threat and use that against her. If he turns her against ppl and she lets him, then she's convinced herself that he's more important than anyone else and so anyone who challenges her threatens her relationship with him. On top of that, she could be emotionally unstable with the stress of being in a hard relationship, so if she lashes out I wouldn't take it personal. Also, if she argues with you and defends him it's likely cause she loves him and doesn't want to confront the reality of the situation she's in. I wouldn't get angry at her, she could be hurting inside. Just my 2 cents.

Really appreciate the feedback and that makes a lot of sense. Thank you !!
Really appreciate the feedback and that makes a lot of sense. Thank you !!

I also hope for your sake that the abuse isn’t physical. There has been a documented uptick in domestic violence during the quarantine because the abused are trapped at home with their abusers.
It smells like manure in my neighborhood ... well at least I can still smell lol.

No BS, the second week of the quarantine my wife and I noticed our whole neighbor smelled like dog ****. It’s like the reduced pollution accentuated the stench. And I guess people decided the crisis was a good time to stop cleaning up after their dogs?
Can't believe the $ folks dropping on N95 masks on eBay. All are auction style listings.
fake bids. People bidding up to screw the sellers.

For anyone looking for N95 masks, be very skeptical if you see anything less than $15 per mask (not box).

$5 per mask? Just keep it moving. Its fake or some BS.
Tried to make my last little supply/food run today. Sams club had NO poultry or beef. None. Just fish. Hope to luck up on some tomorrow. Getting too crazy for even emergency runs.
What yall doing for your mental health?
I'm struggling here man.. . stressed for my parents who are both high risk, terrified of losing my job.

Just trying to take it one day at a time. Eating healthy. Drinking a lot of water. Deep breathing. Reading. Taking breaks from the news.

Would you be laid off or terminated if it came to losing your job? I'm still working too and actually hope we shut it down, even if it means we're all laid off just err on the side of caution. Took a personal day tomorrow.
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