Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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My wife came in on a fiance visa and even that was a huge pain. The period after we got married waiting for the actual green card and we couldn't even cross the border to Canada where she is from sucked too. We were on top of our paperwork too. Cant imagine how it is dealing with immigration especially with this current administration.

Also having to take an L everytime we go there and the border guy is like you moved to New JERSEY for this GUY? :smh::stoneface:

It’s definitely more frustrating now. I feel like there are artificial roadblocks and delays put in place to discourage immigrants from going through the process. My friend was saying how all of her Indonesian friends got their paperwork sorted out fairly quickly back in 2013-2014. I wonder what changed >D
They pretty much have to send an Army garrison to GGP if they wanna keep people away from Hippie Hill. :lol:
With all the clowns I’ve seen out and about lately in the Mission, the city needs to shut off all access to Dolores Park ASAP especially since the past few weeks of rain and cold weather have cleared up. You know these transplants are fiending to be out there with their White Claws
My friend was saying how friends got their paperwork sorted out fairly quickly back in 2013-2014. I wonder what changed >D
Might have something to do with a man from New York, whos first name starts and ends with the letter "D". He's 73 years old, and has 5 kids by 3 different Women. In his free time, he enjoys playing golf and eating at McDonalds.
I’m not too familiar with the details of the process, but I have a bunch of friends who have been going through/have gone through the green card process over the past few years. If you have questions , I can reach out to them to see if they can help out or provide any clarification.

it’s definitely frustrating for them too. One of my friends was convinced she’d have to move back permanently to Indonesia because of how much bull $@@$ she had to go through for her green card, work permit, etc

Thanks brother. Fortunately I have an immigration lawyer that keeps me updated so I'm good on the most recent updates and what to do.

My friend that I mentioned in my previous post...she got her green card through marriage too. Her employer was basically holding her hostage cause of her visa/green card application, so one day she just gave up and got married to her long term boyfriend. It’s not a dream wedding of course, but they ended up having a bigger wedding reception later in the year, so it worked out.

but even then, she went through so much nonsense. She got married May 2019..her work permit and green card didn’t come through until February 2020. So even when she got married, she was afraid to travel outside of the country to visit her family, because had no idea if she’d even be allowed back in

My wife came in on a fiance visa and even that was a huge pain. The period after we got married waiting for the actual green card and we couldn't even cross the border to Canada where she is from sucked too. We were on top of our paperwork too. Cant imagine how it is dealing with immigration especially with this current administration.

Also having to take an L everytime we go there and the border guy is like you moved to New JERSEY for this GUY? :smh::stoneface:

This is something that all immigrants deal with unfortunately. It's worse in the U.S. as the employer holds you hostage (just like healthcare). You can't speak up as much nor negotiate as there's a lot more consequences for someone like me being fired or laid off. A lot of times we suck it up and put on a corporate company face.

I totally understand people ending up marrying their partners maybe sooner than later. It makes the process a whole lot easier. Part of me is stubborn to see it through. I was relocated from Australia to be in the US to be in our headquarters, and there's a competitive side that wants to say "I did this on my own". It's also why it's so frustrating when people question immigrants' love for the US. Like damn, I didn't leave my parents and all my friends to come here where I didn't know a single person cause I didn't love what this country had to offer. I'm putting up with this **** citizens don't have to simply just for the right to stay here. I've never volunteered more in my community nor gave to the homeless than I have in the States. I genuinely want to contribute to this society.

Anyway, off topic rant over. Thank yall for listening lol stay safe out there brethrens.



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Can be misleading. The cohort of people < 65 is obviously much larger than 65+, but I get what it's saying. This needs to be in more granular age groups. <18, 18 - 30, 31 - 40, 41- 50, 51 - 60, 61 - 70, 75+

That’s true but do you know how many people believe that they won’t be affected in a serious way if their under 35 . They believe that everyone’s dying is 85 and washed . Table is just showing u can be in your 40 s and 30s and die
With all the clowns I’ve seen out and about lately in the Mission, the city needs to shut off all access to Dolores Park ASAP especially since the past few weeks of rain and cold weather have cleared up. You know these transplants are fiending to be out there with their White Claws

The only way to stop these people aka Libs is a left hook to da jaw. It might mean risking exposure but by the time they are revived with da smelling salts, everyone else will be back indoors.
The only way to stop these people aka Libs is a left hook to da jaw. It might mean risking exposure but by the time they are revived with da smelling salts, everyone else will be back indoors.

wish this was possible. I saw people In front of Target and Trader Joe’s respectfully standing 6+ feet apart, and then some idiots came running right past them (literally inches away) while sweating and panting for breath :stoneface: People like these are why Bay Area natives refer to“tech bro” transplants so negatively. It’s not because they’re jealous of outsiders with engineering and finance degrees (almost everyone in the Bay is educated and from somewhere else) ; it’s because these so called liberal and intelligent transplants are selfish people who don’t have any common sense or compassion.
wish this was possible. I saw people In front of Target and Trader Joe’s respectfully standing 6+ feet apart, and then some idiots came running right past them (literally inches away) while sweating and panting for breath :stoneface: People like these are why Bay Area natives refer to“tech bro” transplants so negatively. It’s not because they’re jealous of outsiders with engineering and finance degrees (almost everyone in the Bay is educated and from somewhere else) ; it’s because these so called liberal and intelligent transplants are selfish people who don’t have any common sense or compassion.

Yuck famb, these clowns deserve da one two combo.
That’s true but do you know how many people believe that they won’t be affected in a serious way if their under 35 . They believe that everyone’s dying is 85 and washed . Table is just showing u can be in your 40 s and 30s and die
No i totally agree. Showing it that way is effective and needed with so many boneheads thinking they're invincible
86 more workers at the Tyson Foods pork processing plant in Columbus Junction, Iowa have tested positive for coronavirus. At least 110 workers from the plant have now tested positive.

sorry i doubted you Gov. Newsome. Sounds like he's in no rush to open things up but preparing the infrastructure needed in order to get to that point. Thats going to take time.

Pretty much no large gatherings through Aug is what he alluded to?

Staggering students attending school in the morning and some in the afternoon. Not sure how that's possible.

What I'm taking is we are home through at least June. At least.
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