HINDU NTers: Can You Explain This Pic For Me? Warning: Graphic but Very Interesting

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

sorry but hindus/middle easterns/ muslims/etc. scare the crap out of me
not scare but....kinda disgust me for some reason
1. race
2. given the ignorance of his comment, you don't think he's referring to those "brown" people?

we all know the code words and what is really meant by them.
from what he has said, it seems like he is ignorant of other religions.  he grouped hindus with muslims and and the middle east.  he is referring to those brown people, but not out of racism.

Originally Posted by King of Chicago

I don't understand how some individuals can disrespect others beliefs. I was raised in a strict Catholic family but was always told to respect other peoples beliefs and religions. Just because they believe in something that is unfamiliar to you, it does not make it wrong or "evil."
I don't see why we have to respect someone's beliefs when their beliefs are wrong.  By respecting them, you're just reinforcing their views when they're wrong and detrimental to society.  If you say I have to respect your beliefs, then I'd say you have to respect Osama Bin Laden's beliefs.

Can anyone argue why I'm wrong?

I'm gonna assume all of you respect Bin Laden's beliefs then right?

B Smooth 202 hit the nail on the head.

I respect his beliefs fully. Doesn't mean I agree with them.

It's called common decency. I don't even %%+%+$* like people and I still respect their beliefs because it's not something I can change. That's how you avoid senseless conflict over nothing.

People with YOUR attitude are part of the reason why there's been wars and genocides and the other ******ed #!#* that we've had for centuries. You are the detriment to society and I hope you're just trolling. I honestly do.

But as utterly wrong, gormless, and ridiculous I think your beliefs are, I still respect them and your right to state your opinion
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

sorry but hindus/middle easterns/ muslims/etc. scare the crap out of me
not scare but....kinda disgust me for some reason
1. race
2. given the ignorance of his comment, you don't think he's referring to those "brown" people?

we all know the code words and what is really meant by them.
from what he has said, it seems like he is ignorant of other religions.  he grouped hindus with muslims and and the middle east.  he is referring to those brown people, but not out of racism.

Originally Posted by King of Chicago

I don't understand how some individuals can disrespect others beliefs. I was raised in a strict Catholic family but was always told to respect other peoples beliefs and religions. Just because they believe in something that is unfamiliar to you, it does not make it wrong or "evil."
I don't see why we have to respect someone's beliefs when their beliefs are wrong.  By respecting them, you're just reinforcing their views when they're wrong and detrimental to society.  If you say I have to respect your beliefs, then I'd say you have to respect Osama Bin Laden's beliefs.

Can anyone argue why I'm wrong?

I'm gonna assume all of you respect Bin Laden's beliefs then right?

B Smooth 202 hit the nail on the head.

I respect his beliefs fully. Doesn't mean I agree with them.

It's called common decency. I don't even %%+%+$* like people and I still respect their beliefs because it's not something I can change. That's how you avoid senseless conflict over nothing.

People with YOUR attitude are part of the reason why there's been wars and genocides and the other ******ed #!#* that we've had for centuries. You are the detriment to society and I hope you're just trolling. I honestly do.

But as utterly wrong, gormless, and ridiculous I think your beliefs are, I still respect them and your right to state your opinion
How is calling anyone's beliefs "utterly wrong, gormless, and ridiculuous?" respecting them?  What you just said is the equivalence of "No offense but..." If I said a Christian's beliefs was "utterly wrong, gormless, and ridiculuous", how am I respecting them in any way?

Now I understand and respect one's right to free speech, but that doesn't mean that what the person is saying is right.

Bin Laden was just an example I threw out. I could be talking about abortion doctor killers, creationists, etc... Why do I have to respect the beliefs of people like that?  Why can't I judge whether someone's beliefs are wrong or not?  What level of authority would I need then?

LOL.  We have you respect other people's beliefs.  Why?  We just have to. 

Religion doesn't seem to work like that; it has certain ideas at the heart of it which we call sacred or holy or whatever. That's an idea we're so familiar with, whether we subscribe to it or not, that it's kind of odd to think what it actually means, because really what it means is 'Here is an idea or a notion that you're not allowed to say anything bad about; you're just not. Why not? — because you're not!' If somebody votes for a party that you don't agree with, you're free to argue about it as much as you like; everybody will have an argument but nobody feels aggrieved by it. If somebody thinks taxes should go up or down you are free to have an argument about it, but on the other hand if somebody says 'I mustn't move a light switch on a Saturday', you say, 'Fine, I respect that'.

