Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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with a basic knowledge of virology, I'd guess a combo of each individual person's immune system/immune response and viral load

Some people have a higher and lower viral load so if they cough or sneeze on someone or air just breath Around another person some will get sicker then others depending on the spreader.

if your immune system is strong your have a better chance fighting this if you immune system is low no matter what the age you could become very sick.
that’s why a lot of doctors get very sick in their caring for many different people With higher and lower viral loads all at once

i believe I’m correct if not please correct me

here is a state by state break down of the infected people around the country the numbers are constantly changing
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One of the physicians I used to work with was interviewed by jimmy kimmel for that special that came on earlier; I missed it though. Also saw that there were protests planned against the stay at home orders. Guess we should expect a spike in cases soon.
I'm sure there are people that react to the seasonal flu differently, but there's way more predictability with the flu.
I think part of it is that this virus is novel so our immune systems don't know how to react. It'd be like giving someone a laptop 200 years ago or giving a kid a walkman today.

edit: I removed the comparison to tuberculosis and syphilis because in those diseases the multi-organ damage is due to direct infection over a long time whereas in coronavirus it appears to be acute and secondary due to massive inflammation. I think this is in parallel to the first point, which is that our immune systems don't know how to react. Sometimes they underreact, sometimes they overreact, but either way things can be thrown off the rails.
I think part of it is that this virus is novel so our immune systems don't know how to react. It'd be like giving someone a laptop 200 years ago or giving a kid a walkman today.

edit: I removed the comparison to tuberculosis and syphilis because in those diseases the multi-organ damage is due to direct infection over a long time whereas in coronavirus it appears to be acute and secondary due to massive inflammation. I think this is in parallel to the first point, which is that our immune systems don't know how to react. Sometimes they underreact, sometimes they overreact, but either way things can be thrown off the rails.
Or giving a lib a left hook to the jaw. They never see them coming because they are too busy looking at their phones watching the latest vice episode.
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