Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I’m going to politely disagree with the commentary in this cartoon.
Our Asian Parents push us to a fault and scare the hell out of us because:
-sucks to be poor. And those of us who weren’t born with silver spoon understand this Fear.
-you have to do well so can build Family and Live.

Don’t need the condescending judgement of a white woke soccer mom to tell us how to raise our kids. Pretty sure we understand the competition and reality.
So F her bleeding Liberal heart.
cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9 , I’m so happy Guy and Terry have no beach to go. Hopefully they pack it up and go home to face reality.

oh no no my cousin, this is following them home if they go...you do not want to be on the consulate´s radar.

also international Facebook groups have popped up to track them down, so they´ll get **** up north too.

if they´re smart they´re hiding those hideous heads...I´m sure you know that there are situations one could end up in during their stay in this fine nation where you could end up crying for the cops to come take you to jail.

...and all this is before we recall this kouple of krusty krabs EXPOSED THEMSELVES TO A GLOBAL PANDEMIC.

so so so many people are about to get awakened in the absolute rudest way.
Biden's supporters got out? He was running third heading in to Super Tuesday before Buttegeig, Steyer and Klobuchar dropped out to make sure he got most of their supporters.

Dude didn't even have money.
Biden washed Bernie when it mattered. Out of the two, Biden isn’t my candidate of choice but I think he does better in the general than Bernie.
Yeah, I've been going to the movies a lot the past couple of years. This year, prior to the Quarantine, I went four times. But if the virus is in decline in the coming months, I still won't be comfortable going to the movies or taking mass transit.

Yeah I can’t imagine folks going to concerts especially like in the general admission floor area where everyone is packed in
No more mosh pits and body surfing

We hire alot of seasonal unskilled laborers and their weekly pay is often not much more than max unemployment, so that is usually our biggest "competition" for employees. We are now at a significant disadvantage, no different from many other employers. While trying to solve one problem, another is often created...
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That extra $600 kicker isn't going to give much incentive for the unemployed to jump back into the workforce right away. With CA's $450 max unemployment benefit, plus the $600 fed, that's $1,050 or $26.25 an hour for a 40 hour work week. Pretty decent when you have the option of staying home/safe and making over a grand v.s. risking your health even if you can make slightly more.

is that $1050 straight? if so, that's more like ~$40 per hour if you think about taxes.

:pimp: :pimp:
is that $1050 straight? if so, that's more like ~$40 per hour if you think about taxes.

:pimp: :pimp:

Unemployment benefits are not subject to Social Security or Medicare tax, nor are they taxable on your California income tax return, although some other states tax them.
I’m going to politely disagree with the commentary in this cartoon.
Our Asian Parents push us to a fault and scare the hell out of us because:
-sucks to be poor. And those of us who weren’t born with silver spoon understand this Fear.
-you have to do well so can build Family and Live.

Don’t need the condescending judgement of a white woke soccer mom to tell us how to raise our kids. Pretty sure we understand the competition and reality.
So F her bleeding Liberal heart.

Interesting points. had pants had pants how do you respond?
Unemployment benefits are not subject to Social Security or Medicare tax, nor are they taxable on your California income tax return, although some other states tax them.
There's going to be a good percentage of folks CHILLIN lol
For most of January and February, most Americans did not consider it a threat, no different than SARS or MERS. It wasn't until the cruise ship cases with Americans onboard started being a problem and making headlines did people begin to wake up. It did not help having Trump downplay the situation being "under control" but there were also many medical professionals saying it was "just a flu" and that the media was hyping it too much. I was trying to warn my family and friends in February and they all thought I was overreacting. My wife was trying to make spring break and summer vacation plans back in January and I told her no because I saw what was coming. She wasn't too happy with me at the time...
I was in Canada and I heard more news on it there(not a lot, but enough to make you wonder) than I did in the states. Then a couple of weeks later, it all went to hell.
Interesting points. had pants had pants how do you respond?
I'm going to copy and paste my response from the Asian Culture thread:
"I think this is more of a commentary to not judge others based on their occupation alone.
Well what you say is true "education, opportunity, and financial success" are all interlinked, it shouldn't define who you are or how much you contribute to society, or your character.

A lot of Asian parents push for high education and career goals but don't teach their children how to be well rounded people.
Whats the point if you have a Ferrari but you never help out your fellow man?

Also you're assuming the other mom is White, which she may be. But I know the cartoon is Korean, so I would be confused how a korean artist would want to make a moral statement with a white mother and child."

Interesting article

Yes, it's happening all over (not just Florida) and will only intensify as spring and summer crops get going. Food service (restaurants, hotels, cruise ships, etc) make up a large part of produce sales and they have effectively stopped, as you can imagine. Retail sales are up, at least temporarily, but not enough to stabilize that (YUGE) sector of the economy.
I’m going to politely disagree with the commentary in this cartoon.
Our Asian Parents push us to a fault and scare the hell out of us because:
-sucks to be poor. And those of us who weren’t born with silver spoon understand this Fear.
-you have to do well so can build Family and Live.

Don’t need the condescending judgement of a white woke soccer mom to tell us how to raise our kids. Pretty sure we understand the competition and reality.
So F her bleeding Liberal heart.

Interesting interpretation.

I took it as don't look down upon people.
Also you're assuming the other mom is White, which she may be. But I know the cartoon is Korean, so I would be confused how a korean artist would want to make a moral statement with a white mother and child."


Mother and child are pasty pale with red brunette hair. Going to go out on limb and say nonAsian Caucasian. As for using white person as a better example, then that conversation goes to unhealthy fascination with Western Europeans looks and culture.
Sign me up, it’s been earned....

we’ve lost 2 colleagues at work because of exposure :frown:

chances are the Repubs won’t allow this.

I wouldn't be so sure. There's been an incredible outpouring of support for healthcare workers and other first responders. Y'all deserve it, and then some!
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