Why should it be that it's perfectly legitimate to support the Labour party or the Conservative party, Republicans or Democrats, this model of economics versus that, Macintosh instead of Windows, but to have an opinion about how the Universe began, about who created the Universe, no, that's holy? What does that mean? Why do we ring-fence that for any other reason other than that we've just got used to doing so? There's no other reason at all, it's just one of those things that crept into being and once that loop gets going it's very, very powerful. So, we are used to not challenging religious ideas but it's very interesting how much of a furore Richard creates when he does it! Everybody gets absolutely frantic about it because you're not allowed to say these things. Yet when you look at it rationally there is no reason why those ideas shouldn't be as open to debate as any other, except that we have agreed somehow between us that they shouldn't be.

quote from Douglas Adams...got it from The God Delusion.
How is calling anyone's beliefs "utterly wrong, gormless, and ridiculuous?" respecting them?  What you just said is the equivalence of "No offense but..." If I said a Christian's beliefs was "utterly wrong, gormless, and ridiculuous", how am I respecting them in any way?

Now I understand and respect one's right to free speech, but that doesn't mean that what the person is saying is right.

Bin Laden was just an example I threw out. I could be talking about abortion doctor killers, creationists, etc... Why do I have to respect the beliefs of people like that?  Why can't I judge whether someone's beliefs are wrong or not?  What level of authority would I need then?

LOL.  We have you respect other people's beliefs.  Why?  We just have to. 

Religion doesn't seem to work like that; it has certain ideas at the heart of it which we call sacred or holy or whatever. That's an idea we're so familiar with, whether we subscribe to it or not, that it's kind of odd to think what it actually means, because really what it means is 'Here is an idea or a notion that you're not allowed to say anything bad about; you're just not. Why not? — because you're not!' If somebody votes for a party that you don't agree with, you're free to argue about it as much as you like; everybody will have an argument but nobody feels aggrieved by it. If somebody thinks taxes should go up or down you are free to have an argument about it, but on the other hand if somebody says 'I mustn't move a light switch on a Saturday', you say, 'Fine, I respect that'.

Why should it be that it's perfectly legitimate to support the Labour party or the Conservative party, Republicans or Democrats, this model of economics versus that, Macintosh instead of Windows, but to have an opinion about how the Universe began, about who created the Universe, no, that's holy? What does that mean? Why do we ring-fence that for any other reason other than that we've just got used to doing so? There's no other reason at all, it's just one of those things that crept into being and once that loop gets going it's very, very powerful. So, we are used to not challenging religious ideas but it's very interesting how much of a furore Richard creates when he does it! Everybody gets absolutely frantic about it because you're not allowed to say these things. Yet when you look at it rationally there is no reason why those ideas shouldn't be as open to debate as any other, except that we have agreed somehow between us that they shouldn't be.

quote from Douglas Adams...got it from The God Delusion.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Bin Laden was just an example I threw out. I could be talking about abortion doctor killers, creationists, etc... Why do I have to respect the beliefs of people like that?  Why can't I judge whether someone's beliefs are wrong or not?  What level of authority would I need then?

You'll not get an answer from the PC police. Just "you're ignorant" and "he's trolling". Sig Heil, BTW.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Bin Laden was just an example I threw out. I could be talking about abortion doctor killers, creationists, etc... Why do I have to respect the beliefs of people like that?  Why can't I judge whether someone's beliefs are wrong or not?  What level of authority would I need then?

You'll not get an answer from the PC police. Just "you're ignorant" and "he's trolling". Sig Heil, BTW.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

How is calling anyone's beliefs "utterly wrong, gormless, and ridiculuous?" respecting them?  What you just said is the equivalence of "No offense but..." If I said a Christian's beliefs was "utterly wrong, gormless, and ridiculuous", how am I respecting them in any way?

Now I understand and respect one's right to free speech, but that doesn't mean that what the person is saying is right.

