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Why are nursing homes so susceptible?

Forgive my ignorance if stupid question.

It’s a home filled with elderly patients who all have some sort of pre-existing condition, being cared for by a younger staff that isn’t quarantined because they are deemed essential to their patients....is a hospital without the right equipment and staff, these poor folks are completely exposed, my wife works at a nursing home and is incredibly sad.
If we are talking about the spread, my guess is the workers.

These people need care, so one worker comes in with it they will infect a couple residents and a coworker, then the coworkers infects a couple people, and so on. People can't hunker down in their rooms because they need care from the workers, and the workers transport the infection all over the place.

All of this, a lot of my wife’s coworkers all have spouses who are nurses and work in actual hospitals with Covid patients, then my wife has me dealing with this head on and she works there, although we have maybe seen each other a total of 6 days in 5 weeks because we work opposite schedules we still live in the same 1Br apartment....aside from this method of potential exposure to the residents, during the early stages of the outbreak, nursing homes near a hospital were repurposed to house *nonCovid patients to make room, well guess what these patients that were brought in, ended up being positive a week or two later, due to the lack of a proper way to isolate residents, 1 +patient can spread the virus like wildfire within these walls.

this is America

Lets talk about the police work on display in this video
If I were their superior I would like to see the officers use more force to protect themselves
Both officers had ample opportunity to use their training to protect themselves and both repeatedly failed to do so
Lets go through this and see all the missed opportunities

00:05 Officer has an opportunity to detain the assailant using the body slam maneuver and he failed to do so

02:02 A third assailant approaches and can be seen concealing a firearm under her shirt posing an immediate threat to the officers and city employee

02:19 The previously aforementioned armed assailant aggressively approaches the officer and doesn't follow the officers command. The officer failed to use his Taser to subdue the armed assailant.

03:57 Angry, threatening, verbally abusive assailant is resisting arrest and reaches for the officers service weapon. The assisting officer failed to apply a choke hold to subdue the resisting assailant

04:34 An angry mob moves toward the retreating officers. The officers training calls for the use of tear gas and/or rubber bullets to make the angry mob retreat. The officers failed to use tear gas or rubber bullets.

*This review is not to belittle or degrade the officers, but to show how these protestors are putting our officers lives in danger.
**I do not know the people in the video personally but I hope they are able to enjoy the public playground soon.
What that video shows apart from the obvious stupidity of those dumb sorry excuses for moms is this:

* if they were black people, they'd be decked onto the ground within 2 minutes
* Hey white racist ****s - you're angry at getting in trouble for disobeying the law. Minorities get in trouble for obeying them all the time.

Idgaf that I turned it into a race thing. makes me mad as hell. This ******* unlimited entitlement is what created this creatures. Feel sorry for their kids who are going to grow up to be just as ******* stupid and a waste of oxygen
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It’s a home filled with elderly patients who all have some sort of pre-existing condition, being cared for by a younger staff that isn’t quarantined because they are deemed essential to their patients....is a hospital without the right equipment and staff, these poor folks are completely exposed, my wife works at a nursing home and is incredibly sad.
Bro I’m glad you clarified. We don’t have crap out our facility. Folks getting positive left and right.
Lets talk about the police work on display in this video
If I were their superior I would like to see the officers use more force to protect themselves
Both officers had ample opportunity to use their training to protect themselves and both repeatedly failed to do so
Lets go through this and see all the missed opportunities

00:05 Officer has an opportunity to detain the assailant using the body slam maneuver and he failed to do so

02:02 A third assailant approaches and can be seen concealing a firearm under her shirt posing an immediate threat to the officers and city employee

02:19 The previously aforementioned armed assailant aggressively approaches the officer and doesn't follow the officers command. The officer failed to use his Taser to subdue the armed assailant.

03:57 Angry, threatening, verbally abusive assailant is resisting arrest and reaches for the officers service weapon. The assisting officer failed to apply a choke hold to subdue the resisting assailant

04:34 An angry mob moves toward the retreating officers. The officers training calls for the use of tear gas and/or rubber bullets to make the angry mob retreat. The officers failed to use tear gas or rubber bullets.

*This review is not to belittle or degrade the officers, but to show how these protestors are putting our officers lives in danger.
**I do not know the people in the video personally but I hope they are able to enjoy the public playground soon.

Where's the the excessive force? No headlocks, no pepper spray, I didn't even see one of them touch their firearm? They didn't even call in backup and dogpile her.

What that video shows apart from the obvious stupidity of those dumb sorry excuses for moms is this:

* if they were black people, they'd be decked onto the ground within 2 minutes
* Hey white racist ****s - you're angry at getting in trouble for disobeying the law. Minorities get in trouble for obeying them all the time.

Idgaf that I turned it into a race thing. makes me mad as hell. This ****ing unlimited entitlement is what created this creatures. Feel sorry for their kids who are going to grow up to be just as ****ing stupid and a waste of oxygen
no doubt in my mind had that been a crowd not comprising of beckys and chads there would have been brutal force involved with a small army of cops and wagons on the scene in no time. you know what it is
They think that because something has "public" in front of it that all bets are off :lol:

Should have sent the wagon in to round up the rest of those thugs.
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Someone I know died from covid.

I cried a little when I found out.

I'll always remember when he helped me jump start my car, and all the talks we had when I used to work on his unit.

I wish I had talked to him more when I last saw him in passing.
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