Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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if/when things get back to normal, how do you think everyday life will be changed?

I think:
Less handshaking
Wearing mask out in public will be normalized

what else?

general distrust of strangers, banishment (likely verbal/physical harm) of those visibly sick in public/school/workplace, fewer crowds in typical large gatherings such as movie theaters/amusement parks...
Two thousand deaths a day and 95 percent of people are home is the crazy part . What’s up with these treatments everything that was rumored to help stay getting shut down . If they don’t find something in May oh man

This is an August/September timeline.. nothing is going to change between now and may, even june at the slightest.
The city of dreams in the greatest economy history have ever seen. Keep going on this trajectory where compassion and empathy are absent and this will become the norm rather than a frightening image

Just call the problem ineffective leadership. It’s the same on the Federal down to the City level. Who doesn’t think Giuliani and Bloomberg couldn’t have done better. Think even NY Governor Cuomo would agree. Police and other social services sure make that point.
I agree with you 100%. On top of the homeless situation, there’s no police presence, there are commuters that are not wearing masks, and the MTA is also not properly equipping their employees. I have a couple friends who work for them, one being a cleaner that contracted the virus and is now struggling to recover because she’s an asthmatic. They haven’t given them proper masks or shields and they want recovered workers back as soon as possible.

Truth. Also have a friend within MTA system.
Deathly afraid every time he goes in and still wearing ppe. Complete incompetence.
what i would really love to see is a debate format between CNN and Fox News.

It would be so entertaining.

Have a Sportscenter anchor be the moderator.
I’d pay PPV prices for this.
hell year. Floyd Mayweather prices too. It would be so glorious to watch, but frustrating at the same time

Already happens every day.

-“FNC has now had 73 consecutive quarters as the top-rated cable news network and continues to deliver a double-digit percent advantage over both MSNBC and CNN. Fox News had 13 of the 15 most-watched shows on cable news, including the top five”.

Honestly speaking none of us are going to ever see a just read news/facts broadcast ever again. Everything is a Commentary and every journalist wants a tv show.

All still legal tender. Not losing anything. Local Fed will still replace if 51%. The really hilarious ones are think Canada and couple other countries where they use a plastic component to the notes. Search and you’ll those horrifying pictures of Money gone.

The Strip is under County control so she really still doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Understand she’s concerned economic ruin if no end in sight. But Gaming Commission has developed opening guideline but no Open Date until Gov approves and individual Casinos have already come up with internal guideline going forward.

Unfortunately Wynn Resorts has a very hardcore document out there of their plans. Really eye opening and very detailed.
Why are nursing homes so susceptible?

Forgive my ignorance if stupid question.
elderly are already high risk and it’s not like a hospital where caretakers are used to keeping a sterile environment, so they’re often transporting germs from one room to the next, into common areas, etc. Basically, all the most high risk individuals with many comorbidities under one roof in close contact makes for rapid spread among the most vulnerable.

He’s right. Unbelievable the carelessness.

The potential danger of suboptimal antibody responses in COVID-19
here is a desperate need for effective therapies and vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 to mitigate the growing economic crisis that has ensued from societal lockdown. Vaccines are being developed at an unprecedented speed and are already in clinical trials, without preclinical testing for safety and efficacy. Yet, safety evaluation of candidate vaccines must not be overlooked.
SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV share 79.6% sequence identity, use the same entry receptor (ACE2) and cause similar acute respiratory syndromes. As such, key insights from studies of the immune response to SARS-CoV should be considered when developing vaccines for SARS-CoV-2. Crucially, although antibody titres are generally used as correlates of protection, high antibody titres and early seroconversion are reported to correlate with disease severity in patients with SARS1.
The quality and quantity of the antibody response dictates functional outcomes. High-affinity antibodies can elicit neutralization by recognizing specific viral epitopes (Fig.1a). Neutralizing antibodies are defined in vitro by their ability to block viral entry, fusion or egress. In vivo, neutralizing antibodies can function without additional mediators, although the Fc region is required for neutralization of influenza virus2. In the case of SARS-CoV, viral docking on ACE2 on host cells is blocked when neutralizing antibodies, for example, recognize the receptor-binding domain (RBD) on the spike (S) protein3. S protein-mediated viral fusion can be blocked by neutralizing antibodies targeting the heptad repeat 2 (HR2) domain3. In addition, neutralizing antibodies can interact with other immune components, including complement, phagocytes and natural killer cells. These effector responses can aid in pathogen clearance, with engagement of phagocytes shown to enhance antibody-mediated clearance of SARS-CoV4. However, in rare cases, pathogen-specific antibodies can promote pathology, resulting in a phenomenon known as antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).
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