Bin Laden was just an example I threw out. I could be talking about abortion doctor killers, creationists, etc... Why do I have to respect the beliefs of people like that?  Why can't I judge whether someone's beliefs are wrong or not?  What level of authority would I need then?

LOL.  We have you respect other people's beliefs.  Why?  We just have to. 
Religion doesn't seem to work like that; it has certain ideas at the heart of it which we call sacred or holy or whatever. That's an idea we're so familiar with, whether we subscribe to it or not, that it's kind of odd to think what it actually means, because really what it means is 'Here is an idea or a notion that you're not allowed to say anything bad about; you're just not. Why not? — because you're not!' If somebody votes for a party that you don't agree with, you're free to argue about it as much as you like; everybody will have an argument but nobody feels aggrieved by it. If somebody thinks taxes should go up or down you are free to have an argument about it, but on the other hand if somebody says 'I mustn't move a light switch on a Saturday', you say, 'Fine, I respect that'.

damn how many times do you need to edit what you said to make you feel better?

In true hindu fashion I will neither call you ignorant, nor belittle you. But to align a religion that hasn't caused you any harm with terrorists on your first swing at bat does say a couple things about your character at the present.  Don't be so insecure...nobody's pressuring you to respect anyone or do anything you don't want to do.

But you kinda sound like Cartman.  

Listen...Christ is making wine, Shiva is drinking Bhang and using Cannabis...lighten up.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

How is calling anyone's beliefs "utterly wrong, gormless, and ridiculuous?" respecting them?  What you just said is the equivalence of "No offense but..." If I said a Christian's beliefs was "utterly wrong, gormless, and ridiculuous", how am I respecting them in any way?

Now I understand and respect one's right to free speech, but that doesn't mean that what the person is saying is right.

Bin Laden was just an example I threw out. I could be talking about abortion doctor killers, creationists, etc... Why do I have to respect the beliefs of people like that?  Why can't I judge whether someone's beliefs are wrong or not?  What level of authority would I need then?

LOL.  We have you respect other people's beliefs.  Why?  We just have to. 
Religion doesn't seem to work like that; it has certain ideas at the heart of it which we call sacred or holy or whatever. That's an idea we're so familiar with, whether we subscribe to it or not, that it's kind of odd to think what it actually means, because really what it means is 'Here is an idea or a notion that you're not allowed to say anything bad about; you're just not. Why not? — because you're not!' If somebody votes for a party that you don't agree with, you're free to argue about it as much as you like; everybody will have an argument but nobody feels aggrieved by it. If somebody thinks taxes should go up or down you are free to have an argument about it, but on the other hand if somebody says 'I mustn't move a light switch on a Saturday', you say, 'Fine, I respect that'.

damn how many times do you need to edit what you said to make you feel better?

In true hindu fashion I will neither call you ignorant, nor belittle you. But to align a religion that hasn't caused you any harm with terrorists on your first swing at bat does say a couple things about your character at the present.  Don't be so insecure...nobody's pressuring you to respect anyone or do anything you don't want to do.

But you kinda sound like Cartman.  

Listen...Christ is making wine, Shiva is drinking Bhang and using Cannabis...lighten up.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

How is calling anyone's beliefs "utterly wrong, gormless, and ridiculuous?" respecting them?  What you just said is the equivalence of "No offense but..." If I said a Christian's beliefs was "utterly wrong, gormless, and ridiculuous", how am I respecting them in any way?

Now I understand and respect one's right to free speech, but that doesn't mean that what the person is saying is right.

Bin Laden was just an example I threw out. I could be talking about abortion doctor killers, creationists, etc... Why do I have to respect the beliefs of people like that?  Why can't I judge whether someone's beliefs are wrong or not?  What level of authority would I need then?

LOL.  We have you respect other people's beliefs.  Why?  We just have to. 
Religion doesn't seem to work like that; it has certain ideas at the heart of it which we call sacred or holy or whatever. That's an idea we're so familiar with, whether we subscribe to it or not, that it's kind of odd to think what it actually means, because really what it means is 'Here is an idea or a notion that you're not allowed to say anything bad about; you're just not. Why not? — because you're not!' If somebody votes for a party that you don't agree with, you're free to argue about it as much as you like; everybody will have an argument but nobody feels aggrieved by it. If somebody thinks taxes should go up or down you are free to have an argument about it, but on the other hand if somebody says 'I mustn't move a light switch on a Saturday', you say, 'Fine, I respect that'.

damn how many times do you need to edit what you said to make you feel better?

