Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Death cult status

Tragically ignorant and selfish *** folks like that are gonna make this quarantine last a year and be responsible for a lot more lives being lost at this point :smh:

smh they really are like brain dead. This ignorance is unbelievable.
I'll keep my eye out. You can make your own with rubbing alcohol, aloe vera too and tea tree or lavender oil, if you're in a pinch.

What you’ll need:
  • 3/4 cup of isopropyl or rubbing alcohol (99 percent)
  • 1/4 cup of aloe vera gel (to help keep your hands smooth and to counteract the harshness of alcohol)
  • 10 drops of essential oil, such as lavender oil, or you can use lemon juice instead
  • Pour all ingredients into a bowl, ideally one with a pouring spout like a glass measuring container.
  • Mix with a spoon and then beat with a whisk to turn the sanitizer into a gel.
  • Pour the ingredients into an empty bottle for easy use, and label it “hand sanitizer.”

Man everywhere I've looked I havent been able to find sanitizer or rubbing alcohol.

But good looks and thanks for the formula!
The underlying health problems thing is so overused. Like, how many of these Covid victims would have died from their underlying health issue in the next couple years without Covid? Likely an extremely small percentage

I don't exactly get what you're saying? Could you elaborate.

What people are saying is that certain conditions may exacerbate the symptoms of Coronavirus which may cause a higher mortality rate in these individuals.

An example is obesity. People that are obese tend to express more Ace2 receptors, which is a receptor the COVID19 virus attaches to. This is one theory as to why obese patients are getting hit much harder than others. You can go further down the rabbit hole and talk about how poorer neighborhoods tend to have higher rates of obesity due to the lack of proper nutrition, proper nutrition education, ability to purchase cheap and healthy foods, and living in a food desert which can also account for the higher rates of death in poorer areas.
The underlying health problems thing is so overused. Like, how many of these Covid victims would have died from their underlying health issue in the next couple years without Covid? Likely an extremely small percentage
literally impossible for you to verify this.
If case fatality rate is 10% for those who are high risk and covid kills within a month (at least on average), that would mean that 100% of the high-risk people are expected to die in 2020.

That means all people with hypertension, diabetes, and other ailments.

Of course that is not true. We have pretty good statistics on expected life span for each of these ailments and very few have expected life spans under 5 years.

Once the dust have settled we'll have more precise numbers on what exactly "an extremely small percentage" is, but I would conservatively guess it's under 10%.

I don't exactly get what you're saying? Could you elaborate.

What people are saying is that certain conditions may exacerbate the symptoms of Coronavirus which may cause a higher mortality rate in these individuals.

An example is obesity. People that are obese tend to express more Ace2 receptors, which is a receptor the COVID19 virus attaches to. This is one theory as to why obese patients are getting hit much harder than others. You can go further down the rabbit hole and talk about how poorer neighborhoods tend to have higher rates of obesity due to the lack of proper nutrition, proper nutrition education, ability to purchase cheap and healthy foods, and living in a food desert which can also account for the higher rates of death in poorer areas.

Yes, I agree with this too. I think he/she was just a counter to people saying that the harm of Covid is exaggerated because these people were going to die anyway. The more extreme form is that these people died of something else and just happened to have Covid when they died, and their deaths are being falsely attributed to Covid.

The president is one of those people making that argument.

Otherwise, yes, we can learn a lot by knowing about which co-morbidities contribute to the harm of Covid. Sadly that kind of nuance is lost on Trump and others.
Are those one time use masks even effective? I feel like it's not much better than wearing nothing. I even read somewhere that the Corona virus is smaller than what the N95 is able to filter out.

Here is a pic (or meme) I got online that might explain BOTH SIDES of the mask argument, but also show that overall.................


So Florida, Texas and Minnesota are open for business.
I want full protection of these governors for negligent homicide if the virus spreads and people die from this

Do I really have to re-post the explanation I gave earlier?


I've been reading that "re-open order" for almost the entire afternoon since he announced it............it doesn't even look like Texas is actually fully re-opening next week.

Literally one of the orders for "re-opening a non-essential business" is that THEY MUST BE REQUIRED TO DO CURBSIDE/TO-GO PICKUPS if they want to re-open back up, which has already happened in most businesses in the state of Texas already (including that trash heap Gamestop).

That means barbershops and salons are still closed in that regard since there is no actual way possible for them to provide that type of service. ****ing gyms, movie theaters, even churches and other public venues will STILL BE CLOSED outside of the state parks re-opening.........which I see the state parks re-opening being the only problem with this "Re-open Texas Order."

Outside of the possibility of starting up some "elective/routine procedures" again in some hospitals, Texas really won't be re-opening next week as much as people are fearing.

This is not like ****ing Florida that re-opened every god damn thing possible, including public beaches.

