Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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The handshakes, the high fives, the dap, the fist bump, hugging, etc. I mean it looks as if we're heading towards a society void of physical contact. Which sucks because a lot of contact is a mutual embrace for several reasons.

There are going to be a lot people getting offended moving forward when their attempts to physically greet others get rejected. Definitely going to be difficult to break in some culture circles because hand greetings and hugs are just a way of life.
We ain’t opening anything till June New York schools are def getting canceled for the whole school year for sure
New York hasn't cancelled school yr yet? i would've thought they shut that down already

The handshakes, the high fives, the dap, the fist bump, hugging, etc. I mean it looks as if we're heading towards a society void of physical contact. Which sucks because a lot of contact is a mutual embrace for several reasons.

There are going to be a lot people getting offended moving forward when their attempts to greet others get rejected. Definitely going to be difficult to break in some culture circles because hand greetings and hugs are just a way of life.

dont be offended if i use hand sanitizer right after :lol:
In your hypothetical example of basketball, most people aren't out there playing with the flu or another type of sickness (or at least im not). I know a lot of people who go to work sick because they don't want to take a sick/vacation day.

Lol dude wut....

Donovan Mitchell was completely asymptomatic and went fully through warmups ready to play before they cancelled the last game. Christian Wood dropped a career high in his last game while having Covid.

People play all the time while under the weather. People have wiped their nose, had viruses and dapped up dirty *** people before and touched dirty *** stuff on trains right before they shook hands with you your whole life without you or anybody else having a care in the world. This conversation is ****ing stupid.
Lol dude wut....

Donovan Mitchell was completely asymptomatic and went fully through warmups ready to play before they cancelled the last game. Christian Wood dropped a career high in his last game while having Covid.

People play all the time while under the weather. This conversation is ****ing stupid.

I was merely just talking about the flu and stuff like that. Obviously the coronavirus is different and what you posted above is there very reason why they told people not to shake hands during the epidemic. Fauci mentioned the flu in his statement so that's what I was referring to. The only flu I really see people play with are the ones playing slightly drunk coming off a hangover.

“I don’t think we should ever shake hands ever again, to be honest with you. Not only would it be good to prevent coronavirus disease; it probably would decrease instances of influenza dramatically in this country,

I don't personally think the handshake will ever go away, but what he is saying makes sense. Its not like it would be hard to replace a handshake in a business setting with a wave or something like that. He was just saying not shaking hand would help fix some of the issues we have with the flu.
3 cities down here have made masks mandatory and a few strongly recommending it. Got us out here getting our arts and crafts on because they are of ciurse sold out everywhere.
I was merely just talking about the flu and stuff like that. Obviously the coronavirus is different and what you posted above is there very reason why they told people not to shake hands during the epidemic. Fauci mentioned the flu in his statement so that's what I was referring to. The only flu I really see people play with are the ones playing slightly drunk coming off a hangover.


“The only flu you see people playing with are ones playing slightly drunk coming off a hangover”

Did you actually play sports growing up? I’ve played in plenty of games I didn’t wanna miss while I was sick over the years. Every athlete has.

Wash your damn hands before you eat or touch your mouth or eyes just like I’d hope you normally would and you’ll be okay.
im down with the movement
this all yall getting from me from now on
But why are you forgoing handshakes with people you trust to not be dirty as **** but touching dirty, sweaty objects that hundreds of people you don’t know touched?

C’mon dude, you aren’t dumb.

WTH are you talking about? You're acting like I'm picking a side? Do better.

Obviously those who consent to playing sports will do so at their own risk. As will people who shake hands or embrace in some other manner.

But it would theoretically be easier for the masses to be done with handshaking than it would to stop playing sports, despite the double standard. In my opinion.

“The only flu you see people playing with are ones playing slightly drunk coming off a hangover”

Did you actually play sports growing up? I’ve played in plenty of games I didn’t wanna miss while I was sick over the years. Every athlete has.

Wash your damn hands before you eat or touch your mouth or eyes just like I’d hope you normally would and you’ll be okay.