In true hindu fashion I will neither call you ignorant, nor belittle you. But to align a religion that hasn't caused you any harm with terrorists on your first swing at bat does say a couple things about your character at the present.  Don't be so insecure...nobody's pressuring you to respect anyone or do anything you don't want to do.

yea...the edit thing....guess I posted too early...still had more stuff to add instead of making a new post.

I haven't said a single negative thing about Hinduism btw... So I don't know why you think I aligned Hinduism with terrorists. You're not gonna call me ignorant or belittle me....but you'll vaguely attack my character?  Right....  You didn't address any of my points....got in some attacks though...

There's just this myth that we have to respect other people's religious beliefs. Why?  Just because....
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

How is calling anyone's beliefs "utterly wrong, gormless, and ridiculuous?" respecting them?  What you just said is the equivalence of "No offense but..." If I said a Christian's beliefs was "utterly wrong, gormless, and ridiculuous", how am I respecting them in any way?

Now I understand and respect one's right to free speech, but that doesn't mean that what the person is saying is right.

Bin Laden was just an example I threw out. I could be talking about abortion doctor killers, creationists, etc... Why do I have to respect the beliefs of people like that?  Why can't I judge whether someone's beliefs are wrong or not?  What level of authority would I need then?

LOL.  We have you respect other people's beliefs.  Why?  We just have to. 
Religion doesn't seem to work like that; it has certain ideas at the heart of it which we call sacred or holy or whatever. That's an idea we're so familiar with, whether we subscribe to it or not, that it's kind of odd to think what it actually means, because really what it means is 'Here is an idea or a notion that you're not allowed to say anything bad about; you're just not. Why not? — because you're not!' If somebody votes for a party that you don't agree with, you're free to argue about it as much as you like; everybody will have an argument but nobody feels aggrieved by it. If somebody thinks taxes should go up or down you are free to have an argument about it, but on the other hand if somebody says 'I mustn't move a light switch on a Saturday', you say, 'Fine, I respect that'.

damn how many times do you need to edit what you said to make you feel better?

In true hindu fashion I will neither call you ignorant, nor belittle you. But to align a religion that hasn't caused you any harm with terrorists on your first swing at bat does say a couple things about your character at the present.  Don't be so insecure...nobody's pressuring you to respect anyone or do anything you don't want to do.

yea...the edit thing....guess I posted too early...still had more stuff to add instead of making a new post.

I haven't said a single negative thing about Hinduism btw... So I don't know why you think I aligned Hinduism with terrorists. You're not gonna call me ignorant or belittle me....but you'll vaguely attack my character?  Right....  You didn't address any of my points....got in some attacks though...

There's just this myth that we have to respect other people's religious beliefs. Why?  Just because....
"No offense, but..." is lame. I don't think your belief that you shouldn't have to respect another human being's belief system is intelligent. What's right for some is the complete opposite for others.

I have read The God Delusion, I own it. I can see it from where I'm sitting
great book, kudos. But I'm not one of those atheist. I don't support organized religion and I believe for the most part that all of it is complete $+%##%!$, but I will never say I don't respect someone's belief system. That's just me though.

@ Sig Heil

Honestly, you don't HAVE to respect other people's beliefs. It's just the decent thing to do. Why are you against it?
"No offense, but..." is lame. I don't think your belief that you shouldn't have to respect another human being's belief system is intelligent. What's right for some is the complete opposite for others.

I have read The God Delusion, I own it. I can see it from where I'm sitting
great book, kudos. But I'm not one of those atheist. I don't support organized religion and I believe for the most part that all of it is complete $+%##%!$, but I will never say I don't respect someone's belief system. That's just me though.

@ Sig Heil

Honestly, you don't HAVE to respect other people's beliefs. It's just the decent thing to do. Why are you against it?
yea your right I did belittle you a little bit..my bad...

I did address all of your points though... by telling you to just chill out

Like I said you can respect what you want to respect...no one, and def. not myself are trying to convince you of anything.

So when you say you don't respect Hinduism my assumption is that you don't respect any of the good teachings hinduism has, and what happens now is that you won't respect hindu people who base their lives on those good teachings?