Galveston County in Texas is still keeping the public beaches in Galveston Island closed DESPITE this order.

So put the god damn pitchfork down fellas, Texas is still under stay-at-home precautions next week..........we just opening a few stores back-up and letting some folk breath in them parks with possibly 24/7 police surveillance (which is bull, we know them state troopers cant control these dumbasses in the parks)

*Retail Stores WITH IN-STORE PICKUP, CURBSIDE PICKUP, HOME DELIVERY OPTIONS will be open...............if they don't have that option, they are closed.

I've re-read that executive order so many times, that is literally the point that I need reiterate to be made.

NOT EVERY RETAIL STORE IS RE-OPENING.......they need to have a "pickup option" as a requirement to re-open.

However........Texas is still tripping re-opening the god damn state parks, that is literally where **** is the true breeding ground for virus spread.

Thank god Galveston County put a stop to that **** by ordering Galveston Beaches stay closed.
There are numerous studies that conclude that washing your hands with soap and water works a lot better than hand sanitizer. Just wash your hands.

I don't understand all these shortages of handsantizer. The only time you should need it is when you're away from home. And we shouldn't be out that much anyway, because there's nowhere to go.

People are too lazy to wash their hands.
Nobody is telling you to identify as white.

White is not a skin color or an ethnicity. Italians and Irish and Jews and Middle Easterners are excluded or included from "white" depending on convenience.

When I use "white" I am only referring to those who happily and willingly identify with being white, which more precisely means they espouse the values of white supremacists to some degree, they believe somehow white culture is superior, and they view everyone else as the "other."

You can be the palest person alive. If you are a progressive, truly respect others, and care about equality, you're not white to me.

That's just my take.

Problem is, from standardized testing to censuses throughout my lifetime, I’m identified as white. My parents are both white skinned descendants of Irish/English, and/or broadly European pale skinned people. Society largely dictates how we identify ourselves.

Anybody that sees me on the street would recognize me as a white boy. Doesn’t bother me since that is my outward appearance.

I was raised in northern Virginia in a very progressive liberal household, so none of my individual values align with what you perceive as the core values of whites.

At the same time, I can’t hate on your and anyone else with a similar perspective and/or perception of “white.” The atrocities committed through colonialism throughout history around globe dictate that a negative perception of white skinned individuals is more than warranted.

White supremacy is definitively a cancer in our society and I can only hope I see it vanquished in my lifetime.
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I don't understand all these shortages of handsantizer. The only time you should need it is when you're away from home. And we shouldn't be out that much anyway, because there's nowhere to go.

People are too lazy to wash their hands.

Precisely when I use it.

I didnt buy any when people started trippin, hence why I'm out.

It's now sold out everywhere.

It's not that big of deal, though. Everybody should do whatever them deem necessary. On top of everything else, I have a son with bad asthma so using sanitizer when I'm out n about makes sense to me, to maximize our protection from getting this ****. For me it has zero to do with laziness lol
I don't understand all these shortages of handsantizer. The only time you should need it is when you're away from home. And we shouldn't be out that much anyway, because there's nowhere to go.

People are too lazy to wash their hands.

I pretty much just use hand sanitizer at work since it’s not realistic to wash my hands all the time while working.
I luckily had half of a big hand sanitizer in my Burning Man/Camping supplies bin. Also had Clorox wipes almost full and like four rolls of blue shop towels and like four rolls of TP. Cracked that bin open when this all broke out and felt like I won the lottery.
Problem is, from standardized testing to censuses throughout my lifetime, I’m identified as white. My parents are both white skinned descendants of Irish/English, and/or broadly European pale skinned people. Society largely dictates how we identify ourselves.

Anybody that sees me on the street would recognize me as a white boy. Doesn’t bother me since that is my outward appearance.

I was raised in northern Virginia in a very progressive liberal household, so none of my individual values align with what you perceive as the core values of whites.

At the same time, I can’t hate on your and anyone else with a simMilan perspective and/or perception of “white.” The atrocities committed through colonialism throughout history around globe dictate that a negative perception of white skinned individuals is more than warranted.

White supremacy is definitively a cancer in our society and I can only I see it vanquished in my lifetime.
Good points. I admit that my definition or view of "white" is not internally consistent. It's somewhat lazy shorthand to define the set of values I associate with "whiteness" or white supremacy. But there's a disconnect between that definition and the way many people use it.

As with most questions of identity, there are different perspectives and definitions depending on the narrative/context and the agendas involved.

CDC reviewing ‘stunning’ universal testing results from Boston homeless shelter
BOSTON — The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now “actively looking into” results from universal COVID-19 testing at Pine Street Inn homeless shelter.
The broad-scale testing took place at the shelter in Boston’s South End a week and a half ago because of a small cluster of cases there.
Of the 397 people tested, 146 people tested positive. Not a single one had any symptoms.
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