Yes I played sports and I still play a lot at my local Y (with the exception of the last couple of weeks). I do not see people going into the Y coughing up a lung running high fevers. Maybe I have the good fortune of living in an area that is more sanitary than yours, but I can say that I make it a point out of consideration not to play basketball at my Y with a fever. If you are playing pickup basketball for your tri-city championship rec league trophy with a high fever, maybe you should re-think being a selfish *** and spreading the flu.
This virus is something else. It is stealthy and pretty lethal. Attacking the lungs with pnemounia. Its a lung killer. Theres no current vaccine. Top of that it has a potential to re infect amd maybe return and mutate again. Unlike anything we've seen and symptoms might not appear until you realize its late. Test kits are not so easily available. This virus has taken a huge toll on the economy and the health care system. It hits certain communities more than others. I'm not a doctor or pol, or economist, but this is not something to be under estimated. Young to old, poor to rich. 2753 people died on 9/11/01 in NY. Theres 7067 deaths in NY from covid-19 as of 4/9/2020. Mind blowing numbers and its the start. Needless to mention an incompetent Republican administration.

As of Tuesday’s state data, 86.2% of patients who died at had least one of the following conditions:

  • 3,043 had hypertension, or high blood pressure
  • 2,049 had diabetes
  • 1,014 had hyperlipidemia, or too many fats, such as cholesterol in blood
  • 678 coronary artery disease
  • 602 renal disease
  • 502 dementia
  • 455 COPD, an inflammatory lung disease
  • 444 cancer
  • 390 atrial fibrillation
  • 387 congestive heart failure
I wonder if their hypertension was being managed with meds or if it didn't matter.
Handshaking will come back once a majority of society reaches immunity, whether by vaccine or natural herd immunity. I don't foresee this virus permanently changing how we greet others.
Handshaking will come back once a majority of society reaches immunity, whether by vaccine or natural herd immunity. I don't foresee this virus permanently changing how we greet others.

It won't. Its far too hard to change basic human behavior and tendency to think that there would be a widespread disavowal of business practices that have been around for centuries.
man SF muni ****ed up big time. they cut down on buses and now fewer buses has created overcrowding smh
Lolll man get that **** outta here

I guess nobody is ever going to play basketball or football again because of the dirt, sweat and bacteria all over a football or basketball from everybody that’s ever played with the ball before. Shaking one person’s hand that isn’t drenched in sweat in broad daylight before a meeting or interview where you should have clean hands to begin with is a hell of a lot safer than that as far as avoiding germs.

And also, you know how dirty gyms are throughout the day? You think every person that comes in the gym is gonna disinfect every single bar in there after each set they do?
you can't possibly believe people have clean hands right? People are filthy.

I can honestly say my hands will always be the cleanest around in any building I'm in. Facts. I've been washing my hands 3-4 times every hour when i'm at the office. Part because i'm OCD with the clean hands thing and part because I want to see a couple of hot ladies on our news team.

But anytime i shake hands with anyone, I assume there's feces on their hands. People are disgusting. If I'm interviewing someone, i politely excuse myself to go wash my hands before the interview starts
She died by going into Septic Shock, that's when the body reacts negatively to bacterial infection which results in organ failure, nothing to do with a virus. Also, That was an article from the end of 2017/early 2018.

ahh got you. My bad. I thought I heard COVID patients going into septic shock but I guess I misunderstood. Thanks for clarifying
Wash your damn hands before you eat or touch your mouth or eyes just like I’d hope you normally would and you’ll be okay.
I think you'd be stunned with how many people don't so this. I would guess less than 25% actually wash their hands before eating. Just go to lunch with a group of co-workers and see who actually washes their hands after ordering. I'm literally the only one that ever does that before a meal (outside of my family). The best time to mess with my food is when i get up to leave to wash my hands when the food arrives.

I use to admire those who didn't wash their hands before eating. To be so care free seemed like a great way to live. I no longer feel this way
It's not easy to realize the dangers of some air particles, contaminants, cross contamination etc. This virus reminds me of second hand smoke. You may not smoke or carry covid-19, but another doofus who smokes or has covid-19 unintentionally is spreading that to you and others who can suffer. Keep your butt indoors much as possible.
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