Is it that you don't respect or you don't agree?

And that is probably the difference between you and I...I have friends from different religions and I respect their individual religions...why? because my friends were shaped by that religion...and they took those good teachings and the product of that is how they act and it's basically all those similar tenants that all of religions share, "be a good person", "don't steal", "don't murder". While I might not agree with certain points in each religion I can respect the good that each religion has to offer as a whole.

I respect all religions that offer a good message to people, I don't have to agree with what they teach as a whole though.

I take all the good teachings from each religion and try to implement them in my life as much as I can and I leave the rest on the floor.
yea your right I did belittle you a little bit..my bad...

I did address all of your points though... by telling you to just chill out

Like I said you can respect what you want to respect...no one, and def. not myself are trying to convince you of anything.

So when you say you don't respect Hinduism my assumption is that you don't respect any of the good teachings hinduism has, and what happens now is that you won't respect hindu people who base their lives on those good teachings?

Is it that you don't respect or you don't agree?

And that is probably the difference between you and I...I have friends from different religions and I respect their individual religions...why? because my friends were shaped by that religion...and they took those good teachings and the product of that is how they act and it's basically all those similar tenants that all of religions share, "be a good person", "don't steal", "don't murder". While I might not agree with certain points in each religion I can respect the good that each religion has to offer as a whole.

I respect all religions that offer a good message to people, I don't have to agree with what they teach as a whole though.

I take all the good teachings from each religion and try to implement them in my life as much as I can and I leave the rest on the floor.
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

"No offense, but..." is lame. I don't think your belief that you shouldn't have to respect another human being's belief system is intelligent. What's right for some is the complete opposite for others.

I have read The God Delusion, I own it. I can see it from where I'm sitting
great book, kudos. But I'm not one of those atheist. I don't support organized religion and I believe for the most part that all of it is complete $+%##%!$, but I will never say I don't respect someone's belief system. That's just me though.

@ Sig Heil

Honestly, you don't HAVE to respect other people's beliefs. It's just the decent thing to do. Why are you against it?

I've already said why I am against respecting other's beliefs when they're wrong.  You even quoted it, bolded it, and responded with a GIF to it.  Read it again and let it register this time.

Great that you can see "No offense, but..." is lame.  But it's basically what you did when you said "But as utterly wrong, gormless, and ridiculous I think your beliefs are, I still respect them and your right to state your opinion
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

"No offense, but..." is lame. I don't think your belief that you shouldn't have to respect another human being's belief system is intelligent. What's right for some is the complete opposite for others.

I have read The God Delusion, I own it. I can see it from where I'm sitting
great book, kudos. But I'm not one of those atheist. I don't support organized religion and I believe for the most part that all of it is complete $+%##%!$, but I will never say I don't respect someone's belief system. That's just me though.

@ Sig Heil

Honestly, you don't HAVE to respect other people's beliefs. It's just the decent thing to do. Why are you against it?

I've already said why I am against respecting other's beliefs when they're wrong.  You even quoted it, bolded it, and responded with a GIF to it.  Read it again and let it register this time.

Great that you can see "No offense, but..." is lame.  But it's basically what you did when you said "But as utterly wrong, gormless, and ridiculous I think your beliefs are, I still respect them and your right to state your opinion
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

"No offense, but..." is lame. I don't think your belief that you shouldn't have to respect another human being's belief system is intelligent. What's right for some is the complete opposite for others.

I have read The God Delusion, I own it. I can see it from where I'm sitting
great book, kudos. But I'm not one of those atheist. I don't support organized religion and I believe for the most part that all of it is complete $+%##%!$, but I will never say I don't respect someone's belief system. That's just me though.

@ Sig Heil

Honestly, you don't HAVE to respect other people's beliefs. It's just the decent thing to do. Why are you against it?

I've already said why I am against respecting other's beliefs when they're wrong.  You even quoted it, bolded it, and responded with a GIF to it.  Read it again and let it register this time.

Great that you can see "No offense, but..." is lame.  But it's basically what you did when you said "But as utterly wrong, gormless, and ridiculous I think your beliefs are, I still respect them and your right to state your opinion
That was all? Oh... It registered the first time I read it. I just was really dumbfounded at the statement. Not respecting someone's beliefs isn't going to change them though, no matter how detrimental you feel they may be. If anything it creates more of a barrier.

