High school basketball star gets 3 years for kidnap/assault of his ex Did he deserve it?

First thing i see when I check this dude twitter
******* on IG talkin about "they don't feel bad for Tony" well ***** you wasn't with him shootin in the gym!! [emoji]128581[/emoji] He had a lot goin for him!
Saw this to. People make no sense these days. 
True, but did you see the video tho? Looked like a deleted scene from Whats Love Got To Do With It
And most of them ppl in court not crying cuz he got time, they crying because their meal ticket is gone
Which is horrible but true.

Both videos were disturbing to say the least. We don't know what drove him to beat the piss out of her, but from her reaction she knew what was up and possibly why he reacted the way he did. What he did wasn't right at all and there's no defending it, but I don't see how some of you are taking joy in seeing someone's future be taken away in an instant. Depending on the amount of time he serves he can still play college ball, but he will be on an extremely short leash if given another chance. The judge would have definitely thrown the book at him if she could have.

Kids like him and Aquille Carr needed better people in their circle instead of leeches. These kids that have so much going for them need to only focus on school and sports and cut out the girls, homeboys, etc. The latter bring so much baggage that they aren't worth the effort.
Before the vid. was shown I would of said the judge was throwing her weight around. The video shows he was throwing his weight around, he ran down on her and intimidated her from the start.You see she was back peddling, she was knocked down (maybe a little acting), but the way she backed up against the glass looking shook. He then tried to drag her out side and when she didn't comply, he stomped her 4 times in the head. I'm a guy, i have never been in this situation scared for my life. But this was weak as hell to me to do this to a female.
Where was this young man's father?

All this could have been avoided with a nice fatherly beatdown.

Even if he gets out and three years or less, the womens rights will protest at any school who tries to take him

He is done, but she was right, he does need help.
Dont see his father present, thats very telling

dont drop the soap
I'll admit it...I was on Worldstar when they posted this vid.
I had no opinion before. Young b-ball recruit ***** something up #37...same ****, different day.

But that video was ******g tough. The hell's wrong with you. :smh:
:smh: :smh:

dude shouldnt have even been with her in the first place due to that restraining order
and then after the incident he sends the girl texts saying he should of done something worst to her?
i dont even..........:stoneface: :smh: :smh:
Shorty got dem candy Yambs. She probably said some stuff that drove that young man over the edge. :smh:


She looked shook and covered her face the moment she saw him walking up on her,something tells me this isn't the first time he's gotten physical with her... :smh:. Scumbag deserves all he's getting.
The way she cowarded in fear when he approached her. Good God, I don't think that was the first time. :smh:
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