As sociopathic as my tendencies are, even I feel like it's terrible that you don't feel the need to respect others' beliefs... but to each his own *shrug*

That gormless and ridiculous thing was just me being facetious, don't mind that
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

"No offense, but..." is lame. I don't think your belief that you shouldn't have to respect another human being's belief system is intelligent. What's right for some is the complete opposite for others.

I have read The God Delusion, I own it. I can see it from where I'm sitting
great book, kudos. But I'm not one of those atheist. I don't support organized religion and I believe for the most part that all of it is complete $+%##%!$, but I will never say I don't respect someone's belief system. That's just me though.

@ Sig Heil

Honestly, you don't HAVE to respect other people's beliefs. It's just the decent thing to do. Why are you against it?

I've already said why I am against respecting other's beliefs when they're wrong.  You even quoted it, bolded it, and responded with a GIF to it.  Read it again and let it register this time.

Great that you can see "No offense, but..." is lame.  But it's basically what you did when you said "But as utterly wrong, gormless, and ridiculous I think your beliefs are, I still respect them and your right to state your opinion
That was all? Oh... It registered the first time I read it. I just was really dumbfounded at the statement. Not respecting someone's beliefs isn't going to change them though, no matter how detrimental you feel they may be. If anything it creates more of a barrier.

As sociopathic as my tendencies are, even I feel like it's terrible that you don't feel the need to respect others' beliefs... but to each his own *shrug*

That gormless and ridiculous thing was just me being facetious, don't mind that
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

yea your right I did belittle you a little bit..my bad...

I did address all of your points though... by telling you to just chill out

Like I said you can respect what you want to respect...no one, and def. not myself are trying to convince you of anything.

So when you say you don't respect Hinduism my assumption is that you don't respect any of the good teachings hinduism has, and what happens now is that you won't respect hindu people who base their lives on those good teachings?

Is it that you don't respect or you don't agree?

And that is probably the difference between you and I...I have friends from different religions and I respect their individual religions...why? because my friends were shaped by that religion...and they took those good teachings and the product of that is how they act and it's basically all those similar tenants that all of religions share, "be a good person", "don't steal", "don't murder". While I might not agree with certain points in each religion I can respect the good that each religion has to offer as a whole.

I respect all religions that offer a good message to people, I don't have to agree with what they teach as a whole though.

I take all the good teachings from each religion and try to implement them in my life as much as I can and I leave the rest on the floor.
I never even said that I don't respect Hinduism  I haven't even said anything negative about it.  So I don't know where you're getting that from.

I'm pretty sure that the concepts of being a good person, not stealing, not murdering have long existed before religion.  Religion doesn't offer anything new. 

If you don't agree with some aspects of a religion, why do you respect those aspects then? Why should you respect that religion? 
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

yea your right I did belittle you a little bit..my bad...

I did address all of your points though... by telling you to just chill out

Like I said you can respect what you want to respect...no one, and def. not myself are trying to convince you of anything.

So when you say you don't respect Hinduism my assumption is that you don't respect any of the good teachings hinduism has, and what happens now is that you won't respect hindu people who base their lives on those good teachings?

Is it that you don't respect or you don't agree?

And that is probably the difference between you and I...I have friends from different religions and I respect their individual religions...why? because my friends were shaped by that religion...and they took those good teachings and the product of that is how they act and it's basically all those similar tenants that all of religions share, "be a good person", "don't steal", "don't murder". While I might not agree with certain points in each religion I can respect the good that each religion has to offer as a whole.

I respect all religions that offer a good message to people, I don't have to agree with what they teach as a whole though.

I take all the good teachings from each religion and try to implement them in my life as much as I can and I leave the rest on the floor.
I never even said that I don't respect Hinduism  I haven't even said anything negative about it.  So I don't know where you're getting that from.

I'm pretty sure that the concepts of being a good person, not stealing, not murdering have long existed before religion.  Religion doesn't offer anything new. 

If you don't agree with some aspects of a religion, why do you respect those aspects then? Why should you respect that religion? 
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

"No offense, but..." is lame. I don't think your belief that you shouldn't have to respect another human being's belief system is intelligent. What's right for some is the complete opposite for others.

I have read The God Delusion, I own it. I can see it from where I'm sitting
great book, kudos. But I'm not one of those atheist. I don't support organized religion and I believe for the most part that all of it is complete $+%##%!$, but I will never say I don't respect someone's belief system. That's just me though.

@ Sig Heil

Honestly, you don't HAVE to respect other people's beliefs. It's just the decent thing to do. Why are you against it?

I've already said why I am against respecting other's beliefs when they're wrong.  You even quoted it, bolded it, and responded with a GIF to it.  Read it again and let it register this time.

Great that you can see "No offense, but..." is lame.  But it's basically what you did when you said "But as utterly wrong, gormless, and ridiculous I think your beliefs are, I still respect them and your right to state your opinion
That was all? Oh... It registered the first time I read it. I just was really dumbfounded at the statement. Not respecting someone's beliefs isn't going to change them though, no matter how detrimental you feel they may be. If anything it creates more of a barrier.

As sociopathic as my tendencies are, even I feel like it's terrible that you don't feel the need to respect others' beliefs... but to each his own *shrug*

That gormless and ridiculous thing was just me being facetious, don't mind that
If you respect someone or something, are you not saying that their position has some credibility to it?  Aren't you adding to its credibility by respecting it?  It's hard to change anyone's beliefs, but I'm sure as hell ain't gonna respect the beliefs of a person like Bin Laden or the Pope.

How can you say that my disrespect of someone's beliefs is more detrimental than 9/11?  I feel as if you're confusing respecting someone's right to free speech vs respecting their actual beliefs.

Do you respect the KKK's beliefs?  I hope not...
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

"No offense, but..." is lame. I don't think your belief that you shouldn't have to respect another human being's belief system is intelligent. What's right for some is the complete opposite for others.

I have read The God Delusion, I own it. I can see it from where I'm sitting
great book, kudos. But I'm not one of those atheist. I don't support organized religion and I believe for the most part that all of it is complete $+%##%!$, but I will never say I don't respect someone's belief system. That's just me though.

@ Sig Heil

Honestly, you don't HAVE to respect other people's beliefs. It's just the decent thing to do. Why are you against it?

I've already said why I am against respecting other's beliefs when they're wrong.  You even quoted it, bolded it, and responded with a GIF to it.  Read it again and let it register this time.

Great that you can see "No offense, but..." is lame.  But it's basically what you did when you said "But as utterly wrong, gormless, and ridiculous I think your beliefs are, I still respect them and your right to state your opinion
That was all? Oh... It registered the first time I read it. I just was really dumbfounded at the statement. Not respecting someone's beliefs isn't going to change them though, no matter how detrimental you feel they may be. If anything it creates more of a barrier.

As sociopathic as my tendencies are, even I feel like it's terrible that you don't feel the need to respect others' beliefs... but to each his own *shrug*

That gormless and ridiculous thing was just me being facetious, don't mind that
If you respect someone or something, are you not saying that their position has some credibility to it?  Aren't you adding to its credibility by respecting it?  It's hard to change anyone's beliefs, but I'm sure as hell ain't gonna respect the beliefs of a person like Bin Laden or the Pope.

How can you say that my disrespect of someone's beliefs is more detrimental than 9/11?  I feel as if you're confusing respecting someone's right to free speech vs respecting their actual beliefs.

Do you respect the KKK's beliefs?  I hope not...
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

"No offense, but..." is lame. I don't think your belief that you shouldn't have to respect another human being's belief system is intelligent. What's right for some is the complete opposite for others.

I have read The God Delusion, I own it. I can see it from where I'm sitting
great book, kudos. But I'm not one of those atheist. I don't support organized religion and I believe for the most part that all of it is complete $+%##%!$, but I will never say I don't respect someone's belief system. That's just me though.

@ Sig Heil

Honestly, you don't HAVE to respect other people's beliefs. It's just the decent thing to do. Why are you against it?

I've already said why I am against respecting other's beliefs when they're wrong.  You even quoted it, bolded it, and responded with a GIF to it.  Read it again and let it register this time.

Great that you can see "No offense, but..." is lame.  But it's basically what you did when you said "But as utterly wrong, gormless, and ridiculous I think your beliefs are, I still respect them and your right to state your opinion
That was all? Oh... It registered the first time I read it. I just was really dumbfounded at the statement. Not respecting someone's beliefs isn't going to change them though, no matter how detrimental you feel they may be. If anything it creates more of a barrier.

As sociopathic as my tendencies are, even I feel like it's terrible that you don't feel the need to respect others' beliefs... but to each his own *shrug*

That gormless and ridiculous thing was just me being facetious, don't mind that
If you respect someone or something, are you not saying that their position has some credibility to it?  Aren't you adding to its credibility by respecting it?  It's hard to change anyone's beliefs, but I'm sure as hell ain't gonna respect the beliefs of a person like Bin Laden or the Pope.

How can you say that my disrespect of someone's beliefs is more detrimental than 9/11?  I feel as if you're confusing respecting someone's right to free speech vs respecting their actual beliefs.

Do you respect the KKK's beliefs?  I hope not...
Use of extremes as a means of manipulating things to be in your favor... I like your style sir

By respecting someone or something, I am by no means giving credibility to it. By Webster's definition maybe, but not to myself. I respect people's right to exist and think freely. I respect their thoughts and opinions with VERY little prejudice, and for the most part when I disagree I keep it to myself unless I feel like I'm in a position to speak on it. Most of the time I simply do not care because like I said, it's another person. Their lives have little to no value to me.

I don't respect Osama or the Pope. In any way. But I'm not going to !#%@ on their beliefs. That pointless conflict, I don't need it. I will make fun of it though.

I don't even know where the 9/11 thing came from, our government did that

Do I respect the KKK's beliefs? I guess you could say I don't. But then again I'm against all forms of intolerance so eh.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

"No offense, but..." is lame. I don't think your belief that you shouldn't have to respect another human being's belief system is intelligent. What's right for some is the complete opposite for others.

I have read The God Delusion, I own it. I can see it from where I'm sitting
great book, kudos. But I'm not one of those atheist. I don't support organized religion and I believe for the most part that all of it is complete $+%##%!$, but I will never say I don't respect someone's belief system. That's just me though.

@ Sig Heil

Honestly, you don't HAVE to respect other people's beliefs. It's just the decent thing to do. Why are you against it?

I've already said why I am against respecting other's beliefs when they're wrong.  You even quoted it, bolded it, and responded with a GIF to it.  Read it again and let it register this time.

Great that you can see "No offense, but..." is lame.  But it's basically what you did when you said "But as utterly wrong, gormless, and ridiculous I think your beliefs are, I still respect them and your right to state your opinion
That was all? Oh... It registered the first time I read it. I just was really dumbfounded at the statement. Not respecting someone's beliefs isn't going to change them though, no matter how detrimental you feel they may be. If anything it creates more of a barrier.

As sociopathic as my tendencies are, even I feel like it's terrible that you don't feel the need to respect others' beliefs... but to each his own *shrug*

That gormless and ridiculous thing was just me being facetious, don't mind that
If you respect someone or something, are you not saying that their position has some credibility to it?  Aren't you adding to its credibility by respecting it?  It's hard to change anyone's beliefs, but I'm sure as hell ain't gonna respect the beliefs of a person like Bin Laden or the Pope.

How can you say that my disrespect of someone's beliefs is more detrimental than 9/11?  I feel as if you're confusing respecting someone's right to free speech vs respecting their actual beliefs.

Do you respect the KKK's beliefs?  I hope not...
Use of extremes as a means of manipulating things to be in your favor... I like your style sir

By respecting someone or something, I am by no means giving credibility to it. By Webster's definition maybe, but not to myself. I respect people's right to exist and think freely. I respect their thoughts and opinions with VERY little prejudice, and for the most part when I disagree I keep it to myself unless I feel like I'm in a position to speak on it. Most of the time I simply do not care because like I said, it's another person. Their lives have little to no value to me.

I don't respect Osama or the Pope. In any way. But I'm not going to !#%@ on their beliefs. That pointless conflict, I don't need it. I will make fun of it though.

I don't even know where the 9/11 thing came from, our government did that

Do I respect the KKK's beliefs? I guess you could say I don't. But then again I'm against all forms of intolerance so eh.
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